import type { DefaultElements, ISO8601Timestamp, Link, MakeRequest } from '../common-types'; import type { AsyncActionProcessingOptions } from '../methods/action'; type ReleaseActionStatuses = 'created' | 'inProgress' | 'failed' | 'succeeded'; export type ReleaseActionTypes = 'publish' | 'unpublish' | 'validate'; export type ReleaseActionSysProps = { id: string; type: 'ReleaseAction'; space: Link<'Space'>; environment: Link<'Environment'>; release: Link<'Release'>; status: ReleaseActionStatuses; createdBy: Link<'User'>; createdAt: ISO8601Timestamp; updatedBy: Link<'User'>; updatedAt: ISO8601Timestamp; }; /** The object returned by the Releases API */ export interface ReleaseActionProps { action: T; sys: ReleaseActionSysProps; } export interface ReleaseActionQueryOptions { /** Find Release Actions by using a comma-separated list of Ids */ '[in]'?: string; '[in]'?: string; 'sys.status[in]'?: string; 'sys.status[nin]'?: string; action?: ReleaseActionTypes; /** Get unique results by this field. Currently supports `` */ uniqueBy?: string; /** @default -sys.updatedAt */ order?: string; /** * Limit of how many records are returned in the query result * @default 100 * */ limit?: number; } export interface ReleaseActionApiMethods { /** Performs a new GET request and returns the wrapper Release */ get(): ReleaseAction; /** Waits until the Release Action has either succeeded or failed */ waitProcessing(options?: AsyncActionProcessingOptions): ReleaseAction; } export interface ReleaseAction extends ReleaseActionProps, ReleaseActionApiMethods, DefaultElements> { } /** * @private * @param makeRequest - function to make requests via an adapter * @param data - Raw Release data * @return Wrapped Release data */ export declare function wrapReleaseAction(makeRequest: MakeRequest, data: ReleaseActionProps): ReleaseAction; /** * @private */ export declare const wrapReleaseActionCollection: (makeRequest: MakeRequest, data: import("../common-types").CollectionProp>) => import("../common-types").Collection, ReleaseActionProps>; export {};