declare module 'date-holidays' { export namespace HolidaysTypes { export interface Country { /** IANA country code */ country: string; /** short code of state (ISO 3166-2) */ state?: string; /** short code of region */ region?: string; } export type HolidayType = 'public' | 'bank' | 'optional' | 'school' | 'observance' | string; export interface Options { /** languages using ISO 639-1 shortcodes */ languages?: string | string[]; /** timezone, e.g. America/New_York */ timezone?: string; /** * holiday types; priority is in ascending order (low ... high) * default ['observance', 'optional', 'school', 'bank', 'public'] */ types?: HolidayType[]; } export interface ActiveRange { /** active from date */ from?: Date | string; /** active until date */ to?: Date | string; } export interface HolidayOptions { /** holiday name or if object holiday names in different languages. key defines language */ name: { [key: string]: string; } | string; /** holiday type */ type?: HolidayType; /** disable rule in year, year+month or date */ disabled?: string[]; /** enable a different date; requires disabled date for given year */ enabled?: string[]; /** defines active ranges of rule */ active?: ActiveRange[]; /** substitute a holiday */ substitute?: boolean; /** custom attributes */ [key: string]: any; } export interface HolidayRule extends HolidayOptions { /** the holiday rule */ rule: string; } export interface Holiday { /** datestring as "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss [-hh:ss]" */ date: string; /** start date */ start: Date; /** end date */ end: Date; /** name of holiday in selected or fallback language */ name: string; /** type of holiday */ type: HolidayType; /** the holiday rule - use for references */ rule: string; /** holiday is a substritute day */ substitute?: boolean; } } export class HolidayRule { constructor(ruleObj: HolidaysTypes.HolidayRule); /** * disable rule in year (month) */ disableIn(year: number, month?: number): void; } export default class Holidays { constructor(opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options); constructor(country: HolidaysTypes.Country | string, opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options); constructor(country: HolidaysTypes.Country | string, state: string, opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options); constructor(country: HolidaysTypes.Country | string, state: string, region: string, opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options); /** * initialize holidays for a country/state/region */ init(country?: HolidaysTypes.Country | string, opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options): void; init(country?: string, state?: string, opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options): void; init(country?: string, state?: string, region?: string, opts?: HolidaysTypes.Options): void; /** * set (custom) holiday * @throws {TypeError} * @param rule - rule for holiday (check supported grammar) or date in ISO Format, e.g. 12-31 for 31th Dec * @param [opts] - holiday options, if String then opts is used as name * @param - translated holiday names e.g. `{ en: 'name', es: 'nombre', ... }` * @param opts.type - holiday type `public|bank|school|observance` * @returns `true` if holiday could be set returns `true` */ setHoliday(rule: string, opts: HolidaysTypes.HolidayOptions | string): boolean; /** * get all holidays for `year` with names using prefered `language` * @param [year] - if omitted current year is choosen * @param [language] - ISO 639-1 code for language * @returns of found holidays in given year sorted by Date: */ getHolidays(year?: string | number | Date, lang?: string): HolidaysTypes.Holiday[]; /** * check whether `date` is a holiday or not * @returns of found holidays in given year sorted by Date: */ isHoliday(date: Date|string): HolidaysTypes.Holiday[] | false; /** * set or update rule * @returns `true` if holiday could be set returns `true` */ setRule(holidayRule: HolidayRule|object): boolean; /** * unset rule * @param rule - rule for holiday (check supported grammar) or date in ISO Format, e.g. 12-31 for 31th Dec * @returns `true` if holiday could be set returns `true` */ unsetRule(rule: string): boolean; /** * get available rules for selected country, (state, region) */ getRules(): HolidayRule[]; /** * get rule for selected country, (state, region) * @param rule - rule for holiday (check supported grammar) or date in ISO Format, e.g. 12-31 for 31th Dec */ getRule(rule: string): HolidayRule; /** * Query for available Countries, States, Regions * @param [country] - country code * @param [state] - state code * @param [lang] - ISO-639 language shortcode * @returns shortcode, name pairs of supported countries, states, regions */ query(country?: string, state?: string, lang?: string): { [key: string]: string; }; /** * get supported countries * @param [lang] - ISO-639 language shortcode * @returns shortcode, name pairs of supported countries * ```js * { AD: 'Andorra', * US: 'United States' } * ``` */ getCountries(lang?: string): { [key: string]: string; }; /** * get supported states for a given country * @param country - shortcode of country * @param [lang] - ISO-639 language shortcode * @returns shortcode, name pairs of supported states, regions * ```js * { al: 'Alabama', ... * wy: 'Wyoming' } * ``` */ getStates(country: string, lang?: string): { [key: string]: string; }; /** * get supported regions for a given country, state * @param country - shortcode of country * @param state - shortcode of state * @param [lang] - ISO-639 language shortcode * @returns shortcode, name pairs of supported regions * ```js * { no: 'New Orleans' } * ``` */ getRegions(country: string, state: string, lang?: string): { [key: string]: string; }; /** * sets timezone * @param timezone - see `moment-timezone` * if `timezone` is `undefined` then all dates are considered local dates */ setTimezone(timezone: string): void; /** * get timezones for country, state, region * @returns of {String}s containing the timezones */ getTimezones(): string[]; /** * set language(s) for holiday names * @returns set languages */ setLanguages(language: string | string[]): string[]; /** * get languages for selected country, state, region * @returns containing ISO 639-1 language shortcodes */ getLanguages(): string[]; /** * get default day off as weekday * @returns weekday of day off */ getDayOff(): string; } }