/// declare module 'rollup-plugin-commonjs' { import {Plugin} from 'rollup'; namespace commonjs { interface Options { /** * A minimatch pattern, or an array of minimatch patterns, * relative to `process.cwd()`. (Default: undefined) */ include?: string | string[]; /** * A minimatch pattern, or an array of minimatch patterns, * relative to `process.cwd()`. (Default: undefined) */ exclude?: string | string[]; /** * Search for files other than .js files (must already be transpiled * by a previous plugin!). (Default: `['.js']`) */ extensions?: string[]; /** * If true then uses of `global` won't be dealt with by this plugin. * (Default: false) */ ignoreGlobal?: boolean; /** * If false then skip sourceMap generation for CommonJS modules. */ sourceMap?: boolean; /** * Explicitly specify unresolvable named exports. * Left-hand side can be an absolute path, a path relative to the * current directory, or the name of a module in node_modules. */ namedExports?: {[id: string]: string[]}; /** * Sometimes you have to leave require statements unconverted. * Pass an array containing the IDs or a `id => boolean` function. * Only use this option if you know what you're doing! */ ignore?: string[]; } } function commonjs(options?: commonjs.Options): Plugin; export = commonjs; }