import { ICruiseOptions } from "./options"; import { IFlattenedRuleSet } from "./rule-set"; import { DependencyType, ModuleSystemType, SeverityType } from "./shared-types"; export interface ICruiseResult { /** * A list of modules, with for each module the modules it depends upon */ modules: IModule[]; /** * Data summarizing the found dependencies */ summary: ISummary; } export interface IModule { /** * The (resolved) file name of the module, e.g. 'src/main/index.js' */ source: string; /** * 'true' if this module violated a rule; 'false' in all other cases. The violated rule will * be in the 'rule' object at the same level. */ valid: boolean; dependencies: IDependency[]; /** * Whether or not this is a node.js core module */ coreModule?: boolean; /** * 'true' if dependency-cruiser could not resolve the module name in the source code to a * file name or core module. 'false' in all other cases. */ couldNotResolve?: boolean; /** * the type of inclusion - local, core, unknown (= we honestly don't know), undetermined (= * we didn't bother determining it) or one of the npm dependencies defined in a package.jsom * ('npm' for 'depenencies', 'npm-dev', 'npm-optional', 'npm-peer', 'npm-no-pkg' for * development, optional, peer dependencies and dependencies in node_modules but not in * package.json respectively) */ dependencyTypes?: DependencyType[]; /** * Whether or not this is a dependency that can be followed any further. This will be * 'false' for for core modules, json, modules that could not be resolved to a file and * modules that weren't followed because it matches the doNotFollow expression. */ followable?: boolean; /** * the license, if known (usually known for modules pulled from npm, not for local ones) */ license?: string; /** * 'true' if the file name of this module matches the doNotFollow regular expression */ matchesDoNotFollow?: boolean; /** * 'true' if the file name of this module matches the focus regular expression */ matchesFocus?: boolean; /** * 'true' if this module does not have dependencies, and no module has it as a dependency */ orphan?: boolean; /** * An array of objects that tell whether this module is 'reachable', and according to rule * in which this reachability was defined */ reachable?: IReachable[]; /** * An array of objects that tell which other modules it reaches, * and that falls within the definition of the passed rule. */ reaches?: IReaches[]; /** * an array of rules violated by this module - left out if the module is valid */ rules?: IRuleSummary[]; /** * true if the module was 'consolidated'. Consolidating implies the * entity a Module represents might be several modules at the same time. * This attribute is set by tools that consolidate modules for reporting * purposes - it will not be present after a regular cruise. */ consolidated?: boolean; } export interface IDependency { /** * 'true' if following this dependency will ultimately return to the source, false in all * other cases */ circular: boolean; /** * Whether or not this is a node.js core module - deprecated in favor of dependencyType === * core */ coreModule: boolean; /** * 'true' if dependency-cruiser could not resulve the module name in the source code to a * file name or core module. 'false' in all other cases. */ couldNotResolve: boolean; /** * 'true' if the dependency between this dependency and its parent only * exists before compilation takes place. 'false in all other cases. * Dependency-cruiser will only specify this attribute for TypeScript and * then only when the option 'tsPreCompilationDeps' has the value 'specify'. */ preCompilationOnly?: boolean; /** * If following this dependency will ultimately return to the source (circular === true), * this attribute will contain an (ordered) array of module names that shows (one of) the * circular path(s) */ cycle?: string[]; /** * the type of inclusion - local, core, unknown (= we honestly don't know), undetermined (= * we didn't bother determining it) or one of the npm dependencies defined in a package.jsom * ('npm' for 'depenencies', 'npm-dev', 'npm-optional', 'npm-peer', 'npm-no-pkg' for * development, optional, peer dependencies and dependencies in node_modules but not in * package.json respectively) */ dependencyTypes: DependencyType[]; /** * true if this dependency is dynamic, false in all other cases */ dynamic: boolean; /** * true if the dependency was defined by a require not named 'require' * false in all other cases */ exoticallyRequired: boolean; /** * If this dependency was defined by a require not named require (as defined in the * exoticRequireStrings option): the string that was used */ exoticRequire?: string; /** * Whether or not this is a dependency that can be followed any further. This will be * 'false' for for core modules, json, modules that could not be resolved to a file and * modules that weren't followed because it matches the doNotFollow expression. */ followable: boolean; /** * the license, if known (usually known for modules pulled from npm, not for local ones) */ license?: string; /** * 'true' if the file name of this module matches the doNotFollow regular expression */ matchesDoNotFollow?: boolean; /** * The name of the module as it appeared in the source code, e.g. './main' */ module: string; moduleSystem: ModuleSystemType; /** * The (resolved) file name of the module, e.g. 