import canonicalizeData from 'canonicalize' import { DIDDocument, DIDResolutionResult, parse, ParsedDID, Resolvable, VerificationMethod } from 'did-resolver' import SignerAlg from './SignerAlgorithm.js' import { decodeBase64url, EcdsaSignature, encodeBase64url, KNOWN_JWA, SUPPORTED_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPES } from './util.js' import VerifierAlgorithm from './VerifierAlgorithm.js' import { JWT_ERROR } from './Errors.js' import { verifyProof } from './ConditionalAlgorithm.js' export type Signer = (data: string | Uint8Array) => Promise export type SignerAlgorithm = (payload: string, signer: Signer) => Promise export type ProofPurposeTypes = | 'assertionMethod' | 'authentication' // | 'keyAgreement' // keyAgreement VerificationMethod should not be used for signing | 'capabilityDelegation' | 'capabilityInvocation' export interface JWTOptions { issuer: string signer: Signer /** * @deprecated Please use `header.alg` to specify the JWT algorithm. */ alg?: string expiresIn?: number canonicalize?: boolean } export interface JWTVerifyOptions { /** @deprecated Please use `proofPurpose: 'authentication' instead` */ auth?: boolean audience?: string callbackUrl?: string resolver?: Resolvable skewTime?: number /** See */ proofPurpose?: ProofPurposeTypes policies?: JWTVerifyPolicies didAuthenticator?: DIDAuthenticator } /** * Overrides the different types of checks performed on the JWT besides the signature check */ export interface JWTVerifyPolicies { // overrides the timestamp against which the validity interval is checked now?: number // when set to false, the timestamp checks ignore the Not Before(`nbf`) property nbf?: boolean // when set to false, the timestamp checks ignore the Issued At(`iat`) property iat?: boolean // when set to false, the timestamp checks ignore the Expires At(`exp`) property exp?: boolean // when set to false, the JWT audience check is skipped aud?: boolean } export interface JWSCreationOptions { canonicalize?: boolean } export interface DIDAuthenticator { authenticators: VerificationMethod[] issuer: string didResolutionResult: DIDResolutionResult } export interface JWTHeader { typ: 'JWT' alg: string // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any [x: string]: any } export interface JWTPayload { iss?: string sub?: string aud?: string | string[] iat?: number nbf?: number exp?: number rexp?: number // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any [x: string]: any } export interface JWTDecoded { header: JWTHeader payload: JWTPayload signature: string data: string } export interface JWSDecoded { header: JWTHeader payload: string signature: string data: string } /** * Result object returned by {@link verifyJWT} */ export interface JWTVerified { /** * Set to true for a JWT that passes all the required checks minus any verification overrides. */ verified: true /** * The decoded JWT payload */ payload: Partial /** * The result of resolving the issuer DID */ didResolutionResult: DIDResolutionResult /** * the issuer DID */ issuer: string /** * The public key of the issuer that matches the JWT signature */ signer: VerificationMethod /** * The original JWT that was verified */ jwt: string /** * Any overrides that were used during verification */ policies?: JWTVerifyPolicies } export const SELF_ISSUED_V2 = '' export const SELF_ISSUED_V2_VC_INTEROP = '' // export const SELF_ISSUED_V0_1 = '' type LegacyVerificationMethod = { publicKey?: string } const defaultAlg: KNOWN_JWA = 'ES256K' const DID_JSON = 'application/did+json' // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function encodeSection(data: any, shouldCanonicalize = false): string { if (shouldCanonicalize) { return encodeBase64url(canonicalizeData(data)) } else { return encodeBase64url(JSON.stringify(data)) } } export const NBF_SKEW = 300 function decodeJWS(jws: string): JWSDecoded { const parts = jws.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/) if (parts) { return { header: JSON.parse(decodeBase64url(parts[1])), payload: parts[2], signature: parts[3], data: `${parts[1]}.