'use strict'; var stream = require('stream'); class CsvError extends Error { constructor(code, message, ...contexts) { if(Array.isArray(message)) message = message.join(' '); super(message); if(Error.captureStackTrace !== undefined){ Error.captureStackTrace(this, CsvError); } this.code = code; for(const context of contexts){ for(const key in context){ const value = context[key]; this[key] = Buffer.isBuffer(value) ? value.toString() : value == null ? value : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); } } } } const is_object = function(obj){ return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && ! Array.isArray(obj); }; // Lodash implementation of `get` const charCodeOfDot = '.'.charCodeAt(0); const reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; const rePropName = RegExp( // Match anything that isn't a dot or bracket. '[^.[\\]]+' + '|' + // Or match property names within brackets. '\\[(?:' + // Match a non-string expression. '([^"\'][^[]*)' + '|' + // Or match strings (supports escaping characters). '(["\'])((?:(?!\\2)[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?)\\2' + ')\\]'+ '|' + // Or match "" as the space between consecutive dots or empty brackets. '(?=(?:\\.|\\[\\])(?:\\.|\\[\\]|$))' , 'g'); const reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/; const reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/; const getTag = function(value){ return Object.prototype.toString.call(value); }; const isSymbol = function(value){ const type = typeof value; return type === 'symbol' || (type === 'object' && value && getTag(value) === '[object Symbol]'); }; const isKey = function(value, object){ if(Array.isArray(value)){ return false; } const type = typeof value; if(type === 'number' || type === 'symbol' || type === 'boolean' || !value || isSymbol(value)){ return true; } return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || (object != null && value in Object(object)); }; const stringToPath = function(string){ const result = []; if(string.charCodeAt(0) === charCodeOfDot){ result.push(''); } string.replace(rePropName, function(match, expression, quote, subString){ let key = match; if(quote){ key = subString.replace(reEscapeChar, '$1'); }else if(expression){ key = expression.trim(); } result.push(key); }); return result; }; const castPath = function(value, object){ if(Array.isArray(value)){ return value; } else { return isKey(value, object) ? [value] : stringToPath(value); } }; const toKey = function(value){ if(typeof value === 'string' || isSymbol(value)) return value; const result = `${value}`; // eslint-disable-next-line return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result; }; const get = function(object, path){ path = castPath(path, object); let index = 0; const length = path.length; while(object != null && index < length){ object = object[toKey(path[index++])]; } return (index && index === length) ? object : undefined; }; const normalize_columns = function(columns){ if(columns === undefined || columns === null){ return [undefined, undefined]; } if(typeof columns !== 'object'){ return [Error('Invalid option "columns": expect an array or an object')]; } if(!Array.isArray(columns)){ const newcolumns = []; for(const k in columns){ newcolumns.push({ key: k, header: columns[k] }); } columns = newcolumns; }else { const newcolumns = []; for(const column of columns){ if(typeof column === 'string'){ newcolumns.push({ key: column, header: column }); }else if(typeof column === 'object' && column !== null && !Array.isArray(column)){ if(!column.key){ return [Error('Invalid column definition: property "key" is required')]; } if(column.header === undefined){ column.header = column.key; } newcolumns.push(column); }else { return [Error('Invalid column definition: expect a string or an object')]; } } columns = newcolumns; } return [undefined, columns]; }; const underscore = function(str){ return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(_, match){ return '_' + match.toLowerCase(); }); }; const normalize_options = function(opts) { const options = {}; // Merge with user options for(const opt in opts){ options[underscore(opt)] = opts[opt]; } // Normalize option `bom` if(options.bom === undefined || options.bom === null || options.bom === false){ options.bom = false; }else if(options.bom !== true){ return [new CsvError('CSV_OPTION_BOOLEAN_INVALID_TYPE', [ 'option `bom` is optional and must be a boolean value,', `got ${JSON.stringify(options.bom)}` ])]; } // Normalize option `delimiter` if(options.delimiter === undefined || options.delimiter === null){ options.delimiter = ','; }else if(Buffer.isBuffer(options.delimiter)){ options.delimiter = options.delimiter.toString(); }else if(typeof options.delimiter !