/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow * @emails oncall+draft_js * * This file is a fork of DraftEditorBlock.react.js and DraftEditorContents.react.js * * This is unstable and not part of the public API and should not be used by * production systems. This file may be update/removed without notice. */ 'use strict'; import type { BlockNodeRecord } from "./BlockNodeRecord"; import type ContentState from "./ContentState"; import type { DraftBlockRenderMap } from "./DraftBlockRenderMap"; import type { DraftDecoratorType } from "./DraftDecoratorType"; import type { DraftInlineStyle } from "./DraftInlineStyle"; import type EditorState from "./EditorState"; import type SelectionState from "./SelectionState"; import type { BidiDirection } from "fbjs/lib/UnicodeBidiDirection"; const DraftEditorNode = require("./DraftEditorNode.react"); const DraftOffsetKey = require("./DraftOffsetKey"); const React = require("react"); const Scroll = require("fbjs/lib/Scroll"); const Style = require("fbjs/lib/Style"); const getElementPosition = require("fbjs/lib/getElementPosition"); const getScrollPosition = require("fbjs/lib/getScrollPosition"); const getViewportDimensions = require("fbjs/lib/getViewportDimensions"); const Immutable = require("immutable"); const invariant = require("fbjs/lib/invariant"); const isHTMLElement = require("./isHTMLElement"); const SCROLL_BUFFER = 10; const { List } = Immutable; // we should harden up the bellow flow types to make them more strict type CustomRenderConfig = Object; type DraftRenderConfig = Object; type BlockRenderFn = (block: BlockNodeRecord) => ?Object; type BlockStyleFn = (block: BlockNodeRecord) => string; type Props = { block: BlockNodeRecord, blockProps?: Object, blockRenderMap: DraftBlockRenderMap, blockRendererFn: BlockRenderFn, blockStyleFn: BlockStyleFn, contentState: ContentState, customStyleFn: (style: DraftInlineStyle, block: BlockNodeRecord) => ?Object, customStyleMap: Object, decorator: ?DraftDecoratorType, direction: BidiDirection, editorKey: string, editorState: EditorState, forceSelection: boolean, selection: SelectionState, startIndent?: boolean, tree: List, ... }; /** * Return whether a block overlaps with either edge of the `SelectionState`. */ const isBlockOnSelectionEdge = (selection: SelectionState, key: string): boolean => { return selection.getAnchorKey() === key || selection.getFocusKey() === key; }; /** * We will use this helper to identify blocks that need to be wrapped but have siblings that * also share the same wrapper element, this way we can do the wrapping once the last sibling * is added. */ const shouldNotAddWrapperElement = (block: BlockNodeRecord, contentState: ContentState): boolean => { const nextSiblingKey = block.getNextSiblingKey(); return nextSiblingKey ? contentState.getBlockForKey(nextSiblingKey).getType() === block.getType() : false; }; const applyWrapperElementToSiblings = (wrapperTemplate: *, Element: string, nodes: Array): Array => { const wrappedSiblings = []; // we check back until we find a sibling that does not have same wrapper for (const sibling: any of nodes.reverse()) { if (sibling.type !== Element) { break; } wrappedSiblings.push(sibling); } // we now should remove from acc the wrappedSiblings and add them back under same wrap nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(wrappedSiblings[0]), wrappedSiblings.length + 1); const childrenIs = wrappedSiblings.reverse(); const key = childrenIs[0].key; nodes.push(React.cloneElement(wrapperTemplate, { key: `${key}-wrap`, 'data-offset-key': DraftOffsetKey.encode(key, 0, 0) }, childrenIs)); return nodes; }; const getDraftRenderConfig = (block: BlockNodeRecord, blockRenderMap: DraftBlockRenderMap): DraftRenderConfig => { const configForType = blockRenderMap.get(block.getType()) || blockRenderMap.get('unstyled'); const wrapperTemplate = configForType.wrapper; const Element = configForType.element || blockRenderMap.get('unstyled').element; return { Element, wrapperTemplate }; }; const getCustomRenderConfig = (block: BlockNodeRecord, blockRendererFn: BlockRenderFn): CustomRenderConfig => { const customRenderer = blockRendererFn(block); if (!customRenderer) { return {}; } const { component: CustomComponent, props: customProps, editable: customEditable } = customRenderer; return { CustomComponent, customProps, customEditable }; }; const getElementPropsConfig = (block: BlockNodeRecord, editorKey: string, offsetKey: string, blockStyleFn: BlockStyleFn, customConfig: *, ref: null | {| current: null | Element |}): Object => { let elementProps: Object = { 'data-block': true, 'data-editor': editorKey, 'data-offset-key': offsetKey, key: block.getKey(), ref }; const customClass = blockStyleFn(block); if (customClass) { elementProps.className = customClass; } if (customConfig.customEditable !