import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync } from 'fs'; import { exec } from 'child_process'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as getPort from 'get-port'; import * as createDebug from 'debug'; import { sync as commandExists } from 'command-exists'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import * as eol from 'eol'; import { isMac, isLinux, isWindows, configPath, rootKeyPath, rootCertPath, opensslConfPath, opensslConfTemplate } from './constants'; import { openssl, generateKey, run, waitForUser } from './utils'; const debug = createDebug('devcert'); // Install the once-per-machine trusted root CA. We'll use this CA to sign per-app certs, allowing // us to minimize the need for elevated permissions while still allowing for per-app certificates. export default async function installCertificateAuthority(installCertutil: boolean): Promise { debug(`generating openssl configuration`); generateOpenSSLConfFiles(); debug(`generating root certificate authority key`); generateKey(rootKeyPath); debug(`generating root certificate authority certificate`); openssl(`req -config ${ opensslConfPath } -key ${ rootKeyPath } -out ${ rootCertPath } -new -subj "/CN=devcert" -x509 -days 7000 -extensions v3_ca`); debug(`adding root certificate authority to trust stores`) if (isMac) { await addToMacTrustStores(installCertutil); } else if (isLinux) { await addToLinuxTrustStores(installCertutil); } else { await addToWindowsTrustStores(); } } // Copy our openssl conf template to the local config folder, and update the paths to be OS // specific. Also initializes the files openssl needs to sign certificates as a certificate // authority function generateOpenSSLConfFiles() { let confTemplate = readFileSync(opensslConfTemplate, 'utf-8'); confTemplate = confTemplate.replace(/DATABASE_PATH/, configPath('index.txt').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')); confTemplate = confTemplate.replace(/SERIAL_PATH/, configPath('serial').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')); confTemplate =; writeFileSync(opensslConfPath, confTemplate); writeFileSync(configPath('index.txt'), ''); writeFileSync(configPath('serial'), '01'); // This version number lets us write code in the future that intelligently upgrades an existing // devcert installation. This "ca-version" is independent of the devcert package version, and // tracks changes to the root certificate setup only. writeFileSync(configPath('devcert-ca-version'), '1'); } // macOS is pretty simple - just add the certificate to the system keychain, and most applications // will delegate to that for determining trusted certificates. Firefox, of course, does it's own // thing. We can try to automatically install the cert with Firefox if we can use certutil via the // `nss` Homebrew package, otherwise we go manual with user-facing prompts. async function addToMacTrustStores(installCertutil: boolean): Promise { // Chrome, Safari, system utils debug('adding devcert root CA to macOS system keychain'); run(`sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain -p ssl -p basic "${ rootCertPath }"`); // Firefox try { // Try to use certutil to install the cert automatically debug('adding devcert root CA to firefox'); await addCertificateToNSSCertDB(path.join(process.env.HOME, 'Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/*'), { installCertutil, checkForOpenFirefox: true }); } catch (e) { // Otherwise, open the cert in Firefox to install it await openCertificateInFirefox('/Applications/'); } } // Linux is surprisingly difficult. There seems to be multiple system-wide repositories for certs, // so we copy ours to each. However, Firefox does it's usual separate trust store. Plus Chrome // relies on the NSS tooling (like Firefox), but uses the user's NSS database, unlike Firefox which // uses a separate Mozilla one. And since Chrome doesn't prompt the user with a GUI flow when // opening certs, if we can't use certutil, we're out of luck. async function addToLinuxTrustStores(installCertutil: boolean): Promise { // system utils debug('adding devcert root CA to linux system-wide certificates'); run(`sudo cp ${ rootCertPath } /etc/ssl/certs/devcert.pem`); run(`sudo cp ${ rootCertPath } /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/devcert.cer`); run(`sudo update-ca-certificates`); // Firefox try { // Try to use certutil to install the cert automatically debug('adding devcert root CA to firefox'); await addCertificateToNSSCertDB(path.join(process.env.HOME, '.mozilla/firefox/*'), { installCertutil, checkForOpenFirefox: true }); } catch (e) { // Otherwise, open the cert in Firefox to install it await openCertificateInFirefox('firefox'); } // Chrome try { debug('adding devcert root CA to chrome'); await addCertificateToNSSCertDB(path.join(process.env.HOME, '.pki/nssdb'), { installCertutil }); } catch (e) { console.warn(` WARNING: Because you did not pass in \`installCertutil: true\` to devcert, we are unable to update Chrome to automatically trust generated development certificates. The certificates will work, but Chrome will continue to warn you that they are untrusted.