import {assertFile, testFilePath} from './helper'; import {CsvWriter} from '../lib/csv-writer'; import {writeFileSync} from 'fs'; import {createArrayCsvWriter} from '../index'; describe('Write array records into CSV', () => { const makeFilePath = (id: string) => testFilePath(`array-${id}`); const records = [ ['Bob', 'French'], ['Mary', 'English'] ]; describe('When only path is specified', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('minimum'); let writer: CsvWriter; beforeEach(() => { writer = createArrayCsvWriter({path: filePath}); }); it('writes records to a new file', async () => { await writer.writeRecords(records); assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\nMary,English\n'); }); it('appends records when requested to write to the same file', async () => { await writer.writeRecords([records[0]]); await writer.writeRecords([records[1]]); assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\nMary,English\n'); }); }); describe('When field header is given', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('header'); let writer: CsvWriter; beforeEach(() => { writer = createArrayCsvWriter({ path: filePath, header: ['NAME', 'LANGUAGE'] }); }); it('writes a header', async () => { await writer.writeRecords(records); assertFile(filePath, 'NAME,LANGUAGE\nBob,French\nMary,English\n'); }); it('appends records without headers', async () => { await writer.writeRecords([records[0]]); await writer.writeRecords([records[1]]); assertFile(filePath, 'NAME,LANGUAGE\nBob,French\nMary,English\n'); }); }); describe('When `append` flag is specified', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('append'); writeFileSync(filePath, 'Mike,German\n', 'utf8'); const writer = createArrayCsvWriter({ path: filePath, append: true }); it('do not overwrite the existing contents and appends records to them', async () => { await writer.writeRecords([records[1]]); assertFile(filePath, 'Mike,German\nMary,English\n'); }); }); describe('When encoding is specified', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('encoding'); const writer = createArrayCsvWriter({ path: filePath, encoding: 'utf16le' }); it('writes to a file with the specified encoding', async () => { await writer.writeRecords(records); assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\nMary,English\n', 'utf16le'); }); }); describe('When semicolon is specified as a field delimiter', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('field-delimiter'); const writer = createArrayCsvWriter({ path: filePath, header: ['NAME', 'LANGUAGE'], fieldDelimiter: ';' }); it('uses semicolon instead of comma to separate fields', async () => { await writer.writeRecords(records); assertFile(filePath, 'NAME;LANGUAGE\nBob;French\nMary;English\n'); }); }); describe('When newline is specified', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('newline'); const writer = createArrayCsvWriter({ path: filePath, recordDelimiter: '\r\n' }); it('writes to a file with the specified newline character', async () => { await writer.writeRecords(records); assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\r\nMary,English\r\n'); }); }); describe('When `alwaysQuote` flag is set', () => { const filePath = makeFilePath('always-quote'); const writer = createArrayCsvWriter({ path: filePath, header: ['NAME', 'LANGUAGE'], alwaysQuote: true }); it('quotes all fields', async () => { await writer.writeRecords(records); assertFile(filePath, '"NAME","LANGUAGE"\n"Bob","French"\n"Mary","English"\n'); }); }); });