== 'string'){ return [new CsvError('CSV_OPTION_DELIMITER_INVALID_TYPE', [ 'option `delimiter` must be a buffer or a string,', `got ${JSON.stringify(options.delimiter)}` ])]; } // Normalize option `quote` if(options.quote === undefined || options.quote === null){ options.quote = '"'; }else if(options.quote === true){ options.quote = '"'; }else if(options.quote === false){ options.quote = ''; }else if (Buffer.isBuffer(options.quote)){ options.quote = options.quote.toString(); }else if(typeof options.quote !== 'string'){ return [new CsvError('CSV_OPTION_QUOTE_INVALID_TYPE', [ 'option `quote` must be a boolean, a buffer or a string,', `got ${JSON.stringify(options.quote)}` ])]; } // Normalize option `quoted` if(options.quoted === undefined || options.quoted === null){ options.quoted = false; } // Normalize option `escape_formulas` if(options.escape_formulas === undefined || options.escape_formulas === null){ options.escape_formulas = false; }else if(typeof options.escape_formulas !== 'boolean'){ return [new CsvError('CSV_OPTION_ESCAPE_FORMULAS_INVALID_TYPE', [ 'option `escape_formulas` must be a boolean,', `got ${JSON.stringify(options.escape_formulas)}` ])]; } // Normalize option `quoted_empty` if(options.quoted_empty === undefined || options.quoted_empty === null){ options.quoted_empty = undefined; } // Normalize option `quoted_match` if(options.quoted_match === undefined || options.quoted_match === null || options.quoted_match === false){ options.quoted_match = null; }else if(!Array.isArray(options.quoted_match)){ options.quoted_match = [options.quoted_match]; } if(options.quoted_match){ for(const quoted_match of options.quoted_match){ const isString = typeof quoted_match === 'string'; const isRegExp = quoted_match instanceof RegExp; if(!isString && !isRegExp){ return [Error(`Invalid Option: quoted_match must be a string or a regex, got ${JSON.stringify(quoted_match)}`)]; } } } // Normalize option `quoted_string` if(options.quoted_string === undefined || options.quoted_string === null){ options.quoted_string = false; } // Normalize option `eof` if(options.eof === undefined || options.eof === null){ options.eof = true; } // Normalize option `escape` if(options.escape === undefined || options.escape === null){ options.escape = '"'; }else if(Buffer.isBuffer(options.escape)){ options.escape = options.escape.toString(); }else if(typeof options.escape !== 'string'){ return [Error(`Invalid Option: escape must be a buffer or a string, got ${JSON.stringify(options.escape)}`)]; } if (options.escape.length > 1){ return [Error(`Invalid Option: escape must be one character, got ${options.escape.length} characters`)]; } // Normalize option `header` if(options.header === undefined || options.header === null){ options.header = false; } // Normalize option `columns` const [errColumns, columns] = normalize_columns(options.columns); if(errColumns !== undefined) return [errColumns]; options.columns = columns; // Normalize option `quoted` if(options.quoted === undefined || options.quoted === null){ options.quoted = false; } // Normalize option `cast` if(options.cast === undefined || options.cast === null){ options.cast = {}; } // Normalize option cast.bigint if(options.cast.bigint === undefined || options.cast.bigint === null){ // Cast boolean to string by default options.cast.bigint = value => '' + value; } // Normalize option cast.boolean if(options.cast.boolean === undefined || options.cast.boolean === null){ // Cast boolean to string by default options.cast.boolean = value => value ? '1' : ''; } // Normalize option cast.date if(options.cast.date === undefined || options.cast.date === null){ // Cast date to timestamp string by default options.cast.date = value => '' + value.getTime(); } // Normalize option cast.number if(options.cast.number === undefined || options.cast.number === null){ // Cast number to string using native casting by default options.cast.number = value => '' + value; } // Normalize option cast.object if(options.cast.object === undefined || options.cast.object === null){ // Stringify object as JSON by default options.cast.object = value => JSON.stringify(value); } // Normalize option cast.string if(options.cast.string === undefined || options.cast.string === null){ // Leave string untouched options.cast.string = function(value){return value;}; } // Normalize option `on_record` if(options.on_record !== undefined && typeof options.on_record !