import * as d3 from 'd3'; import * as paper from 'paper'; export enum NodeType { rect = 'rect', circle = 'circle', ellipse = 'ellipse' } export interface LineStyle { x1?: string; y1?: string; x2?: string; y2?: string; stroke?: string; strokeWidth?: string; strokeOpacity?: string; markerEnd?: string; markerStart?: string; opacity?: string; } export interface TextStyle { x?: string; y?: string; stroke?: string; fill?: string; dx?: string; dy?: string; fontSize?: string; fontFamily?: string; opacity?: string; textAnchor?: string; } export interface ItemStyle { type?: NodeType; radius?: number; fill?: string; stroke?: string; strokeWidth?: string; width?: string; height?: string; strokeOpacity?: string; fillOpacity?: string; opacity?: string; x?: string; y?: string; rx?: string; ry?: string; cx?: string; cy?: string; } export interface Node { id: string; group: number; name: string; category: number; itemStyle?: ItemStyle; textStyle?: TextStyle; } export interface Link { target: string; source: string; strength: number; lineStyle?: LineStyle; value?: string; textStyle?: TextStyle; x1?: number; x2?: number; y1?: number; y2?: number; } export interface Option { Nodes: Node[]; Links: Link[]; SvgID: string; Width?: number; Height?: number; Scale?: number; TranslateX?: number; TranslateY?: number; onNodeClick?: (Graph, Node) => void; onNodeMouseOver?: (Graph, Node) => void; onNodeMouseOut?: (Graph, Node) => void; onBGMouseOver?: (Graph, any) => void; } export const DefaultItemStyle: ItemStyle = { radius: 20, fill: '#acf', stroke: '#000', cx: '0', cy: '0', width: '20', height: '20' }; export const DefaultLineStyle: LineStyle = { stroke: '#000', strokeWidth: '1', strokeOpacity: '1', markerEnd: 'url(#marker-arrow)' }; export const DefaultTextStyle: TextStyle = { fontSize: '15', dx: '23', dy: '4' }; export class Graph { // origin data baseNodes: Node[]; baseLinks: Link[]; // tweaked data nodes: Node[]; links: Link[]; width: number = 960; height: number = 600; alphatarget: number = 0.5; // root selection svg; // use svg groups to logically group the elements together linkGroup; nodeGroup; textGroup; // simulation setup with all forces linkForce; simulation; dragDrop; // opacity when trigger hover fade fadeOpacity: number = 0.2; opts: Option; static cloneLink(l: Link) { return Object.keys(l).reduce((clone, key) => { clone[key] = l[key]; return clone; }, {}) as Link; } static cloneNode(n: Node) { return Object.keys(n).reduce((clone, key) => { clone[key] = n[key]; return clone; }, {}) as Node; } static getDefaultItemStyle(n: Node): Node { if (n.itemStyle) { Object.keys(DefaultItemStyle).forEach( key => n.itemStyle[key] ? null : (n.itemStyle[key] = DefaultItemStyle[key]) ); } else { n.itemStyle = DefaultItemStyle; } return n; } static getDefaultTextStyle(n: Node | Link): Node | Link { if (n.textStyle) { Object.keys(DefaultTextStyle).forEach( key => n.textStyle[key] ? null : (n.textStyle[key] = DefaultTextStyle[key]) ); } else { n.textStyle = DefaultTextStyle; } return n; } static getDefaultLineStyle(l: Link): Link { if (l.lineStyle) { Object.keys(DefaultLineStyle).forEach( key => l.lineStyle[key] ? null : (l.lineStyle[key] = DefaultLineStyle[key]) ); } else { l.lineStyle = DefaultLineStyle; } return l; } constructor(opt: Option) { const self = this; this.opts = opt; this.baseLinks = l => Graph.getDefaultTextStyle( Graph.getDefaultLineStyle(Graph.cloneLink(l)) ) as Link ); this.baseNodes = n => Graph.getDefaultTextStyle( Graph.getDefaultItemStyle(Graph.cloneNode(n)) ) as Node ); this.nodes = n => Graph.getDefaultTextStyle( Graph.getDefaultItemStyle(Graph.cloneNode(n)) ) as Node ); this.links = l => Graph.getDefaultTextStyle( Graph.getDefaultLineStyle(Graph.cloneLink(l)) ) as Link ); const svg =; this.svg = svg; svg .data(['end']) .enter() .append('svg:marker') .attr('width', this.width) .attr('height', this.height); this.buildMarkers(); const root = svg.append('g'); const bg = root .append('rect') .attr('width', '100%') .attr('height', '100%') .attr('fill', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)') .on( 'mouseover', bg => this.opts.onBGMouseOver ? this.opts.onBGMouseOver(this, bg) : null ); this.textGroup = root.append('g').attr('class', 'texts'); this.linkGroup = root.append('g').attr('class', 'links'); this.nodeGroup = root.append('g').attr('class', 'nodes'); const zoom = d3.zoom().on('zoom', () => { self.linkGroup.attr('transform', d3.event.transform); self.nodeGroup.attr('transform', d3.event.transform); self.textGroup.attr('transform', d3.event.transform); }); // append a background rect, so that mouse wheel zoom can be activated on all areas; // set inital zoom if (opt.Scale) {, d3.zoomIdentity.scale(opt.Scale)); } if ( opt.TranslateX !