var util = require('util'); var path = require('path'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var compInstall = require('./component_install.js'); var fs = require('fs'); var folderMount = function folderMount(connect, point) { return connect.static(path.resolve(point)); }; var folderDir = function folderDir(connect, point){ return; } var config = require(__dirname + "/config.json"); module.exports = function(grunt){ var karmaAdapters = __dirname + "/node_modules/grunt-karma/node_modules/karma/adapter"; var appJsProd = 'app' + + ".js"; var appCssProd = 'app' + + ".css"; var indexTemplate = __dirname + '/index.html'; var base = grunt.option('targetBase'); var cmd = grunt.option('cmd').toString(); process.env.targetBase = base; var destination = grunt.option('destination'); var serverPath = grunt.option('server'); if(grunt.file.exists(base + "/index.html")){ indexTemplate = base + "/index.html"; } var ignore = ['components','dist','node_modules']; var packageJson = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); if(packageJson.compy && packageJson.compy.paths) { ignore = ignore.concat(packageJson.compy.paths); } var ignoreString = '(' + ignore.join('|') + ')'; var compyGruntConfig = { pkg: packageJson, dest: destination, targetBase: base, // this is like component.json contents for component componentConfig:{ name: '<%= %>', main: '<%= pkg.compy.main %>', author: '<%= %>', description: '<%= pkg.description %>', dependencies: '<%= pkg.compy.dependencies %>', version: '<%= pkg.version %>', license: '<%= pkg.license %>', scripts:'<%= src.scripts %>', styles: '<%= src.styles %>', images: '<%= src.images %>', fonts: '<%= src.fonts %>', templates: '<%= src.templates %>', paths: '<%= pkg.compy.paths %>', local: '<%= pkg.compy.local %>', remotes: '<%= pkg.compy.remotes %>' }, // we-re taking all sources from here src:{ scripts:[ base + '{/!'+ignoreString+'/**/*.js,/*.js}'], styles:[ base + '{/!'+ignoreString+'/**/*.css,/*.css}'], images:[ base+ '/!'+ignoreString+'/**/*.{jpg,png,gif,icn}', base+ '/*.{jpg,png,gif,icn}'], fonts:[ base+ '/!'+ignoreString+'/**/*.{ttf,eof}', base + '/*.{ttf,eof}'], templates: [ base+ '{/!'+ignoreString+'/**/*.html,/*.html}', '!' + base + '/index.html'], tests:[ base + '{/!'+ignoreString+'/**/*.spec.js,/*.spec.js}'] }, // we clean up generated source clean: { options:{force:true}, dist:['<%= dest %>'] }, // we use customized component build grunt task component_constructor:{ options:{ output:'<%= dest %>', config:'<%= componentConfig %>', base: base, sourceUrls: false }, app:{ options:{ target: 'app', standalone: grunt.option('isStandaloneLib'), configure: function(builder){ // we overwrite dependencies to be able to hot component reload while watch var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); if(pkg.compy.dependencies){ builder.config.dependencies = pkg.compy.dependencies; } ignoreSources(builder.config, grunt.config('src.tests')); usePlugins(base, builder); } } }, test: { options:{ configure: function(builder){ // we overwrite dependencies to be able to hot component reload while watch var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); if(pkg.compy.dependencies){ builder.config.dependencies = pkg.compy.dependencies; } ignoreSources(builder.config); usePlugins(base, builder); } } }, styles_dev: { options:{ name: 'app', assetType: 'styles', configure: function(builder){ // we overwrite dependencies to be able to hot component reload while watch var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); if(pkg.compy.dependencies){ builder.config.dependencies = pkg.compy.dependencies; } ignoreSources(builder.config); usePlugins(base, builder); } } }, scripts_dev: { options:{ name: 'app', assetType: 'scripts', configure: function(builder){ // we overwrite dependencies to be able to hot component reload while watch var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); if(pkg.compy.dependencies){ builder.config.dependencies = pkg.compy.dependencies; } ignoreSources(builder.config); usePlugins(base, builder); } } }, templates_dev: { options:{ name: 'app', assetType: 'templates', configure: function(builder){ // we overwrite dependencies to be able to hot component reload while watch var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); if(pkg.compy.dependencies){ builder.config.dependencies = pkg.compy.dependencies; } ignoreSources(builder.config); usePlugins(base, builder); } } } }, watch: { options:{ livereload: config.livereloadPort, nospawn: true }, // we watch sources independantly, but that doesn't makes much sense js: { files: '<%= src.scripts %>', tasks: ['component_constructor:scripts_dev','concat:dist'] }, css:{ files: '<%= src.styles %>', tasks: ['component_constructor:app', 'concat:dist'] }, html:{ files: '<%= src.templates %>', tasks: ['component_constructor:templates_dev','concat:dist'] } }, connect: { options: { port: 8080, base: '<%= dest %>', hostname: null, }, server:{ options: { keepalive: false, middleware: function(connect, options){ return [ require('connect-livereload')({port:config.livereloadPort}), folderMount(connect, destination), folderDir(connect, destination)] } } }, alive:{ options: { keepalive: true, } } }, // preprocess used to build proper index.html preprocess:{ html:{ options:{ context:{ name: '<%= %>', main: '<%= pkg.compy.main %>', description: '<%= pkg.description %>', title: '<%= pkg.title %>', appdest: 'app.js', appcss: 'app.css' } }, src: indexTemplate, dest:'<%= dest %>/index.html' }, build:{ options:{ context:{ name: '<%= %>', main: '<%= pkg.compy.main %>', description: '<%= pkg.description %>', title: '<%= pkg.title %>', appdest: appJsProd, appcss: appCssProd } }, src: