import { Unsubscribe } from 'redux'; export declare type Identifier = string | symbol; export declare type SourceType = Identifier; export declare type TargetType = Identifier | Identifier[]; export declare type Unsubscribe = () => void; export declare type Listener = () => void; export interface XYCoord { x: number; y: number; } export declare enum HandlerRole { SOURCE = "SOURCE", TARGET = "TARGET" } export interface Backend { setup(): void; teardown(): void; connectDragSource(sourceId: any, node?: any, options?: any): Unsubscribe; connectDragPreview(sourceId: any, node?: any, options?: any): Unsubscribe; connectDropTarget(targetId: any, node?: any, options?: any): Unsubscribe; } export interface DragDropMonitor { subscribeToStateChange(listener: Listener, options?: { handlerIds: Identifier[] | undefined; }): Unsubscribe; subscribeToOffsetChange(listener: Listener): Unsubscribe; canDragSource(sourceId: Identifier | undefined): boolean; canDropOnTarget(targetId: Identifier | undefined): boolean; /** * Returns true if a drag operation is in progress, and either the owner initiated the drag, or its isDragging() * is defined and returns true. */ isDragging(): boolean; isDraggingSource(sourceId: Identifier | undefined): boolean; isOverTarget(targetId: Identifier | undefined, options?: { shallow?: boolean; }): boolean; /** * Returns a string or an ES6 symbol identifying the type of the current dragged item. Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getItemType(): Identifier | null; /** * Returns a plain object representing the currently dragged item. Every drag source must specify it by returning an object * from its beginDrag() method. Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getItem(): any; getSourceId(): Identifier | null; getTargetIds(): Identifier[]; /** * Returns a plain object representing the last recorded drop result. The drop targets may optionally specify it by returning an * object from their drop() methods. When a chain of drop() is dispatched for the nested targets, bottom up, any parent that * explicitly returns its own result from drop() overrides the child drop result previously set by the child. Returns null if * called outside endDrag(). */ getDropResult(): any; /** * Returns true if some drop target has handled the drop event, false otherwise. Even if a target did not return a drop result, * didDrop() returns true. Use it inside endDrag() to test whether any drop target has handled the drop. Returns false if called * outside endDrag(). */ didDrop(): boolean; isSourcePublic(): boolean | null; /** * Returns the { x, y } client offset of the pointer at the time when the current drag operation has started. * Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getInitialClientOffset(): XYCoord | null; /** * Returns the { x, y } client offset of the drag source component's root DOM node at the time when the current drag * operation has started. Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getInitialSourceClientOffset(): XYCoord | null; /** * Returns the last recorded { x, y } client offset of the pointer while a drag operation is in progress. * Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getClientOffset(): XYCoord | null; /** * Returns the projected { x, y } client offset of the drag source component's root DOM node, based on its position at the time * when the current drag operation has started, and the movement difference. Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getSourceClientOffset(): XYCoord | null; /** * Returns the { x, y } difference between the last recorded client offset of the pointer and the client offset when the current * drag operation has started. Returns null if no item is being dragged. */ getDifferenceFromInitialOffset(): XYCoord | null; } export interface HandlerRegistry { addSource(type: SourceType, source: DragSource): Identifier; addTarget(type: TargetType, target: DropTarget): Identifier; containsHandler(handler: DragSource | DropTarget): boolean; getSource(sourceId: Identifier, includePinned?: boolean): DragSource; getSourceType(sourceId: Identifier): SourceType; getTargetType(targetId: Identifier): TargetType; getTarget(targetId: Identifier): DropTarget; isSourceId(handlerId: Identifier): boolean; isTargetId(handlerId: Identifier): boolean; removeSource(sourceId: Identifier): void; removeTarget(targetId: Identifier): void; pinSource(sourceId: Identifier): void; unpinSource(): void; } export interface Action { type: Identifier; payload: Payload; } export interface SentinelAction { type: Identifier; } export declare type ActionCreator = (args: any[]) => Action; export interface BeginDragOptions { publishSource?: boolean; clientOffset?: XYCoord; getSourceClientOffset?: (sourceId: Identifier) => XYCoord; } export interface InitCoordsPayload { clientOffset: XYCoord | null; sourceClientOffset: XYCoord | null; } export interface BeginDragPayload { itemType: Identifier; item: any; sourceId: Identifier; clientOffset: XYCoord | null; sourceClientOffset: XYCoord | null; isSourcePublic: boolean; } export interface HoverPayload { targetIds: Identifier[]; clientOffset: XYCoord | null; } export interface HoverOptions { clientOffset?: XYCoord; } export interface DropPayload { dropResult: any; } export interface TargetIdPayload { targetId: Identifier; } export interface SourceIdPayload { sourceId: Identifier; } export interface DragDropActions { beginDrag(sourceIds: Identifier[], options?: any): Action; publishDragSource(): SentinelAction; hover(targetIds: Identifier[], options?: any): Action; drop(options?: any): void; endDrag(): SentinelAction; } export interface DragDropManager { getContext(): Context; getMonitor(): DragDropMonitor; getBackend(): Backend; getRegistry(): HandlerRegistry; getActions(): DragDropActions; dispatch(action: any): void; } export declare type BackendFactory = (dragDropManager: DragDropManager) => Backend; export interface DragSource { beginDrag(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): void; endDrag(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): void; canDrag(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): boolean; isDragging(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): boolean; } export interface DropTarget { canDrop(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): boolean; hover(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): void; drop(monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier): any; }