== undefined && opt.TranslateY !== undefined && opt.Scale ) { zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity .translate(opt.TranslateX, opt.TranslateY) .scale(opt.Scale) ); } this.linkForce = d3 .forceLink() .id(node => (node as Node).id) .strength((link: Link) => link.strength); // get real width and height const { width, height } = (root.node() as any).getBBox(); if (opt.Width) { this.width = opt.Width; } else { this.width = width; } if (opt.Height) { this.height = opt.Height; } else { this.height = height; } bg.attr('width', width).attr('height', height); this.simulation = d3 .forceSimulation() .force('link', this.linkForce) .force('charge', d3.forceManyBody()) .force('center', d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2)) .force('collision', d3.forceCollide().radius(d => 80)); this.dragDrop = d3 .drag() .on('start', function(node: any) { node.fx = node.x; node.fy = node.y; }) .on('drag', function(node: any) { self.simulation.alphaTarget(self.alphatarget).restart(); node.fx = d3.event.x; node.fy = d3.event.y; }) .on('end', function(node: any) { if (! { self.simulation.alphaTarget(0); } node.fx = null; node.fy = null; }); } // build the arrow. buildMarkers() { this.svg .append('svg:defs') .selectAll('marker') .data(['end']) .enter() .append('svg:marker') .attr('id', 'marker-arrow') .attr('viewBox', '0 -5 10 10') .attr('refX', 10) .attr('refY', -0.5) .attr('markerWidth', 8) .attr('markerHeight', 8) .attr('orient', 'auto') .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M0,-5L10,0L0,5'); } getNeighbors(node: Node): string[] { return this.baseLinks.reduce( function(neighbors, link) { if ( === { neighbors.push(link.source); } else if (link.source === { neighbors.push(; } return neighbors; }, [] ); } static unselectNode(g: Graph, selectedNode: Node) { g.nodeGroup.selectAll('circle').attr('opacity', 1); g.linkGroup.selectAll('g').attr('opacity', 1); g.textGroup.selectAll('g').attr('opacity', 1); } // select node is called on every click static selectNode(g: Graph, selectedNode: Node) { const neighbors = g.getNeighbors(selectedNode); const neighborsMap = neighbors.reduce((map, n) => { map[n] = true; return map; }, {}); // we modify the styles to highlight selected nodes g.nodeGroup.selectAll('circle').attr('opacity', function(node) { if (!neighborsMap[]) { return (node as Node).itemStyle.opacity; } else { (node as Node).itemStyle.opacity = '1'; return (node as Node).itemStyle.opacity; } }); g.textGroup.selectAll('text').attr('opacity', function(node) { if (!neighborsMap[]) { return (node as Node).textStyle.opacity; } else { (node as Node).textStyle.opacity = '1'; return (node as Node).textStyle.opacity; } }); g.linkGroup.selectAll('line').attr('opacity', function(link) { if (neighborsMap[] && === neighbors[0]) { (link as Link).lineStyle.opacity = '1'; return (link as Link).lineStyle.opacity; } else if ( neighborsMap[] && === neighbors[0] ) { (link as Link).lineStyle.opacity = '1'; return (link as Link).lineStyle.opacity; } else { return (link as Link).lineStyle.opacity; } }); } static addCommonAttr(d3Selection) { return d3Selection .attr('stroke', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.stroke) .attr('fill', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.fill) .attr('stroke-width', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.strokeWidth) .attr('stroke-opacity', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.strokeOpacity) .attr('fill-opacity', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.fillOpacity) .attr('opacity', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.opacity); } static makeCircleNode(d3Selection) { return Graph.addCommonAttr( d3Selection .append( .attr('id', node => (node as Node).id) .attr('r', node => (node as Node).itemStyle.radius) .attr('cx', node => (node as Node) .attr('cy', node => (node as Node) ); } static makeLink(d3Selection) { return d3Selection .append('line') .attr('stroke', link => (link as Link).lineStyle.stroke) .attr('stroke-width', link => (link as Link).lineStyle.strokeWidth) .attr('marker-start', link => (link as Link).lineStyle.markerStart) .attr('marker-end', link => (link as Link).lineStyle.markerEnd) .attr('stroke-opacity', link => (link as Link).lineStyle.strokeOpacity) .attr('opacity', link => (link as Link).lineStyle.opacity); } static makeLinkWithLabel(d3Selection) { const s = d3Selection.append('g'); Graph.makeLink(s); s.append('rect') .attr('width', link => ((link as Link).value ? 