== 'function'){ return [Error(`Invalid Option: "on_record" must be a function.`)]; } // Normalize option `record_delimiter` if(options.record_delimiter === undefined || options.record_delimiter === null){ options.record_delimiter = '\n'; }else if(Buffer.isBuffer(options.record_delimiter)){ options.record_delimiter = options.record_delimiter.toString(); }else if(typeof options.record_delimiter !== 'string'){ return [Error(`Invalid Option: record_delimiter must be a buffer or a string, got ${JSON.stringify(options.record_delimiter)}`)]; } switch(options.record_delimiter){ case 'unix': options.record_delimiter = "\n"; break; case 'mac': options.record_delimiter = "\r"; break; case 'windows': options.record_delimiter = "\r\n"; break; case 'ascii': options.record_delimiter = "\u001e"; break; case 'unicode': options.record_delimiter = "\u2028"; break; } return [undefined, options]; }; const bom_utf8 = Buffer.from([239, 187, 191]); const stringifier = function(options, state, info){ return { options: options, state: state, info: info, __transform: function(chunk, push){ // Chunk validation if(!Array.isArray(chunk) && typeof chunk !== 'object'){ return Error(`Invalid Record: expect an array or an object, got ${JSON.stringify(chunk)}`); } // Detect columns from the first record if(this.info.records === 0){ if(Array.isArray(chunk)){ if(this.options.header === true && this.options.columns === undefined){ return Error('Undiscoverable Columns: header option requires column option or object records'); } }else if(this.options.columns === undefined){ const [err, columns] = normalize_columns(Object.keys(chunk)); if(err) return; this.options.columns = columns; } } // Emit the header if(this.info.records === 0){ this.bom(push); const err = this.headers(push); if(err) return err; } // Emit and stringify the record if an object or an array try{ // this.emit('record', chunk, this.info.records); if(this.options.on_record){ this.options.on_record(chunk, this.info.records); } }catch(err){ return err; } // Convert the record into a string let err, chunk_string; if(this.options.eof){ [err, chunk_string] = this.stringify(chunk); if(err) return err; if(chunk_string === undefined){ return; }else { chunk_string = chunk_string + this.options.record_delimiter; } }else { [err, chunk_string] = this.stringify(chunk); if(err) return err; if(chunk_string === undefined){ return; }else { if(this.options.header || this.info.records){ chunk_string = this.options.record_delimiter + chunk_string; } } } // Emit the csv this.info.records++; push(chunk_string); }, stringify: function(chunk, chunkIsHeader=false){ if(typeof chunk !== 'object'){ return [undefined, chunk]; } const {columns} = this.options; const record = []; // Record is an array if(Array.isArray(chunk)){ // We are getting an array but the user has specified output columns. In // this case, we respect the columns indexes if(columns){ chunk.splice(columns.length); } // Cast record elements for(let i=0; i { if(typeof quoted_match === 'string'){ return value.indexOf(quoted_match) !== -1; }else { return quoted_match.test(value); } }); quotedMatch = quotedMatch && quotedMatch.length > 0; const shouldQuote = quotedMatch || true === quoted_empty || (true === quoted_string && false !== quoted_empty); if(shouldQuote === true){ value = quote + value + quote; } csvrecord += value; }else if(value){ if(typeof value !== 'string'){ return [Error(`Formatter must return a string, null or undefined, got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`)]; } const containsdelimiter = delimiter.length && value.indexOf(delimiter) >= 0; const containsQuote = (quote !== '') && value.indexOf(quote) >= 0; const containsEscape = value.indexOf(escape) >= 0 && (escape !== quote); const containsRecordDelimiter = value.indexOf(record_delimiter) >= 0; const quotedString = quoted_string && typeof field === 'string'; let quotedMatch = quoted_match && quoted_match.filter(quoted_match => { if(typeof quoted_match === 'string'){ return value.indexOf(quoted_match) !