`); } } // Windows is at least simple. Like macOS, most applications will delegate to the system trust // store, which is updated with the confusingly named `certutil` exe (not the same as the // NSS/Mozilla certutil). Firefox does it's own thing as usual, and getting a copy of NSS certutil // onto the Windows machine to try updating the Firefox store is basically a nightmare, so we don't // even try it - we just bail out to the GUI. async function addToWindowsTrustStores(): Promise { // IE, Chrome, system utils debug('adding devcert root to Windows OS trust store') run(`certutil -addstore -user root ${ rootCertPath }`); // Firefox (don't even try NSS certutil, no easy install for Windows) await openCertificateInFirefox('start firefox'); } // Given a directory or glob pattern of directories, attempt to install the certificate to each // directory containing an NSS database. async function addCertificateToNSSCertDB(nssDirGlob: string, options: { installCertutil?: boolean, checkForOpenFirefox?: boolean } = {}): Promise { let certutilPath = lookupOrInstallCertutil(options.installCertutil); if (!certutilPath) { throw new Error('certutil not available, and `installCertutil` was false'); } // Firefox appears to load the NSS database in-memory on startup, and overwrite on exit. So we // have to ask the user to quite Firefox first so our changes don't get overwritten. if (options.checkForOpenFirefox) { let runningProcesses = run('ps aux'); if (runningProcesses.indexOf('firefox') > -1) { console.log('Please close Firefox before continuing (Press when ready)'); await waitForUser(); } } debug(`trying to install certificate into NSS databases in ${ nssDirGlob }`); glob.sync(nssDirGlob).forEach((potentialNSSDBDir) => { debug(`checking to see if ${ potentialNSSDBDir } is a valid NSS database directory`); if (existsSync(path.join(potentialNSSDBDir, 'cert8.db'))) { debug(`Found legacy NSS database in ${ potentialNSSDBDir }, adding devcert ...`) run(`${ certutilPath } -A -d "${ potentialNSSDBDir }" -t 'C,,' -i ${ rootCertPath } -n devcert`); } else if (existsSync(path.join(potentialNSSDBDir, 'cert9.db'))) { debug(`Found modern NSS database in ${ potentialNSSDBDir }, adding devcert ...`) run(`${ certutilPath } -A -d "sql:${ potentialNSSDBDir }" -t 'C,,' -i ${ rootCertPath } -n devcert`); } }); } // When a Firefox tab is directed to a URL that returns a certificate, it will automatically prompt // the user if they want to add it to their trusted certificates. This is handy since Firefox is by // far the most troublesome to handle. If we can't automatically install the certificate (because // certutil is not available / installable), we instead start a quick web server and host our // certificate file. Then we open the hosted cert URL in Firefox to kick off the GUI flow. async function openCertificateInFirefox(firefoxPath: string): Promise { debug('adding devert to firefox manually - launch webserver for certificate hosting'); let port = await getPort(); let server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-type': 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' }); res.write(readFileSync(rootCertPath)); res.end(); }).listen(port); debug('certificate is hosted, starting firefox at hosted URL'); console.log(`Unable to automatically install SSL certificate - please follow the prompts at http://localhost:${ port } in Firefox to trust the root certificate`); console.log('See for more details'); console.log('-- Press once you finish the Firefox prompts --'); exec(`${ firefoxPath } http://localhost:${ port }`); await waitForUser(); } // Try to install certutil if it's not already available, and return the path to the executable function lookupOrInstallCertutil(installCertutil: boolean): boolean | string { debug('looking for nss tooling ...') if (isMac) { debug('on mac, looking for homebrew (the only method to install nss that is currently supported by devcert'); if (commandExists('brew')) { let nssPath: string; let certutilPath: string; try { certutilPath = path.join(run('brew --prefix nss').toString().trim(), 'bin', 'certutil'); } catch (e) { debug('brew was found, but nss is not installed'); if (installCertutil) { debug('attempting to install nss via brew'); run('brew install nss'); certutilPath = path.join(run('brew --prefix nss').toString().trim(), 'bin', 'certutil'); } else { return false; } } debug(`Found nss installed at ${ certutilPath }`); return certutilPath; } } else if (isLinux) { debug('on linux, checking is nss is already installed'); if (!commandExists('certutil')) { if (installCertutil) { debug('not already installed, installing it ourselves'); run('sudo apt install libnss3-tools'); } else { debug('not installed and do not want to install'); return false; } } debug('looks like nss is installed'); return run('which certutil').toString().trim(); } // Windows? Ha! return false; }