DOM XML Parser. [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] ## Installation ```bash $ npm install doodad-js-xml ``` ## Features - Parses XML from a stream. - By default, it uses the 'sax' package, but can support any other parser accepting chunks of data. ## Quick Start By default, we use the SAX parser : ```bash $ npm install sax ``` Now we can parse an XML document : ```js "use strict"; const root = require('doodad-js').createRoot( null, { node_env: 'development' } ); const modules = {}; require('doodad-js-io').add(modules); require('doodad-js-xml').add(modules); function startup() { const xml = root.Doodad.Tools.Xml; return xml.parse( "Another Me In Lack'echEpicaSilent LucidityQueensrycheOneMetallica" ).then(function(doc) { console.log(doc); }); }; root.Doodad.Namespaces.loadNamespaces( startup, false, null, modules ) ['catch'](function(err) { console.error(err); }); ``` ## Other available packages - **doodad-js-cluster**: Cluster manager (alpha) - **doodad-js-dates**: Dates formatting (release) - **doodad-js-http**: Http server (alpha) - **doodad-js-http_jsonrpc**: JSON-RPC over http server (alpha) - **doodad-js-io**: I/O module (alpha) - **doodad-js-ipc**: IPC/RPC server (alpha) - **doodad-js-loader**: Scripts loader (beta) - **doodad-js-locale**: Locales (release) - **doodad-js-make**: Make tools for doodad (alpha) - **doodad-js-mime**: Mime types (beta) - **doodad-js-minifiers**: Javascript minifier used by doodad (alpha) - **doodad-js-server**: Servers base module (alpha) - **doodad-js-templates**: HTML page templates (alpha) - **doodad-js-terminal**: Terminal (alpha) - **doodad-js-test**: Test application - **doodad-js-widgets**: Widgets base module (alpha) ## License [Apache-2.0][license-url] [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [license-url]: