declare const decamelize: { /** Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator: `unicornRainbow` → `unicorn_rainbow`. @param string - The camelcase string to decamelize. @param separator - The separator to use to put in between the words from `string`. Default: `'_'`. @example ``` import decamelize = require('decamelize'); decamelize('unicornRainbow'); //=> 'unicorn_rainbow' decamelize('unicornRainbow', '-'); //=> 'unicorn-rainbow' ``` */ (string: string, separator?: string): string; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release, refactor the whole definition to: // declare function decamelize(string: string, separator?: string): string; // export = decamelize; default: typeof decamelize; }; export = decamelize;