import * as CliTable from 'cli-table2'; import { ui, Command, Project, unwrap } from 'denali-cli'; import Application from '../lib/runtime/application'; /** * Display all defined routes within your application. * * @package commands */ export default class RoutesCommand extends Command { /* tslint:disable:completed-docs typedef */ static commandName = 'routes'; static description = 'Display all defined routes within your application.'; static longDescription = unwrap` Displays routes from your application and any routes added by addons. Display shows the method, endpoint, and the action associated to that route.`; static runsInApp = true; static flags = { environment: { description: 'The target environment to build for.', default: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development', type: 'string' }, 'print-slow-trees': { description: 'Print out an analysis of the build process, showing the slowest nodes.', default: false, type: 'boolean' } }; async run(argv: any) { let project = new Project({ environment: argv.environment, printSlowTrees: argv.printSlowTrees, buildDummy: true }); let application: Application = await project.createApplication(); await application.runInitializers(); let routes = application.router.routes; let methods = Object.keys(routes); let table = new CliTable({ head: [ 'URL', 'ACTION' ] }); methods.forEach((method) => { let methodRoutes = routes[method]; methodRoutes.forEach((route) => { table.push([ `${ method.toUpperCase() } ${ route.spec.replace(/\(\/\)$/, '/') }`, route.actionPath ]); }); });; } }