import { Options, Result } from './types'; import { FileCompareHandlers } from './FileCompareHandlers'; export * from './types'; export { FileCompareHandlers }; /** * Synchronously compares given paths. * @param path1 Left file or directory to be compared. * @param path2 Right file or directory to be compared. * @param options Comparison options. */ export declare function compareSync(path1: string, path2: string, options?: Options): Result; /** * Asynchronously compares given paths. * @param path1 Left file or directory to be compared. * @param path2 Right file or directory to be compared. * @param options Comparison options. */ export declare function compare(path1: string, path2: string, options?: Options): Promise; /** * File comparison handlers. * These handlers are used when [[Options.compareContent]] is set. */ export declare const fileCompareHandlers: FileCompareHandlers; //#