${parts[2]}`, } } throw new Error('invalid_argument: Incorrect format JWS') } /** * Decodes a JWT and returns an object representing the payload * * @example * decodeJWT('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJpYXQiOjE1...') * * @param {String} jwt a JSON Web Token to verify * @param {Object} [recurse] whether to recurse into the payload to decode any nested JWTs * @return {Object} a JS object representing the decoded JWT */ export function decodeJWT(jwt: string, recurse = true): JWTDecoded { if (!jwt) throw new Error('invalid_argument: no JWT passed into decodeJWT') try { const jws = decodeJWS(jwt) const decodedJwt: JWTDecoded = Object.assign(jws, { payload: JSON.parse(decodeBase64url(jws.payload)) }) const iss = decodedJwt.payload.iss if (decodedJwt.header.cty === 'JWT' && recurse) { const innerDecodedJwt = decodeJWT(decodedJwt.payload.jwt) if (innerDecodedJwt.payload.iss !== iss) throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: multiple issuers`) return innerDecodedJwt } return decodedJwt } catch (e) { throw new Error('invalid_argument: Incorrect format JWT') } } /** * Creates a signed JWS given a payload, a signer, and an optional header. * * @example * const signer = ES256KSigner(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY) * const jws = await createJWS({ my: 'payload' }, signer) * * @param {Object} payload payload object * @param {Signer} signer a signer, see `ES256KSigner or `EdDSASigner` * @param {Object} header optional object to specify or customize the JWS header * @param {Object} options can be used to trigger automatic canonicalization of header and * payload properties * @return {Promise} a Promise which resolves to a JWS string or rejects with an error */ export async function createJWS( payload: string | Partial, signer: Signer, header: Partial = {}, options: JWSCreationOptions = {} ): Promise { if (!header.alg) header.alg = defaultAlg const encodedPayload = typeof payload === 'string' ? payload : encodeSection(payload, options.canonicalize) const signingInput: string = [encodeSection(header, options.canonicalize), encodedPayload].join('.') const jwtSigner: SignerAlgorithm = SignerAlg(header.alg) const signature: string = await jwtSigner(signingInput, signer) // JWS Compact Serialization // return [signingInput, signature].join('.') } /** * Creates a signed JWT given an address which becomes the issuer, a signer, and a payload for which the signature is * over. * * @example * const signer = ES256KSigner(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY) * createJWT({address: '5A8bRWU3F7j3REx3vkJ...', signer}, {key1: 'value', key2: ..., ... }).then(jwt => { * ... * }) * * @param {Object} payload payload object * @param {Object} [options] an unsigned credential object * @param {String} options.issuer The DID of the issuer (signer) of JWT * @param {String} options.alg [DEPRECATED] The JWT signing algorithm to use. Supports: * [ES256K, ES256K-R, Ed25519, EdDSA], Defaults to: ES256K. Please use `header.alg` to specify the algorithm * @param {Signer} options.signer a `Signer` function, Please see `ES256KSigner` or `EdDSASigner` * @param {boolean} options.canonicalize optional flag to canonicalize header and payload before signing * @param {Object} header optional object to specify or customize the JWT header * @return {Promise} a promise which resolves with a signed JSON Web Token or * rejects with an error */ export async function createJWT( payload: Partial, { issuer, signer, alg, expiresIn, canonicalize }: JWTOptions, header: Partial = {} ): Promise { if (!signer) throw new Error('missing_signer: No Signer functionality has been configured') if (!issuer) throw new Error('missing_issuer: No issuing DID has been configured') if (!header.typ) header.typ = 'JWT' if (!header.alg) header.alg = alg const timestamps: Partial = { iat: Math.floor( / 1000), exp: undefined, } if (expiresIn) { if (typeof expiresIn === 'number') { timestamps.exp = (payload.nbf || timestamps.iat) + Math.floor(expiresIn) } else { throw new Error('invalid_argument: JWT expiresIn is not a number') } } const fullPayload = { ...timestamps, ...payload, iss: issuer } return createJWS(fullPayload, signer, header, { canonicalize }) } /** * Creates a multi-signature signed JWT given multiple issuers and their corresponding signers, and a payload for * which the signature is over. * * @example * const signer = ES256KSigner(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY) * createJWT({address: '5A8bRWU3F7j3REx3vkJ...', signer}, {key1: 'value', key2: ..., ... }).then(jwt => { * ... * }) * * @param {Object} payload payload object * @param {Object} [options] an unsigned credential object * @param {boolean} options.expiresIn optional flag to denote the expiration time * @param {boolean} options.canonicalize optional flag to canonicalize header and payload before signing * @param {Object[]} issuers array of the issuers, their signers and algorithms * @param {string} issuers[].issuer The DID of the issuer (signer) of JWT * @param {Signer} issuers[].signer a `Signer` function, Please see `ES256KSigner` or `EdDSASigner` * @param {String} issuers[].alg [DEPRECATED] The JWT signing algorithm to use. Supports: * [ES256K, ES256K-R, Ed25519, EdDSA], Defaults to: ES256K. Please use `header.alg` to specify the algorithm * @return {Promise} a promise which resolves with a signed JSON Web Token or * rejects with an error */ export async function createMultisignatureJWT( payload: Partial, { expiresIn, canonicalize }: Partial, issuers: { issuer: string; signer: Signer; alg: string }[] ): Promise { if (issuers.length === 0) throw new Error('invalid_argument: must provide one or more issuers') let payloadResult: Partial = payload let jwt = '' for (let i = 0; i < issuers.length; i++) { const issuer = issuers[i] const header: Partial = { typ: 'JWT', alg: issuer.alg, } // Create nested JWT // See Point 5 of // After the first JWT is created (the first JWS), the next JWT is created by inputting the previous JWT as the // payload if (i !== 0) { header.cty = 'JWT' } jwt = await createJWT(payloadResult, { ...issuer, canonicalize, expiresIn }, header) payloadResult = { jwt } } return jwt } export function verifyJWTDecoded( { header, payload, data, signature }: JWTDecoded, pubKeys: VerificationMethod | VerificationMethod[] ): VerificationMethod { if (!Array.isArray(pubKeys)) pubKeys = [pubKeys] const iss = payload.iss let recurse = true do { if (iss !== payload.iss) throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: multiple issuers`) try { const result = VerifierAlgorithm(header.alg)(data, signature, pubKeys) return result } catch (e) { if (!(e as Error).message.startsWith(JWT_ERROR.INVALID_SIGNATURE)) throw e } // TODO probably best to create copy objects than replace reference objects if (header.cty !== 'JWT') { recurse = false } else { ;({ payload, header, signature, data } = decodeJWT(payload.jwt, false)) } } while (recurse) throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_SIGNATURE}: no matching public key found`) } export function verifyJWSDecoded( { header, data, signature }: JWSDecoded, pubKeys: VerificationMethod | VerificationMethod[] ): VerificationMethod { if (!Array.isArray(pubKeys)) pubKeys = [pubKeys] const signer: VerificationMethod = VerifierAlgorithm(header.alg)(data, signature, pubKeys) return signer } /** * Verifies given JWS. If the JWS is valid, returns the public key that was * used to sign the JWS, or throws an `Error` if none of the `pubKeys` match. * * @example * const pubKey = verifyJWS('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJyZXF1Z....', { publicKeyHex: '0x12341...' }) * * @param {String} jws A JWS string to verify * @param {Array | VerificationMethod} pubKeys The public keys used to verify the JWS * @return {VerificationMethod} The public key used to sign the JWS */ export function verifyJWS(jws: string, pubKeys: VerificationMethod | VerificationMethod[]): VerificationMethod { const jwsDecoded: JWSDecoded = decodeJWS(jws) return verifyJWSDecoded(jwsDecoded, pubKeys) } /** * Verifies given JWT. If the JWT is valid, the promise returns an object including the JWT, the payload of the JWT, * and the DID document of the issuer of the JWT. * * @example * ```ts * verifyJWT( * 'did:uport:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJyZXF1Z....', * {audience: '5A8bRWU3F7j3REx3vkJ...', callbackUrl: 'https://...'