import ParameterTypeRegistry from "./ParameterTypeRegistry"; import ParameterTypeMatcher from "./ParameterTypeMatcher"; import ParameterType from "./ParameterType"; import util from "util"; import CombinatorialGeneratedExpressionFactory from "./CombinatorialGeneratedExpressionFactory"; import GeneratedExpression from "./GeneratedExpression"; export default class CucumberExpressionGenerator { constructor(private readonly parameterTypeRegistry: ParameterTypeRegistry) {} public generateExpressions(text: string): GeneratedExpression[] { const parameterTypeCombinations: Array>> = []; const parameterTypeMatchers = this._createParameterTypeMatchers(text); let expressionTemplate = ""; let pos = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { let matchingParameterTypeMatchers = []; for (const parameterTypeMatcher of parameterTypeMatchers) { const advancedParameterTypeMatcher = parameterTypeMatcher.advanceTo( pos ); if (advancedParameterTypeMatcher.find) { matchingParameterTypeMatchers.push(advancedParameterTypeMatcher); } } if (matchingParameterTypeMatchers.length > 0) { matchingParameterTypeMatchers = matchingParameterTypeMatchers.sort( ); // Find all the best parameter type matchers, they are all candidates. const bestParameterTypeMatcher = matchingParameterTypeMatchers[0]; const bestParameterTypeMatchers = matchingParameterTypeMatchers.filter( m =>, bestParameterTypeMatcher) === 0 ); // Build a list of parameter types without duplicates. The reason there // might be duplicates is that some parameter types have more than one regexp, // which means multiple ParameterTypeMatcher objects will have a reference to the // same ParameterType. // We're sorting the list so preferential parameter types are listed first. // Users are most likely to want these, so they should be listed at the top. let parameterTypes = []; for (const parameterTypeMatcher of bestParameterTypeMatchers) { if ( parameterTypes.indexOf(parameterTypeMatcher.parameterType) === -1 ) { parameterTypes.push(parameterTypeMatcher.parameterType); } } parameterTypes = parameterTypes.sort(; parameterTypeCombinations.push(parameterTypes); expressionTemplate += escape( text.slice(pos, bestParameterTypeMatcher.start) ); expressionTemplate += "{%s}"; pos = bestParameterTypeMatcher.start +; } else { break; } if (pos >= text.length) { break; } } expressionTemplate += escape(text.slice(pos)); return new CombinatorialGeneratedExpressionFactory( expressionTemplate, parameterTypeCombinations ).generateExpressions(); } /** * @deprecated */ public generateExpression(text: string): GeneratedExpression { return util.deprecate( () => this.generateExpressions(text)[0], "CucumberExpressionGenerator.generateExpression: Use CucumberExpressionGenerator.generateExpressions instead" )(); } public _createParameterTypeMatchers(text: string): ParameterTypeMatcher[] { let parameterMatchers: ParameterTypeMatcher[] = []; for (const parameterType of this.parameterTypeRegistry.parameterTypes) { if (parameterType.useForSnippets) { parameterMatchers = parameterMatchers.concat( CucumberExpressionGenerator.createParameterTypeMatchers2( parameterType, text ) ); } } return parameterMatchers; } private static createParameterTypeMatchers2( parameterType: ParameterType, text: string ): ParameterTypeMatcher[] { // TODO: [].map const result = []; for (const regexp of parameterType.regexpStrings) { result.push(new ParameterTypeMatcher(parameterType, regexp, text)); } return result; } } function escape(s: string): string { return s .replace(/%/g, "%%") // for util.format .replace(/\(/g, "\\(") .replace(/{/g, "\\{") .replace(/\//g, "\\/"); } module.exports = CucumberExpressionGenerator;