Synopsis cordova-cli run [MODE] [BUILDOPTS] [TARGET] [PLATS] [BUILDCONFIG] [-- POPTS] MODE: --list|--debug|--release BUILDOPTS: --noprepare --nobuild TARGET: DEVICECLASS|--target=FOO PLATS: PLATFORM [...] BUILDCONFIG: --buildConfig=CONFIGFILE POPTS: platformopts DEVICECLASS: --device|--emulator Deploys app on specified platform devices / emulators --list ............................. Lists available targets Will display both device and emulator unless DEVICECLASS option is provided --debug ............................ Deploy a debug build --release .......................... Deploy a release build --noprepare ........................ Don't prepare --nobuild .......................... Don't build --device ........................... Deploy to a device --emulator ......................... Deploy to an emulator --target ........................... Deploy to a specific target --buildConfig....................... Use the specified build configuration instead of default build.json --browserify ....................... Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime. To provide platform specific options, you must include them after `--`. Technical details calls cordova prepare (unless --noprepare) calls PLATFORM run PLATFORM run calls PLATFORM build (unless --nobuild) Examples cordova-cli run android --release --buildConfig=..\myBuildConfig.json --target=myEmulator cordova-cli run android --nobuild cordova-cli run ios --device cordova-cli run ios --list