} * ).then(obj => { * const did = obj.did // DID of signer * const payload = obj.payload * const doc = obj.didResolutionResult.didDocument // DID Document of issuer * const jwt = obj.jwt * const signerKeyId = // ID of key in DID document that signed JWT * ... * }) * ``` * * @param {String} jwt a JSON Web Token to verify * @param {Object} [options] an unsigned credential object * @param {Boolean} options.auth Require signer to be listed in the authentication section of the * DID document (for Authentication purposes) * @param {String} options.audience DID of the recipient of the JWT * @param {String} options.callbackUrl callback url in JWT * @return {Promise} a promise which resolves with a response object or rejects with an * error */ export async function verifyJWT( jwt: string, options: JWTVerifyOptions = { resolver: undefined, auth: undefined, audience: undefined, callbackUrl: undefined, skewTime: undefined, proofPurpose: undefined, policies: {}, didAuthenticator: undefined, } ): Promise { if (!options.resolver) throw new Error('missing_resolver: No DID resolver has been configured') const { payload, header, signature, data }: JWTDecoded = decodeJWT(jwt, false) const proofPurpose: ProofPurposeTypes | undefined =, 'auth') ? options.auth ? 'authentication' : undefined : options.proofPurpose let didUrl: string | undefined if (!payload.iss && !payload.client_id) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT iss or client_id are required`) } if (options.didAuthenticator) { didUrl = options.didAuthenticator.issuer } else if (payload.iss === SELF_ISSUED_V2 || payload.iss === SELF_ISSUED_V2_VC_INTEROP) { if (!payload.sub) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT sub is required`) } if (typeof payload.sub_jwk === 'undefined') { didUrl = payload.sub } else { didUrl = (header.kid || '').split('#')[0] } } else if (payload.iss === SELF_ISSUED_V0_1) { if (!payload.did) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT did is required`) } didUrl = payload.did } else if (!payload.iss && payload.scope === 'openid' && payload.redirect_uri) { // SIOP Request payload // if (!payload.client_id) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT client_id is required`) } didUrl = payload.client_id } else { didUrl = payload.iss } if (!didUrl) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: No DID has been found in the JWT`) } let authenticators: VerificationMethod[] let issuer: string let didResolutionResult: DIDResolutionResult if (options.didAuthenticator) { ;({ didResolutionResult, authenticators, issuer } = options.didAuthenticator) } else { ;({ didResolutionResult, authenticators, issuer } = await resolveAuthenticator( options.resolver, header.alg, didUrl, proofPurpose )) // Add to options object for recursive reference options.didAuthenticator = { didResolutionResult, authenticators, issuer } } const { did } = parse(didUrl) as ParsedDID let signer: VerificationMethod | null = null if (did !== didUrl) { const authenticator = authenticators.find((auth) => === didUrl) if (!authenticator) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: No authenticator found for did URL ${didUrl}`) } signer = await verifyProof(jwt, { payload, header, signature, data }, authenticator, options) } else { let i = 0 while (!signer && i < authenticators.length) { const authenticator = authenticators[i] try { signer = await verifyProof(jwt, { payload, header, signature, data }, authenticator, options) } catch (e) { if (!(e as Error).message.includes(JWT_ERROR.INVALID_SIGNATURE) || i === authenticators.length - 1) throw e } i++ } } if (signer) { const now: number = typeof options.policies?.now === 'number' ? : Math.floor( / 1000) const skewTime = typeof options.skewTime !== 'undefined' && options.skewTime >= 0 ? options.skewTime : NBF_SKEW const nowSkewed = now + skewTime if (options.policies?.nbf !== false && payload.nbf) { if (payload.nbf > nowSkewed) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT not valid before nbf: ${payload.nbf}`) } } else if (options.policies?.iat !== false && payload.iat && payload.iat > nowSkewed) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT not valid yet (issued in the future) iat: ${payload.iat}`) } if (options.policies?.exp !== false && payload.exp && payload.exp <= now - skewTime) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_JWT}: JWT has expired: exp: ${payload.exp} < now: ${now}`) } if (options.policies?.aud !