import { sha256 as sha256Hash } from '@noble/hashes/sha256' export { ripemd160 } from '@noble/hashes/ripemd160' import { keccak_256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha3' import { fromString, toString, concat } from 'uint8arrays' export function sha256(payload: string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const data = typeof payload === 'string' ? fromString(payload) : payload return sha256Hash(data) } export const keccak = keccak_256 export function toEthereumAddress(hexPublicKey: string): string { const hashInput = fromString(hexPublicKey.slice(2), 'base16') return `0x${toString(keccak(hashInput).slice(-20), 'base16')}` } function writeUint32BE(value: number, array = new Uint8Array(4)): Uint8Array { const encoded = fromString(value.toString(), 'base10') array.set(encoded, 4 - encoded.length) return array } const lengthAndInput = (input: Uint8Array): Uint8Array => concat([writeUint32BE(input.length), input]) // This implementation of concatKDF was inspired by these two implementations: // // export function concatKDF( secret: Uint8Array, keyLen: number, alg: string, producerInfo?: Uint8Array, consumerInfo?: Uint8Array ): Uint8Array { if (keyLen !== 256) throw new Error(`Unsupported key length: ${keyLen}`) const value = concat([ lengthAndInput(fromString(alg)), lengthAndInput(typeof producerInfo === 'undefined' ? new Uint8Array(0) : producerInfo), // apu lengthAndInput(typeof consumerInfo === 'undefined' ? new Uint8Array(0) : consumerInfo), // apv writeUint32BE(keyLen), ]) // since our key lenght is 256 we only have to do one round const roundNumber = 1 return sha256(concat([writeUint32BE(roundNumber), secret, value])) }