import {type Get} from 'type-fest'; /** Get the value of the property at the given path. @param object - Object or array to get the `path` value. @param path - Path of the property in the object, using `.` to separate each nested key. Use `\\.` if you have a `.` in the key. @param defaultValue - Default value. @example ``` import {getProperty} from 'dot-prop'; getProperty({foo: {bar: 'unicorn'}}, ''); //=> 'unicorn' getProperty({foo: {bar: 'a'}}, 'foo.notDefined.deep'); //=> undefined getProperty({foo: {bar: 'a'}}, 'foo.notDefined.deep', 'default value'); //=> 'default value' getProperty({foo: {'': 'unicorn'}}, '\\.dot'); //=> 'unicorn' getProperty({foo: [{bar: 'unicorn'}]}, 'foo[0].bar'); //=> 'unicorn' ``` */ export function getProperty( object: ObjectType, path: PathType, defaultValue?: DefaultValue ): ObjectType extends Record | unknown[] ? (unknown extends Get ? DefaultValue : Get) : undefined; /** Set the property at the given path to the given value. @param object - Object or array to set the `path` value. @param path - Path of the property in the object, using `.` to separate each nested key. Use `\\.` if you have a `.` in the key. @param value - Value to set at `path`. @returns The object. @example ``` import {setProperty} from 'dot-prop'; const object = {foo: {bar: 'a'}}; setProperty(object, '', 'b'); console.log(object); //=> {foo: {bar: 'b'}} const foo = setProperty({}, '', 'c'); console.log(foo); //=> {foo: {bar: 'c'}} setProperty(object, 'foo.baz', 'x'); console.log(object); //=> {foo: {bar: 'b', baz: 'x'}} setProperty(object, '[0]', 'a'); console.log(object); //=> {foo: {bar: 'b', baz: 'x', biz: ['a']}} ``` */ export function setProperty>( object: ObjectType, path: string, value: unknown ): ObjectType; /** Check whether the property at the given path exists. @param object - Object or array to test the `path` value. @param path - Path of the property in the object, using `.` to separate each nested key. Use `\\.` if you have a `.` in the key. @example ``` import {hasProperty} from 'dot-prop'; hasProperty({foo: {bar: 'unicorn'}}, ''); //=> true ``` */ export function hasProperty(object: Record | undefined, path: string): boolean; /** Delete the property at the given path. @param object - Object or array to delete the `path` value. @param path - Path of the property in the object, using `.` to separate each nested key. Use `\\.` if you have a `.` in the key. @returns A boolean of whether the property existed before being deleted. @example ``` import {deleteProperty} from 'dot-prop'; const object = {foo: {bar: 'a'}}; deleteProperty(object, ''); console.log(object); //=> {foo: {}} = {x: 'y', y: 'x'}; deleteProperty(object, ''); console.log(object); //=> {foo: {bar: {y: 'x'}}} ``` */ export function deleteProperty(object: Record, path: string): boolean; /** Escape special characters in a path. Useful for sanitizing user input. @param path - The dot path to sanitize. @example ``` import {getProperty, escapePath} from 'dot-prop'; const object = { foo: { bar: 'πŸ‘ΈπŸ» You found me Mario!', }, '' : 'πŸ„ The princess is in another castle!', }; const escapedPath = escapePath(''); console.log(getProperty(object, escapedPath)); //=> 'πŸ„ The princess is in another castle!' ``` */ export function escapePath(path: string): string; /** Returns an array of every path. Non-empty plain objects and arrays are deeply recursed and are not themselves included. This can be useful to help flatten an object for an API that only accepts key-value pairs or for a tagged template literal. @param object - The object to iterate through. @example ``` import {getProperty, deepKeys} from 'dot-prop'; const user = { name: { first: 'Richie', last: 'Bendall', }, activeTasks: [], currentProject: null }; for (const property of deepKeys(user)) { console.log(`${property}: ${getProperty(user, property)}`); //=> name.first: Richie //=> name.last: Bendall //=> activeTasks: [] //=> currentProject: null } ``` */ export function deepKeys(object: unknown): string[];