== false && payload.aud) { if (!options.audience && !options.callbackUrl) { throw new Error( `${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_AUDIENCE}: JWT audience is required but your app address has not been configured` ) } const audArray = Array.isArray(payload.aud) ? payload.aud : [payload.aud] const matchedAudience = audArray.find((item) => options.audience === item || options.callbackUrl === item) if (typeof matchedAudience === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_AUDIENCE}: JWT audience does not match your DID or callback url`) } } return { verified: true, payload, didResolutionResult, issuer, signer, jwt, policies: options.policies } } throw new Error( `${JWT_ERROR.INVALID_SIGNATURE}: JWT not valid. issuer DID document does not contain a verificationMethod that matches the signature.` ) } /** * Resolves relevant public keys or other authenticating material used to verify signature from the DID document of * provided DID * * @example * ```ts * resolveAuthenticator(resolver, 'ES256K', 'did:uport:2nQtiQG6Cgm1GYTBaaKAgr76uY7iSexUkqX').then(obj => { * const payload = obj.payload * const profile = obj.profile * const jwt = obj.jwt * // ... * }) * ``` * * @param resolver - {Resolvable} a DID resolver function that can obtain the `DIDDocument` for the `issuer` * @param alg - {String} a JWT algorithm * @param issuer - {String} a Decentralized Identifier (DID) to lookup * @param proofPurpose - {ProofPurposeTypes} *Optional* Use the verificationMethod linked in that section of the * issuer DID document * @return {Promise} a promise which resolves with an object containing an array of authenticators * or rejects with an error if none exist */ export async function resolveAuthenticator( resolver: Resolvable, alg: string, issuer: string, proofPurpose?: ProofPurposeTypes ): Promise { const types: string[] = SUPPORTED_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPES[alg as KNOWN_JWA] if (!types || types.length === 0) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.NOT_SUPPORTED}: No supported signature types for algorithm ${alg}`) } let didResult: DIDResolutionResult const result = (await resolver.resolve(issuer, { accept: DID_JSON })) as unknown // support legacy resolvers that do not produce DIDResolutionResult if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(result).indexOf('didDocument') === -1) { didResult = { didDocument: result as DIDDocument, didDocumentMetadata: {}, didResolutionMetadata: { contentType: DID_JSON }, } } else { didResult = result as DIDResolutionResult } if (didResult.didResolutionMetadata?.error || didResult.didDocument == null) { const { error, message } = didResult.didResolutionMetadata throw new Error( `${JWT_ERROR.RESOLVER_ERROR}: Unable to resolve DID document for ${issuer}: ${error}, ${message || ''}` ) } const getPublicKeyById = (verificationMethods: VerificationMethod[], pubid?: string): VerificationMethod | null => { const filtered = verificationMethods.filter(({ id }) => pubid === id) return filtered.length > 0 ? filtered[0] : null } let publicKeysToCheck: VerificationMethod[] = [ ...(didResult?.didDocument?.verificationMethod || []), ...(didResult?.didDocument?.publicKey || []), ] if (typeof proofPurpose === 'string') { // support legacy DID Documents that do not list assertionMethod if ( proofPurpose.startsWith('assertion') && !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(didResult?.didDocument).includes('assertionMethod') ) { didResult.didDocument = { ...(didResult.didDocument) } didResult.didDocument.assertionMethod = [ =>] } publicKeysToCheck = (didResult.didDocument[proofPurpose] || []) .map((verificationMethod) => { if (typeof verificationMethod === 'string') { return getPublicKeyById(publicKeysToCheck, verificationMethod) } else if (typeof (verificationMethod).publicKey === 'string') { // this is a legacy format return getPublicKeyById(publicKeysToCheck, (verificationMethod).publicKey) } else { return verificationMethod } }) .filter((key) => key != null) as VerificationMethod[] } const authenticators: VerificationMethod[] = publicKeysToCheck.filter(({ type }) => types.find((supported) => supported === type) ) if (typeof proofPurpose === 'string' && (!authenticators || authenticators.length === 0)) { throw new Error( `${JWT_ERROR.NO_SUITABLE_KEYS}: DID document for ${issuer} does not have public keys suitable for ${alg} with ${proofPurpose} purpose` ) } if (!authenticators || authenticators.length === 0) { throw new Error(`${JWT_ERROR.NO_SUITABLE_KEYS}: DID document for ${issuer} does not have public keys for ${alg}`) } return { authenticators, issuer, didResolutionResult: didResult } }