== undefined) { elementProps = { ...elementProps, contentEditable: customConfig.customEditable, suppressContentEditableWarning: true }; } return elementProps; }; class DraftEditorBlockNode extends React.Component { wrapperRef: {| current: null | Element |} = React.createRef(); shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props): boolean { const { block, direction, tree } = this.props; const isContainerNode = !block.getChildKeys().isEmpty(); const blockHasChanged = block !== nextProps.block || tree !== nextProps.tree || direction !== nextProps.direction || isBlockOnSelectionEdge(nextProps.selection, nextProps.block.getKey()) && nextProps.forceSelection; // if we have children at this stage we always re-render container nodes // else if its a root node we avoid re-rendering by checking for block updates return isContainerNode || blockHasChanged; } /** * When a block is mounted and overlaps the selection state, we need to make * sure that the cursor is visible to match native behavior. This may not * be the case if the user has pressed `RETURN` or pasted some content, since * programatically creating these new blocks and setting the DOM selection * will miss out on the browser natively scrolling to that position. * * To replicate native behavior, if the block overlaps the selection state * on mount, force the scroll position. Check the scroll state of the scroll * parent, and adjust it to align the entire block to the bottom of the * scroll parent. */ componentDidMount(): void { const selection = this.props.selection; const endKey = selection.getEndKey(); if (!selection.getHasFocus() || endKey !== this.props.block.getKey()) { return; } const blockNode = this.wrapperRef.current; if (!blockNode) { // This Block Node was rendered without a wrapper element. return; } const scrollParent = Style.getScrollParent(blockNode); const scrollPosition = getScrollPosition(scrollParent); let scrollDelta; if (scrollParent === window) { const nodePosition = getElementPosition(blockNode); const nodeBottom = nodePosition.y + nodePosition.height; const viewportHeight = getViewportDimensions().height; scrollDelta = nodeBottom - viewportHeight; if (scrollDelta > 0) { window.scrollTo(scrollPosition.x, scrollPosition.y + scrollDelta + SCROLL_BUFFER); } } else { invariant(isHTMLElement(blockNode), 'blockNode is not an HTMLElement'); const htmlBlockNode: HTMLElement = (blockNode: any); const blockBottom = htmlBlockNode.offsetHeight + htmlBlockNode.offsetTop; const scrollBottom = scrollParent.offsetHeight + scrollPosition.y; scrollDelta = blockBottom - scrollBottom; if (scrollDelta > 0) { Scroll.setTop(scrollParent, Scroll.getTop(scrollParent) + scrollDelta + SCROLL_BUFFER); } } } render(): React.Node { const { block, blockRenderMap, blockRendererFn, blockStyleFn, contentState, decorator, editorKey, editorState, customStyleFn, customStyleMap, direction, forceSelection, selection, tree } = this.props; let children = null; if (block.children.size) { children = block.children.reduce((acc, key) => { const offsetKey = DraftOffsetKey.encode(key, 0, 0); const child = contentState.getBlockForKey(key); const customConfig = getCustomRenderConfig(child, blockRendererFn); const Component = customConfig.CustomComponent || DraftEditorBlockNode; const { Element, wrapperTemplate } = getDraftRenderConfig(child, blockRenderMap); const elementProps = getElementPropsConfig(child, editorKey, offsetKey, blockStyleFn, customConfig, null); const childProps = { ...this.props, tree: editorState.getBlockTree(key), blockProps: customConfig.customProps, offsetKey, block: child }; acc.push(React.createElement(Element, elementProps, )); if (!wrapperTemplate || shouldNotAddWrapperElement(child, contentState)) { return acc; } // if we are here it means we are the last block // that has a wrapperTemplate so we should wrap itself // and all other previous siblings that share the same wrapper applyWrapperElementToSiblings(wrapperTemplate, Element, acc); return acc; }, []); } const blockKey = block.getKey(); const offsetKey = DraftOffsetKey.encode(blockKey, 0, 0); const customConfig = getCustomRenderConfig(block, blockRendererFn); const Component = customConfig.CustomComponent; const blockNode = Component != null ? : ; if (block.getParentKey()) { return blockNode; } const { Element } = getDraftRenderConfig(block, blockRenderMap); const elementProps = getElementPropsConfig(block, editorKey, offsetKey, blockStyleFn, customConfig, this.wrapperRef); // root block nodes needs to be wrapped return React.createElement(Element, elementProps, blockNode); } } module.exports = DraftEditorBlockNode;