indexTemplate, dest:'<%= dest %>/index.html' } }, // concat is used to add component runner to the app concat: { dist: { src: ['<%= dest %>/app.js', __dirname + '/tmpl/runner.js'], dest: '<%= dest%>/app.js' } }, uglify: { build: { src: ['<%= dest%>/app.js'], dest: '<%= dest%>/' + appJsProd } }, cssmin: { build: { src: ['<%= dest%>/app.css'], dest: '<%= dest%>/' + appCssProd } }, karma: { unit: { autoWatch:false, browsers:["PhantomJS"], colors: true, configFile: __dirname + '/tmpl/karma.config.js', reporters:['dots'], singleRun: true } } } var matchPlugins = require('./component-plugins-matching.js'); matchPlugins(compyGruntConfig, getPlugins(base)); function usePlugins(baseDir, builder){ var plugins = getPlugins(baseDir); plugins.forEach(function(plugin){ var pluginModule = require(baseDir + "/node_modules/" + plugin); if(matchPlugins.config[plugin] && matchPlugins.config[plugin].run){ return matchPlugins.config[plugin].run(pluginModule, builder); } builder.use(pluginModule); }) } /* * getPlugins is getting plugins from users project node_modules folder */ function getPlugins(baseDir){ var componentPlugins = []; if(!fs.existsSync(baseDir + "/node_modules")) return componentPlugins; var nodeModules = fs.readdirSync(baseDir + "/node_modules"); nodeModules.forEach(function(module){ if(!/^component-/.test(module)) return; componentPlugins.push(module); }); return componentPlugins; } // this dark magic allows to extend Gruntfiles if(grunt.file.exists(base + '/Gruntfile.js')){ var innerGruntfile = require(base + '/Gruntfile.js'); var oldInit = grunt.initConfig; var pseudoGrunt = grunt; pseudoGrunt.initConfig = initConfig; function initConfig(configObject){ for(var key in configObject){ compyGruntConfig[key] = configObject[key]; }, compyGruntConfig); } innerGruntfile(pseudoGrunt); var oldReg = grunt.registerTask grunt.registerTask = function(){ if(grunt.task._tasks[arguments[0]]) return; oldReg.apply(this, arguments); } }else{ grunt.initConfig(compyGruntConfig); } function ignoreSources(config, ignorePatterns){ ['images','fonts','scripts','styles','templates'].forEach(function(asset){ <<<<<<< Updated upstream var ignore = ['components','dist','node_modules']; ======= >>>>>>> Stashed changes var testFor = new RegExp('^(' + ignore.join('|') + ')\\/'); var ignoreFiles = []; if(ignorePatterns){ ignoreFiles = ignoreFiles.concat(grunt.file.expand(ignorePatterns)); } var remap = []; if(!config[asset]) return; config[asset].forEach(function(filepath){ if(!!~ignoreFiles.indexOf(filepath)) return; var relPath = path.relative(base, filepath); if(testFor.test(relPath)) return; remap.push(relPath.replace(/\\/g,"/"));// windows hackin }) config[asset] = remap; }) } if(!!~['build','compile','server','test','watch'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-component-constructor/tasks'); if(!!~['server'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-contrib-connect/tasks'); if(!!~['server','watch'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-contrib-watch/tasks'); if(!!~['build','compile'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-contrib-clean/tasks'); if(!!~['build','compile'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-preprocess/tasks'); if(!!~['build','compile','server'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-contrib-concat/tasks'); if(!!~['build'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-contrib-uglify/tasks'); if(!!~['build'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-contrib-cssmin/tasks'); if(!!~['test'].indexOf(cmd)) grunt.loadTasks(__dirname + '/node_modules/grunt-karma/tasks'); grunt.registerTask('install', 'Install component', function(){ var config = grunt.config('componentConfig'); ['images','fonts','scripts','styles','templates'].forEach(function(asset){ if(config[asset]){ config[asset] = grunt.file.expand(config[asset]); } }); var done = this.async(); ignoreSources(config); var args = []; var pkgCheck = process.argv.slice(-1)[0].split(':'); if(pkgCheck.length > 1){ pkgCheck.shift(); args = args.concat(pkgCheck); } if(!config.dependencies) config.dependencies = {}; compInstall(config, {args: args, out: base + "/components", force: grunt.option('force')}, installed); function installed(err, deps){ if(args.length === 0) return done(); var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(base + '/package.json'); pkg.compy.dependencies = deps; grunt.file.write(base + '/package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)); done(); } }) grunt.registerTask('generate-tests-runner', function(){ var specFiles = grunt.config('src.tests'); specFiles = grunt.file.expand(specFiles); var source = ""; specFiles.forEach(function(file){ var runModule = [path.basename(base), path.relative(base, file)].join('/'); source += "require('"+runModule+"');\n"; }); grunt.file.write(path.normalize(base + '/' + grunt.config('dest') + "/runner.js"), source); }) grunt.registerTask('server', 'run server', function(arg){ if(arg =="watch"){ serverPath ? require(serverPath) :'connect:server'); return'watch'); }else{ serverPath ? require(serverPath) :'connect:alive'); } }); grunt.registerTask('compy-compile', ['clean:dist', 'component_constructor:app','concat:dist','preprocess:html']); grunt.registerTask('compy-build', ['clean:dist', 'component_constructor:app','concat:dist','preprocess:build', 'uglify', 'cssmin']); grunt.registerTask('compy-test', ['clean:dist', 'component_constructor:test','generate-tests-runner' ,'karma']) grunt.registerTask('compile', ['compy-compile']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['compy-build']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['compy-test']); grunt.registerTask('default', ['compile']); }