== -1; }else { return quoted_match.test(value); } }); quotedMatch = quotedMatch && quotedMatch.length > 0; // See https://github.com/adaltas/node-csv/pull/387 // More about CSV injection or formula injection, when websites embed // untrusted input inside CSV files: // https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/CSV_Injection // http://georgemauer.net/2017/10/07/csv-injection.html // Apple Numbers unicode normalization is empirical from testing if (escape_formulas) { switch (value[0]) { case '=': case '+': case '-': case '@': case '\t': case '\r': case '\uFF1D': // Unicode '=' case '\uFF0B': // Unicode '+' case '\uFF0D': // Unicode '-' case '\uFF20': // Unicode '@' value = `'${value}`; break; } } const shouldQuote = containsQuote === true || containsdelimiter || containsRecordDelimiter || quoted || quotedString || quotedMatch; if(shouldQuote === true && containsEscape === true){ const regexp = escape === '\\' ? new RegExp(escape + escape, 'g') : new RegExp(escape, 'g'); value = value.replace(regexp, escape + escape); } if(containsQuote === true){ const regexp = new RegExp(quote,'g'); value = value.replace(regexp, escape + quote); } if(shouldQuote === true){ value = quote + value + quote; } csvrecord += value; }else if(quoted_empty === true || (field === '' && quoted_string === true && quoted_empty !== false)){ csvrecord += quote + quote; } if(i !== record.length - 1){ csvrecord += delimiter; } } return [undefined, csvrecord]; }, bom: function(push){ if(this.options.bom !== true){ return; } push(bom_utf8); }, headers: function(push){ if(this.options.header === false){ return; } if(this.options.columns === undefined){ return; } let err; let headers = this.options.columns.map(column => column.header); if(this.options.eof){ [err, headers] = this.stringify(headers, true); headers += this.options.record_delimiter; }else { [err, headers] = this.stringify(headers); } if(err) return err; push(headers); }, __cast: function(value, context){ const type = typeof value; try{ if(type === 'string'){ // Fine for 99% of the cases return [undefined, this.options.cast.string(value, context)]; }else if(type === 'bigint'){ return [undefined, this.options.cast.bigint(value, context)]; }else if(type === 'number'){ return [undefined, this.options.cast.number(value, context)]; }else if(type === 'boolean'){ return [undefined, this.options.cast.boolean(value, context)]; }else if(value instanceof Date){ return [undefined, this.options.cast.date(value, context)]; }else if(type === 'object' && value !== null){ return [undefined, this.options.cast.object(value, context)]; }else { return [undefined, value, value]; } }catch(err){ return [err]; } } }; }; class Stringifier extends stream.Transform { constructor(opts = {}){ super({...{writableObjectMode: true}, ...opts}); const [err, options] = normalize_options(opts); if(err !== undefined) throw err; // Expose options this.options = options; // Internal state this.state = { stop: false }; // Information this.info = { records: 0 }; this.api = stringifier(this.options, this.state, this.info); this.api.options.on_record = (...args) => { this.emit('record', ...args); }; } _transform(chunk, encoding, callback){ if(this.state.stop === true){ return; } const err = this.api.__transform(chunk, this.push.bind(this)); if(err !== undefined){ this.state.stop = true; } callback(err); } _flush(callback){ if(this.state.stop === true){ // Note, Node.js 12 call flush even after an error, we must prevent // `callback` from being called in flush without any error. return; } if(this.info.records === 0){ this.api.bom(this.push.bind(this)); const err = this.api.headers(this.push.bind(this)); if(err) callback(err); } callback(); } } const stringify = function(){ let data, options, callback; for(const i in arguments){ const argument = arguments[i]; const type = typeof argument; if(data === undefined && (Array.isArray(argument))){ data = argument; }else if(options === undefined && is_object(argument)){ options = argument; }else if(callback === undefined && type === 'function'){ callback = argument; }else { throw new CsvError('CSV_INVALID_ARGUMENT', [ 'Invalid argument:', `got ${JSON.stringify(argument)} at index ${i}` ]); } } const stringifier = new Stringifier(options); if(callback){ const chunks = []; stringifier.on('readable', function(){ let chunk; while((chunk = this.read()) !== null){ chunks.push(chunk); } }); stringifier.on('error', function(err){ callback(err); }); stringifier.on('end', function(){ try { callback(undefined, chunks.join('')); } catch (err) { // This can happen if the `chunks` is extremely long; it may throw // "Cannot create a string longer than 0x1fffffe8 characters" // See [#386](https://github.com/adaltas/node-csv/pull/386) callback(err); return; } }); } if(data !== undefined){ const writer = function(){ for(const record of data){ stringifier.write(record); } stringifier.end(); }; // Support Deno, Rollup doesnt provide a shim for setImmediate if(typeof setImmediate === 'function'){ setImmediate(writer); }else { setTimeout(writer, 0); } } return stringifier; }; exports.CsvError = CsvError; exports.Stringifier = Stringifier; exports.stringify = stringify;