40 : 0)) .attr('height', link => ((link as Link).value ? 30 : 0)) .attr('fill', 'white') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0); return s .append('text') .text(link => (link as Link).value) .attr('dx', link => 0) .attr('dy', link => 0) .attr('font-size', link => (link as Link).textStyle.fontSize) .attr('font-family', link => (link as Link).textStyle.fontFamily) .attr('stroke', link => (link as Link).textStyle.stroke) .attr('fill', link => (link as Link).textStyle.fill) .attr('opacity', link => (link as Link).textStyle.opacity) .attr( 'text-anchor', link => (link as Link).textStyle.textAnchor || 'middle' ); } static makeText(d3Selection) { return d3Selection .append('text') .text(node => (node as Node).name) .attr('dx', node => (node as Node).textStyle.dx) .attr('dy', node => (node as Node).textStyle.dy) .attr('font-size', node => (node as Node).textStyle.fontSize) .attr('font-family', node => (node as Node).textStyle.fontFamily) .attr('stroke', node => (node as Node).textStyle.stroke) .attr('fill', node => (node as Node).textStyle.fill) .attr('opacity', node => (node as Node).textStyle.opacity) .attr('text-anchor', node => (node as Node).textStyle.textAnchor); } updateGraph() { Graph.makeText( this.textGroup .selectAll('text') .data(this.nodes, n => .enter() ); Graph.makeLinkWithLabel( this.linkGroup .selectAll('line') .data(this.links, l => + .enter() ); const nodeEnter = Graph.makeCircleNode( this.nodeGroup .selectAll('circle') .data(this.nodes, n => .enter() ); nodeEnter .call(this.dragDrop) // highlight neibor nodes and links .on( 'click', selectNode => this.opts.onNodeClick ? this.opts.onNodeClick(this, selectNode) : null ) .on( 'mouseout', selectNode => this.opts.onNodeMouseOut ? this.opts.onNodeMouseOut(this, selectNode) : null ) .on( 'mouseover', selectNode => this.opts.onNodeMouseOver ? this.opts.onNodeMouseOver(this, selectNode) : null ); } updateSimulation() { this.updateGraph(); const self = this; this.simulation.nodes(this.nodes).on('tick', () => { self.nodeGroup .selectAll('circle') .attr('cx', function(node) { return node.x; }) .attr('cy', function(node) { return node.y; }); self.textGroup .selectAll('text') .attr('x', function(node) { return ( node.x + ((node.itemStyle.radius - 20) / node.itemStyle.radius) * node.itemStyle.radius ); }) .attr('y', function(node) { return node.y; }); // Use paper.js to calculate link ends, point to the circle edge instead of center self.linkGroup .selectAll('line') .attr('x1', function(link) { const { x: x1, y: y1 } = link.source; const { x: x2, y: y2 } =; let v = new paper.Point(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); v = v.normalize(; return link.source.x + v.x; }) .attr('y1', function(link) { const { x: x1, y: y1 } = link.source; const { x: x2, y: y2 } =; let v = new paper.Point(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); v = v.normalize(; return link.source.y + v.y; }) .attr('x2', function(link) { const { x: x1, y: y1 } = link.source; const { x: x2, y: y2 } =; let v = new paper.Point(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); v = v.normalize(; return - v.x; }) .attr('y2', function(link) { const { x: x1, y: y1 } = link.source; const { x: x2, y: y2 } =; let v = new paper.Point(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); v = v.normalize(; return - v.y; }); self.linkGroup .selectAll('text') .attr('dx', function(link) { return (link.source.x + / 2; }) .attr('dy', function(link) { return (link.source.y + / 2; }); self.linkGroup .selectAll('rect') .attr('x', function(link) { return (link.source.x + / 2 - 20; }) .attr('y', function(link) { return (link.source.y + / 2 - 20; }); }); self.simulation.force('link').links(self.links); self.simulation.alphaTarget(self.alphatarget).restart(); } destroy() { this.linkGroup.exit().remove(); this.nodeGroup.exit().remove(); this.textGroup.exit().remove(); this.simulation.stop(); this.svg.selectAll('*').remove(); } }