import assert from 'assert' import CucumberExpression from '../src/CucumberExpression' import ParameterTypeRegistry from '../src/ParameterTypeRegistry' import ParameterType from '../src/ParameterType' describe('CucumberExpression', () => { it('documents match arguments', () => { const parameterTypeRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry() /// [capture-match-arguments] const expr = 'I have {int} cuke(s)' const expression = new CucumberExpression(expr, parameterTypeRegistry) const args = expression.match('I have 7 cukes') assert.strictEqual(7, args[0].getValue(null)) /// [capture-match-arguments] }) it('matches word', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {word} mice', 'three blind mice'), [ 'blind', ]) }) it('matches double quoted string', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {string} mice', 'three "blind" mice'), [ 'blind', ]) }) it('matches multiple double quoted strings', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match( 'three {string} and {string} mice', 'three "blind" and "crippled" mice' ), ['blind', 'crippled'] ) }) it('matches single quoted string', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {string} mice', "three 'blind' mice"), [ 'blind', ]) }) it('matches multiple single quoted strings', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match( 'three {string} and {string} mice', "three 'blind' and 'crippled' mice" ), ['blind', 'crippled'] ) }) it('does not match misquoted string', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match('three {string} mice', 'three "blind\' mice'), null ) }) it('matches single quoted string with double quotes', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match('three {string} mice', 'three \'"blind"\' mice'), ['"blind"'] ) }) it('matches double quoted string with single quotes', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match('three {string} mice', 'three "\'blind\'" mice'), ["'blind'"] ) }) it('matches double quoted string with escaped double quote', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match('three {string} mice', 'three "bl\\"nd" mice'), ['bl"nd'] ) }) it('matches single quoted string with escaped single quote', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match('three {string} mice', "three 'bl\\'nd' mice"), ["bl'nd"] ) }) it('matches single quoted string with escaped single quote', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match('three {string} mice', "three 'bl\\'nd' mice"), ["bl'nd"] ) }) it('matches single quoted empty string as empty string', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {string} mice', "three '' mice"), [''] ) }) it('matches double quoted empty string as empty string ', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {string} mice', 'three "" mice'), [''] ) }) it('matches single quoted empty string as empty string, along with other strings', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {string} and {string} mice', "three '' and 'handsome' mice"), ['', 'handsome'] ) }) it('matches double quoted empty string as empty string, along with other strings', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('three {string} and {string} mice', 'three "" and "handsome" mice'), ['', 'handsome'] ) }) it('matches escaped parenthesis', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual( match( 'three \\(exceptionally) {string} mice', 'three (exceptionally) "blind" mice' ), ['blind'] ) }) it('matches escaped slash', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('12\\/2020', '12/2020'), []) }) it('matches int', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{int}', '22'), [22]) }) it("doesn't match float as int", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{int}', '1.22'), null) }) it('matches float', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', ""), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "."), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', ","), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "E"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', ",1"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1."), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1"), [1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-1"), [-1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1.1"), [1.1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,000"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,000,0"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,000.1"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,000,10"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,0.1"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1,000,000.1"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-1.1"), [-1.1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', ".1"), [0.1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.1"), [-0.1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.10000001"), [-0.10000001]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "1E1"), [1E1]); // precision 1 with scale -1, can not be expressed as a decimal assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', ".1E1"), [1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "E1"), null); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.1E-1"), [-0.01]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.1E-2"), [-0.001]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.1E+1"), [-1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.1E+2"), [-10]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.1E1"), [-1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{float}', "-.10E2"), [-10]); }) it('matches float with zero', () => { assert.deepEqual(match('{float}', '0'), [0]) }) it('matches anonymous', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('{}', '0.22'), ['0.22']) }) it('throws unknown parameter type', () => { try { match('{unknown}', 'something') } catch (expected) { assert.strictEqual(expected.message, 'Undefined parameter type {unknown}') } }) it('does not allow optional parameter types', () => { try { match('({int})', '3') } catch (expected) { assert.strictEqual( expected.message, 'Parameter types cannot be optional: ({int})' ) } }) it('allows escaped optional parameter types', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(match('\\({int})', '(3)'), [3]) }) it('does not allow text/parameter type alternation', () => { try { match('x/{int}', '3') } catch (expected) { assert.strictEqual( expected.message, 'Parameter types cannot be alternative: x/{int}' ) } }) it('does not allow parameter type/text alternation', () => { try { match('{int}/x', '3') } catch (expected) { assert.strictEqual( expected.message, 'Parameter types cannot be alternative: {int}/x' ) } }) for (const c of '[]()$.|?*+'.split('')) { it(`does not allow parameter type with ${c}`, () => { try { match(`{${c}string}`, 'something') } catch (expected) { assert.strictEqual( expected.message, `Illegal character '${c}' in parameter name {${c}string}` ) } }) } it('exposes source', () => { const expr = 'I have {int} cuke(s)' assert.strictEqual( new CucumberExpression(expr, new ParameterTypeRegistry()).source, expr ) }) // JavaScript-specific it('delegates transform to custom object', () => { const parameterTypeRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry() parameterTypeRegistry.defineParameterType( new ParameterType( 'widget', /\w+/, null, function (s: string) { return this.createWidget(s) }, false, true ) ) const expression = new CucumberExpression( 'I have a {widget}', parameterTypeRegistry ) const world = { createWidget(s: string) { return `widget:${s}` }, } const args = expression.match(`I have a bolt`) assert.strictEqual(args[0].getValue(world), 'widget:bolt') }) describe('escapes special characters', () => { ;['\\', '[', ']', '^', '$', '.', '|', '?', '*', '+'].forEach(character => { it(`escapes ${character}`, () => { const expr = `I have {int} cuke(s) and ${character}` const expression = new CucumberExpression( expr, new ParameterTypeRegistry() ) const arg1 = expression.match(`I have 800 cukes and ${character}`)[0] assert.strictEqual(arg1.getValue(null), 800) }) }) it(`escapes .`, () => { const expr = `I have {int} cuke(s) and .` const expression = new CucumberExpression( expr, new ParameterTypeRegistry() ) assert.strictEqual(expression.match(`I have 800 cukes and 3`), null) const arg1 = expression.match(`I have 800 cukes and .`)[0] assert.strictEqual(arg1.getValue(null), 800) }) it(`escapes |`, () => { const expr = `I have {int} cuke(s) and a|b` const expression = new CucumberExpression( expr, new ParameterTypeRegistry() ) assert.strictEqual(expression.match(`I have 800 cukes and a`), null) assert.strictEqual(expression.match(`I have 800 cukes and b`), null) const arg1 = expression.match(`I have 800 cukes and a|b`)[0] assert.strictEqual(arg1.getValue(null), 800) }) }) }) const match = (expression: string, text: string) => { const cucumberExpression = new CucumberExpression( expression, new ParameterTypeRegistry() ) const args = cucumberExpression.match(text) if (!args) { return null } return => arg.getValue(null)) }