import { concat, fromString, toString } from 'uint8arrays' import { x25519 } from '@noble/curves/ed25519' import type { EphemeralKeyPair } from './encryption/types.js' import { varint } from 'multiformats' import { BaseName, decode, encode } from 'multibase' import type { VerificationMethod } from 'did-resolver' import { secp256k1 } from '@noble/curves/secp256k1' import { p256 } from '@noble/curves/p256' const u8a = { toString, fromString, concat } /** * @deprecated Signers will be expected to return base64url `string` signatures. */ export interface EcdsaSignature { r: string s: string recoveryParam?: number } /** * @deprecated Signers will be expected to return base64url `string` signatures. */ export type ECDSASignature = { compact: Uint8Array recovery?: number } export type JsonWebKey = { crv: string kty: string x?: string y?: string // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any [key: string]: any } export function bytesToBase64url(b: Uint8Array): string { return u8a.toString(b, 'base64url') } export function base64ToBytes(s: string): Uint8Array { const inputBase64Url = s.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, '') return u8a.fromString(inputBase64Url, 'base64url') } export function bytesToBase64(b: Uint8Array): string { return u8a.toString(b, 'base64pad') } export function base58ToBytes(s: string): Uint8Array { return u8a.fromString(s, 'base58btc') } export function bytesToBase58(b: Uint8Array): string { return u8a.toString(b, 'base58btc') } export type KNOWN_JWA = 'ES256' | 'ES256K' | 'ES256K-R' | 'Ed25519' | 'EdDSA' export type KNOWN_VERIFICATION_METHOD = | 'JsonWebKey2020' | 'Multikey' | 'Secp256k1SignatureVerificationKey2018' // deprecated in favor of EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | 'Secp256k1VerificationKey2018' // deprecated in favor of EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | 'EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019' // ES256K / ES256K-R | 'EcdsaPublicKeySecp256k1' // deprecated in favor of EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | 'EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020' // ES256K-R (ES256K also supported with 1 less bit of security) | 'EcdsaSecp256r1VerificationKey2019' // ES256 / P-256 | 'Ed25519VerificationKey2018' | 'Ed25519VerificationKey2020' | 'ED25519SignatureVerification' // deprecated | 'ConditionalProof2022' | 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2019' // deprecated | 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2020' export type KNOWN_KEY_TYPE = 'Secp256k1' | 'Ed25519' | 'X25519' | 'Bls12381G1' | 'Bls12381G2' | 'P-256' export type PublicKeyTypes = Record export const SUPPORTED_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPES: PublicKeyTypes = { ES256: ['JsonWebKey2020', 'Multikey', 'EcdsaSecp256r1VerificationKey2019'], ES256K: [ 'EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019', /** * Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is an ethereumAddress */ 'EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020', /** * @deprecated, supported for backward compatibility. Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is * not an ethereumAddress */ 'Secp256k1VerificationKey2018', /** * @deprecated, supported for backward compatibility. Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is * not an ethereumAddress */ 'Secp256k1SignatureVerificationKey2018', /** * @deprecated, supported for backward compatibility. Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is * not an ethereumAddress */ 'EcdsaPublicKeySecp256k1', /** * TODO - support R1 key as well * 'ConditionalProof2022', */ 'JsonWebKey2020', 'Multikey', ], 'ES256K-R': [ 'EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019', /** * Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is an ethereumAddress */ 'EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020', /** * @deprecated, supported for backward compatibility. Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is * not an ethereumAddress */ 'Secp256k1VerificationKey2018', /** * @deprecated, supported for backward compatibility. Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is * not an ethereumAddress */ 'Secp256k1SignatureVerificationKey2018', /** * @deprecated, supported for backward compatibility. Equivalent to EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 when key is * not an ethereumAddress */ 'EcdsaPublicKeySecp256k1', 'ConditionalProof2022', 'JsonWebKey2020', 'Multikey', ], Ed25519: [ 'ED25519SignatureVerification', 'Ed25519VerificationKey2018', 'Ed25519VerificationKey2020', 'JsonWebKey2020', 'Multikey', ], EdDSA: [ 'ED25519SignatureVerification', 'Ed25519VerificationKey2018', 'Ed25519VerificationKey2020', 'JsonWebKey2020', 'Multikey', ], } export const VM_TO_KEY_TYPE: Record = { Secp256k1SignatureVerificationKey2018: 'Secp256k1', Secp256k1VerificationKey2018: 'Secp256k1', EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019: 'Secp256k1', EcdsaPublicKeySecp256k1: 'Secp256k1', EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020: 'Secp256k1', EcdsaSecp256r1VerificationKey2019: 'P-256', Ed25519VerificationKey2018: 'Ed25519', Ed25519VerificationKey2020: 'Ed25519', ED25519SignatureVerification: 'Ed25519', X25519KeyAgreementKey2019: 'X25519', X25519KeyAgreementKey2020: 'X25519', ConditionalProof2022: undefined, JsonWebKey2020: undefined, // key type must be specified in the JWK Multikey: undefined, // key type must be extracted from the multicodec } export type KNOWN_CODECS = | 'ed25519-pub' | 'x25519-pub' | 'secp256k1-pub' | 'bls12_381-g1-pub' | 'bls12_381-g2-pub' | 'p256-pub' // this is from the multicodec table export const supportedCodecs: Record = { 'ed25519-pub': 0xed, 'x25519-pub': 0xec, 'secp256k1-pub': 0xe7, 'bls12_381-g1-pub': 0xea, 'bls12_381-g2-pub': 0xeb, 'p256-pub': 0x1200, } export const CODEC_TO_KEY_TYPE: Record = { 'bls12_381-g1-pub': 'Bls12381G1', 'bls12_381-g2-pub': 'Bls12381G2', 'ed25519-pub': 'Ed25519', 'p256-pub': 'P-256', 'secp256k1-pub': 'Secp256k1', 'x25519-pub': 'X25519', } /** * Extracts the raw byte representation of a public key from a VerificationMethod along with an inferred key type * @param pk a VerificationMethod entry from a DIDDocument * @return an object containing the `keyBytes` of the public key and an inferred `keyType` */ export function extractPublicKeyBytes(pk: VerificationMethod): { keyBytes: Uint8Array; keyType?: KNOWN_KEY_TYPE } { if (pk.publicKeyBase58) { return { keyBytes: base58ToBytes(pk.publicKeyBase58), keyType: VM_TO_KEY_TYPE[pk.type as KNOWN_VERIFICATION_METHOD], } } else if (pk.publicKeyBase64) { return { keyBytes: base64ToBytes(pk.publicKeyBase64), keyType: VM_TO_KEY_TYPE[pk.type as KNOWN_VERIFICATION_METHOD], } } else if (pk.publicKeyHex) { return { keyBytes: hexToBytes(pk.publicKeyHex), keyType: VM_TO_KEY_TYPE[pk.type as KNOWN_VERIFICATION_METHOD] } } else if (pk.publicKeyJwk && pk.publicKeyJwk.crv === 'secp256k1' && pk.publicKeyJwk.x && pk.publicKeyJwk.y) { return { keyBytes: secp256k1.ProjectivePoint.fromAffine({ x: bytesToBigInt(base64ToBytes(pk.publicKeyJwk.x)), y: bytesToBigInt(base64ToBytes(pk.publicKeyJwk.y)), }).toRawBytes(false), keyType: 'Secp256k1', } } else if (pk.publicKeyJwk && pk.publicKeyJwk.crv === 'P-256' && pk.publicKeyJwk.x && pk.publicKeyJwk.y) { return { keyBytes: p256.ProjectivePoint.fromAffine({ x: bytesToBigInt(base64ToBytes(pk.publicKeyJwk.x)), y: bytesToBigInt(base64ToBytes(pk.publicKeyJwk.y)), }).toRawBytes(false), keyType: 'P-256', } } else if ( pk.publicKeyJwk && pk.publicKeyJwk.kty === 'OKP' && ['Ed25519', 'X25519'].includes(pk.publicKeyJwk.crv ?? '') && pk.publicKeyJwk.x ) { return { keyBytes: base64ToBytes(pk.publicKeyJwk.x), keyType: pk.publicKeyJwk.crv as KNOWN_KEY_TYPE } } else if (pk.publicKeyMultibase) { const { keyBytes, keyType } = multibaseToBytes(pk.publicKeyMultibase) return { keyBytes, keyType: keyType ?? VM_TO_KEY_TYPE[pk.type as KNOWN_VERIFICATION_METHOD] } } return { keyBytes: new Uint8Array() } } /** * Encodes the given byte array to a multibase string (defaulting to base58btc). * If a codec is provided, the corresponding multicodec prefix will be added. * * @param b - the Uint8Array to be encoded * @param base - the base to use for encoding (defaults to base58btc) * @param codec - the codec to use for encoding (defaults to no codec) * * @returns the multibase encoded string * * @public */ export function bytesToMultibase( b: Uint8Array, base: BaseName = 'base58btc', codec?: keyof typeof supportedCodecs | number ): string { if (!codec) { return u8a.toString(encode(base, b), 'utf-8') } else { const codecCode = typeof codec === 'string' ? supportedCodecs[codec] : codec const prefixLength = varint.encodingLength(codecCode) const multicodecEncoding = new Uint8Array(prefixLength + b.length) varint.encodeTo(codecCode, multicodecEncoding) // set prefix multicodecEncoding.set(b, prefixLength) // add the original bytes return u8a.toString(encode(base, multicodecEncoding), 