'src/main//index.js' */ resolved: string; /** * an array of rules violated by this dependency - left out if the dependency is valid */ rules?: IRuleSummary[]; /** * 'true' if this dependency violated a rule; 'false' in all other cases. The violated rule * will be in the 'rule' object at the same level. */ valid: boolean; } /** * If there was a rule violation (valid === false), this object contains the name of the * rule and severity of violating it. */ export interface IRuleSummary { /** * The (short, eslint style) name of the violated rule. Typically something like * 'no-core-punycode' or 'no-outside-deps'. */ name: string; /** * How severe a violation of a rule is. The 'error' severity will make some reporters return * a non-zero exit code, so if you want e.g. a build to stop when there's a rule violated: * use that. The absence of the 'ignore' severity here is by design; ignored rules don't * show up in the output. * * Severity to use when a dependency is not in the 'allowed' set of rules. Defaults to 'warn' */ severity: SeverityType; } export interface IReachable { /** * The name of the rule where the reachability was defined */ asDefinedInRule: string; /** * 'true' if this module is reachable from any of the modules matched by the from part of a * reachability-rule in 'asDefinedInRule', 'false' if not. */ value: boolean; } export interface IReachesModule { /** * The (resolved) file name of the module, e.g. 'src/main/index.js' */ source: string; /** * The path along wich the 'to' module is reachable from this one. */ via: string[]; } export interface IReaches { /** * The name of the rule where the reachability was defined */ asDefinedInRule: string; /** * An array of modules that is (transitively) reachable from this module. */ modules: IReachesModule[]; } /** * Data summarizing the found dependencies */ export interface ISummary { /** * the number of errors in the dependencies */ error: number; /** * the number of informational level notices in the dependencies */ info: number; optionsUsed: IOptions; /** * rules used in the cruise */ ruleSetUsed?: IFlattenedRuleSet; /** * the number of modules cruised */ totalCruised: number; /** * the number of dependencies cruised */ totalDependenciesCruised?: number; /** * A list of violations found in the dependencies. The dependencies themselves also contain * this information, this summary is here for convenience. */ violations: IViolation[]; /** * the number of warnings in the dependencies */ warn: number; } /** * the (command line) options used to generate the dependency-tree */ export interface IOptions extends ICruiseOptions { /** * arguments passed on the command line */ args?: string; /** * File the output was written to ('-' for stdout) */ outputTo?: string; /** * The rules file used to validate the dependencies (if any) */ rulesFile?: string; /** * The TypeScript configuration file used (if any) */ tsConfig?: ITsConfig; /** * The webpack configuration options used for the cruise */ webpackConfig?: IWebpackConfig; /** * The Babel configuration file used (if any) */ babelConfig?: IBabelConfig; } export interface ITsConfig { fileName?: string; } export interface IBabelConfig { fileName?: string; } /** * The webpack configuration options used for the cruise */ export interface IWebpackConfig { /** * The arguments used */ arguments?: { [key: string]: any }; /** * The 'env' parameters passed */ env?: WebpackEnvType; /** * The name of the webpack configuration file used */ fileName?: string; } /** * The 'env' parameters passed */ export type WebpackEnvType = { [key: string]: any } | string; export interface IViolation { /** * The violated rule */ rule: IRuleSummary; /** * The from part of the dependency this violation is about */ from: string; /** * The to part of the dependency this violation is about */ to: string; /** * The circular path if the violation is about circularity */ cycle?: string[]; /** * The path from the from to the to if the violation is transitive */ via?: string[]; }