import {should} from 'chai'; import {Core, Kore} from "@kirinnee/core"; import {EmailValid, KeyValid, NameValid} from "../src/push"; should(); let core: Core = new Kore(); core.ExtendPrimitives(); describe("Push Validation", () => { describe("email", () => { it("should allow email format", () => { EmailValid(""); }); it("should return false if empty before @ sign", () => { EmailValid(""); }); it("should return false if no @ sign is found", () => { EmailValid(""); }); it("should return false if nothing is behind @ sign", () => { EmailValid("ernest@"); }); }); describe("key", () => { it("should allow values that are alphanumeric lower and spaces", () => { KeyValid('a'); KeyValid('azurekey'); KeyValid('azure_key'); KeyValid('azure_key_11'); }); it("should not allow it to start with numeric value", () => { KeyValid('1'); KeyValid('2key'); }); it('should not allow special characters', () => { KeyValid('azure*key'); KeyValid('azurekey!'); }); it('should not allow - ', () => { KeyValid('azure-key'); KeyValid('azure-1'); }); it('should not allow upper-case', () => { KeyValid('Azure_key'); KeyValid('azureKey'); }); }); describe("name", () => { it('should allow alphabet, numbers, spaces, dash, underscore and spaces', function () { NameValid("Some Cool Name"); NameValid("Very Cold Name"); NameValid("under_score_case"); NameValid("Dash-case"); NameValid("with-1-2-numbers"); }); it("should not start with number", () => { NameValid('1-starts-with-number'); NameValid('1key'); }); it('should not contain special character', () => { NameValid('Kira*'); NameValid('Hey!'); NameValid('comma,comma'); }); it('should not allow name 2 character or shorter', () => { NameValid('hi'); NameValid('Ab'); }); }); });