type BoxBorderStyle = { /** * Top left corner * @example `┌` * @example `╔` * @example `╓` */ tl: string; /** * Top right corner * @example `┐` * @example `╗` * @example `╖` */ tr: string; /** * Bottom left corner * @example `└` * @example `╚` * @example `╙` */ bl: string; /** * Bottom right corner * @example `┘` * @example `╝` * @example `╜` */ br: string; /** * Horizontal line * @example `─` * @example `═` * @example `─` */ h: string; /** * Vertical line * @example `│` * @example `║` * @example `║` */ v: string; }; declare const boxStylePresets: Record; type BoxStyle = { /** * The border color * @default 'white' */ borderColor: "black" | "red" | "green" | "yellow" | "blue" | "magenta" | "cyan" | "white" | "gray" | "blackBright" | "redBright" | "greenBright" | "yellowBright" | "blueBright" | "magentaBright" | "cyanBright" | "whiteBright"; /** * The border style * @default 'solid' * @example 'single-double-rounded' * @example * ```ts * { * tl: '┌', * tr: '┐', * bl: '└', * br: '┘', * h: '─', * v: '│', * } * ``` */ borderStyle: BoxBorderStyle | keyof typeof boxStylePresets; /** * The vertical alignment of the text * @default 'center' */ valign: "top" | "center" | "bottom"; /** * The padding of the box * @default 2 */ padding: number; /** * The left margin of the box * @default 1 */ marginLeft: number; /** * The top margin of the box * @default 1 */ marginTop: number; /** * The top margin of the box * @default 1 */ marginBottom: number; }; /** * The border options of the box */ type BoxOpts = { /** * Title that will be displayed on top of the box * @example 'Hello World' * @example 'Hello {name}' */ title?: string; style?: Partial; }; declare function box(text: string, _opts?: BoxOpts): string; /** * Based on https://github.com/jorgebucaran/colorette * Read LICENSE file for more information * https://github.com/jorgebucaran/colorette/blob/20fc196d07d0f87c61e0256eadd7831c79b24108/index.js */ declare const colorDefs: { reset: (string: string) => string; bold: (string: string) => string; dim: (string: string) => string; italic: (string: string) => string; underline: (string: string) => string; inverse: (string: string) => string; hidden: (string: string) => string; strikethrough: (string: string) => string; black: (string: string) => string; red: (string: string) => string; green: (string: string) => string; yellow: (string: string) => string; blue: (string: string) => string; magenta: (string: string) => string; cyan: (string: string) => string; white: (string: string) => string; gray: (string: string) => string; bgBlack: (string: string) => string; bgRed: (string: string) => string; bgGreen: (string: string) => string; bgYellow: (string: string) => string; bgBlue: (string: string) => string; bgMagenta: (string: string) => string; bgCyan: (string: string) => string; bgWhite: (string: string) => string; blackBright: (string: string) => string; redBright: (string: string) => string; greenBright: (string: string) => string; yellowBright: (string: string) => string; blueBright: (string: string) => string; magentaBright: (string: string) => string; cyanBright: (string: string) => string; whiteBright: (string: string) => string; bgBlackBright: (string: string) => string; bgRedBright: (string: string) => string; bgGreenBright: (string: string) => string; bgYellowBright: (string: string) => string; bgBlueBright: (string: string) => string; bgMagentaBright: (string: string) => string; bgCyanBright: (string: string) => string; bgWhiteBright: (string: string) => string; }; type ColorName = keyof typeof colorDefs; type ColorFunction = (text: string | number) => string; declare const colors: Record<"reset" | "bold" | "dim" | "italic" | "underline" | "inverse" | "hidden" | "strikethrough" | "black" | "red" | "green" | "yellow" | "blue" | "magenta" | "cyan" | "white" | "gray" | "bgBlack" | "bgRed" | "bgGreen" | "bgYellow" | "bgBlue" | "bgMagenta" | "bgCyan" | "bgWhite" | "blackBright" | "redBright" | "greenBright" | "yellowBright" | "blueBright" | "magentaBright" | "cyanBright" | "whiteBright" | "bgBlackBright" | "bgRedBright" | "bgGreenBright" | "bgYellowBright" | "bgBlueBright" | "bgMagentaBright" | "bgCyanBright" | "bgWhiteBright", ColorFunction>; declare function getColor(color: ColorName, fallback?: ColorName): ColorFunction; declare function colorize(color: ColorName, text: string | number): string; declare function stripAnsi(text: string): string; declare function centerAlign(str: string, len: number, space?: string): string; declare function rightAlign(str: string, len: number, space?: string): string; declare function leftAlign(str: string, len: number, space?: string): string; declare function align(alignment: "left" | "right" | "center", str: string, len: number, space?: string): string; export { BoxBorderStyle, BoxOpts, BoxStyle, ColorFunction, ColorName, align, box, centerAlign, colorize, colors, getColor, leftAlign, rightAlign, stripAnsi };