import {Dependency} from "./Depedency"; import {Group} from "./classLibrary/Group"; import path from "path"; import chalk from "chalk"; import {Template} from "./classLibrary/Template"; import rimraf = require("rimraf"); async function RemoveTemplate(dep: Dependency, key: string, group: string): Promise { const g: Group = new Group(dep.core, dep.objex, path.resolve(__dirname, '../templates'), dep.util); if (!g.Exist(group)) return`Group ${chalk.cyanBright(key)} does not exist!`); const template: Template = new Template(group, key, "", "", g); if (!template.Exist()) return`Template ${chalk.cyanBright(key)} does not exist within Group ${chalk.cyanBright(group)}`); const sure = await dep.autoInquirer.InquirePredicate(`Are you sure you want to remove ${key} from Group ${group}? This cannot be undone.`); if (!sure) return "User cancelled"; rimraf.sync(template.Target); template.DeleteGroupEntry(); return chalk.greenBright("Template successfully deleted"); } export {RemoveTemplate}