import {IFileFactory, RootFileFactory} from "../src/classLibrary/RootFileFactory"; import * as path from 'path'; import {should} from 'chai'; import {Core, Kore} from "@kirinnee/core"; should(); let core: Core = new Kore(); core.ExtendPrimitives(); let from = '../target/InlineFlagResolver/testDir/'; let to = '../target/InlineFlagResolver/newDir/'; let fileFactory: IFileFactory = new RootFileFactory(core, __dirname, from, to); describe("RootFileFactory", () => { describe("FromRoot", () => { it("should return the absolute path to the from folder", () => { let expected = path.resolve(__dirname, from); fileFactory.FromRoot.should.equal(expected); }); }); describe("ToRoot", () => { it("should return the absolute path tot the to folder", () => { let expected = path.resolve(__dirname, to); fileFactory.ToRoot.should.equal(expected); }); }); });