'utf-8') } } /** * Converts a multibase string to the Uint8Array it represents. * This method will assume the byte array that is multibase encoded is a multicodec and will attempt to decode it. * * @param s - the string to be converted * * @throws if the string is not formatted correctly. * * @public */ export function multibaseToBytes(s: string): { keyBytes: Uint8Array; keyType?: KNOWN_KEY_TYPE } { const bytes = decode(s) // look for known key lengths first // Ed25519/X25519, secp256k1/P256 compressed or not, BLS12-381 G1/G2 compressed if ([32, 33, 48, 64, 65, 96].includes(bytes.length)) { return { keyBytes: bytes } } // then assume multicodec, otherwise return the bytes try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [codec, length] = varint.decode(bytes) const possibleCodec: string | undefined = Object.entries(supportedCodecs).filter(([, code]) => code === codec)?.[0][0] ?? '' return { keyBytes: bytes.slice(length), keyType: CODEC_TO_KEY_TYPE[possibleCodec as KNOWN_CODECS] } } catch (e) { // not a multicodec, return the bytes return { keyBytes: bytes } } } export function hexToBytes(s: string, minLength?: number): Uint8Array { let input = s.startsWith('0x') ? s.substring(2) : s if (input.length % 2 !== 0) { input = `0${input}` } if (minLength) { const paddedLength = Math.max(input.length, minLength * 2) input = input.padStart(paddedLength, '00') } return u8a.fromString(input.toLowerCase(), 'base16') } export function encodeBase64url(s: string): string { return bytesToBase64url(u8a.fromString(s)) } export function decodeBase64url(s: string): string { return u8a.toString(base64ToBytes(s)) } export function bytesToHex(b: Uint8Array): string { return u8a.toString(b, 'base16') } export function bytesToBigInt(b: Uint8Array): bigint { return BigInt(`0x` + u8a.toString(b, 'base16')) } export function bigintToBytes(n: bigint, minLength?: number): Uint8Array { return hexToBytes(n.toString(16), minLength) } export function stringToBytes(s: string): Uint8Array { return u8a.fromString(s, 'utf-8') } export function toJose({ r, s, recoveryParam }: EcdsaSignature, recoverable?: boolean): string { const jose = new Uint8Array(recoverable ? 65 : 64) jose.set(u8a.fromString(r, 'base16'), 0) jose.set(u8a.fromString(s, 'base16'), 32) if (recoverable) { if (typeof recoveryParam === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Signer did not return a recoveryParam') } jose[64] = recoveryParam } return bytesToBase64url(jose) } export function fromJose(signature: string): { r: string; s: string; recoveryParam?: number } { const signatureBytes: Uint8Array = base64ToBytes(signature) if (signatureBytes.length < 64 || signatureBytes.length > 65) { throw new TypeError(`Wrong size for signature. Expected 64 or 65 bytes, but got ${signatureBytes.length}`) } const r = bytesToHex(signatureBytes.slice(0, 32)) const s = bytesToHex(signatureBytes.slice(32, 64)) const recoveryParam = signatureBytes.length === 65 ? signatureBytes[64] : undefined return { r, s, recoveryParam } } export function toSealed(ciphertext: string, tag?: string): Uint8Array { return u8a.concat([base64ToBytes(ciphertext), tag ? base64ToBytes(tag) : new Uint8Array(0)]) } export function leftpad(data: string, size = 64): string { if (data.length === size) return data return '0'.repeat(size - data.length) + data } /** * Generate random x25519 key pair. */ export function generateKeyPair(): { secretKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array } { const secretKey = x25519.utils.randomPrivateKey() const publicKey = x25519.getPublicKey(secretKey) return { secretKey: secretKey, publicKey: publicKey, } } /** * Generate private-public x25519 key pair from `seed`. */ export function generateKeyPairFromSeed(seed: Uint8Array): { secretKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array } { if (seed.length !== 32) { throw new Error(`x25519: seed must be ${32} bytes`) } return { publicKey: x25519.getPublicKey(seed), secretKey: seed, } } export function genX25519EphemeralKeyPair(): EphemeralKeyPair { const epk = generateKeyPair() return { publicKeyJWK: { kty: 'OKP', crv: 'X25519', x: bytesToBase64url(epk.publicKey) }, secretKey: epk.secretKey, } } /** * Checks if a variable is defined and not null. * After this check, typescript sees the variable as defined. * * @param arg - The input to be verified * * @returns true if the input variable is defined. */ export function isDefined(arg: T): arg is Exclude { return arg !== null && typeof arg !== 'undefined' }