
querystring = require 'querystring'
request     = require 'request'
compress    = require 'compress'

This is the entry point.

Needs a Discogs API key.

Takes an object as such:

config = {
  api_key: 'string'   # Required.
  f:       'json|xml' # Optional, defaults to 'json'. If 'xml' consumer is expected to take care of parsing

client = discogs({api_key: 'foo4711'})
exports = module.exports = (config) ->
  _config = {}
  _config.api_key = config.api_key

Default format

  _config.f = config.f or 'json'
  params = querystring.stringify(_config)

  gunzip = new compress.Gunzip()

Return a proper url with api_key and format

  getUrl = (url) ->
    url = "http://www.discogs.com/#{encodeURIComponent(url)}" if url.substr(0, 7) isnt 'http://'
    sep = if "?" in url then "&" else "?"

Make a request

  discogsRequest = (url, next) ->
      uri: getUrl(url),
      headers: {'accept-encoding': 'gzip'},
      encoding: 'binary',
      (error, res, body) =>
        if not error and 200 <= res.statusCode < 400
          if body
            body = gunzip.inflate(body) if 'gzip' in res.headers['content-type']
            body = JSON.parse(body) if 'json' in res.headers['content-type'] or _config.f is 'json'

          next(null, body)
  responseHandler = (type, next) ->
    (err, res) ->
      return next(err, res) if err or res not instanceof Object or type not of res?.resp
      next(null, res.resp[type])

  return {

Use this if you have a discogs url

    get: (url, next) ->
      discogsRequest url, next

Get a release

    release: (id, next) ->
      discogsRequest 'release/' + id,
        responseHandler('release', next)

Get an artist

    artist: (name, next) ->
      discogsRequest 'artist/' + name,
        responseHandler('artist', next)

Get a label

    label: (name, next) ->
      discogsRequest 'label/' + name,
        responseHandler('label', next)

Search for something Valid types: all, artists, labels, releases, needsvote, catno, forsale

    search: (query, type, next) ->
      if type instanceof Function
        next = type
        type = 'all'
      discogsRequest 'search?' + querystring.stringify(type: type, q: query),
        responseHandler('search', next)