notification :gntp group :donna do # CoffeeScript for the donna library guard :coffeescript, input: 'src', output: 'lib', noop: true # Run Jasmine specs guard :shell do jasmine_node = File.expand_path('../node_modules/jasmine-node/bin/jasmine-node', __FILE__) watch(%r{src|spec}) { `#{jasmine_node} --coffee --color spec/` } end # Generate donna doc guard :shell do watch(%r{src|theme}) { `./bin/donna` } end end group :theme do # CoffeeScript for the default template guard :coffeescript, input: 'theme/default/src/coffee', output: 'theme/default/lib/scripts' # Compile the Compass style sheets guard :compass, configuration_file: 'config/compass.rb' do watch(%r{^theme\/default\/src\/styles\/(.*)\.scss}) end # Pack assets with Jammit for NPM distribution guard :jammit, hide_success: true, public_root: 'theme/default' do watch(/^theme\/default\/lib\/scripts\/(.*)\.js$/) watch(/^theme\/default\/lib\/styles\/(.*)\.css$/) end # Pack assets with Jammit for LiveReload guard :jammit, public_root: 'doc' do watch(/^theme\/default\/lib\/scripts\/(.*)\.js$/) watch(/^theme\/default\/lib\/styles\/(.*)\.css$/) end # Load changes with LiveReload into browser guard :livereload do watch(%r{^doc\/(.+)$}) end end