declare var __DEV__: boolean; /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow strict-local * @emails oncall+draft_js * * This is unstable and not part of the public API and should not be used by * production systems. This file may be update/removed without notice. */ import type { BlockMap } from "./BlockMap"; const ContentBlockNode = require("./ContentBlockNode"); const DraftTreeInvariants = require("./DraftTreeInvariants"); const generateRandomKey = require("./generateRandomKey"); const Immutable = require("immutable"); const invariant = require("fbjs/lib/invariant"); type SiblingInsertPosition = 'previous' | 'next'; const verifyTree = (tree: BlockMap): void => { if (__DEV__) { invariant(DraftTreeInvariants.isValidTree(tree), 'The tree is not valid'); } }; /** * This is a utility method for setting B as a child of A, ensuring * that parent <-> child operations are correctly mirrored * * The child is inserted at 'position' index in the list * * The block map returned by this method may not be a valid tree (siblings are * unaffected) */ const updateParentChild = (blockMap: BlockMap, parentKey: string, childKey: string, position: number): BlockMap => { const parent = blockMap.get(parentKey); const child = blockMap.get(childKey); invariant(parent != null && child != null, 'parent & child should exist in the block map'); const newBlocks = {}; const existingChildren = parent.getChildKeys(); invariant(existingChildren != null && position >= 0 && position <= existingChildren.count(), 'position is not valid for the number of children'); // add as parent's child newBlocks[parentKey] = parent.merge({ children: existingChildren.splice(position, 0, childKey) }); let nextSiblingKey = null; let prevSiblingKey = null; // link new child as next sibling to the correct existing child if (position > 0) { prevSiblingKey = existingChildren.get(position - 1); newBlocks[prevSiblingKey] = blockMap.get(prevSiblingKey).merge({ nextSibling: childKey }); } // link new child as previous sibling to the correct existing child if (position < existingChildren.count()) { nextSiblingKey = existingChildren.get(position); newBlocks[nextSiblingKey] = blockMap.get(nextSiblingKey).merge({ prevSibling: childKey }); } // add parent & siblings to the child newBlocks[childKey] = child.merge({ parent: parentKey, prevSibling: prevSiblingKey, nextSibling: nextSiblingKey }); return blockMap.merge(newBlocks); }; /** * This is a utility method for setting B as the next sibling of A, ensuring * that sibling operations are correctly mirrored * * The block map returned by this method may not be a valid tree (parent/child/ * other siblings are unaffected) */ const updateSibling = (blockMap: BlockMap, prevKey: string, nextKey: string): BlockMap => { const prevSibling = blockMap.get(prevKey); const nextSibling = blockMap.get(nextKey); invariant(prevSibling != null && nextSibling != null, 'siblings should exist in the block map'); const newBlocks = {}; newBlocks[prevKey] = prevSibling.merge({ nextSibling: nextKey }); newBlocks[nextKey] = nextSibling.merge({ prevSibling: prevKey }); return blockMap.merge(newBlocks); }; /** * This is a utility method for replacing B by C as a child of A, ensuring * that parent <-> child connections between A & C are correctly mirrored * * The block map returned by this method may not be a valid tree (siblings are * unaffected) */ const replaceParentChild = (blockMap: BlockMap, parentKey: string, existingChildKey: string, newChildKey: string): BlockMap => { const parent = blockMap.get(parentKey); const newChild = blockMap.get(newChildKey); invariant(parent != null && newChild != null, 'parent & child should exist in the block map'); const existingChildren = parent.getChildKeys(); const newBlocks = {}; newBlocks[parentKey] = parent.merge({ children: existingChildren.set(existingChildren.indexOf(existingChildKey), newChildKey) }); newBlocks[newChildKey] = newChild.merge({ parent: parentKey }); return blockMap.merge(newBlocks); }; /** * This is a utility method that abstracts the operation of creating a new parent * for a particular node in the block map. * * This operation respects the tree data invariants - it expects and returns a * valid tree. */ const createNewParent = (blockMap: BlockMap, key: string): BlockMap => { verifyTree(blockMap); const block = blockMap.get(key); invariant(block != null, 'block must exist in block map'); const newParent = new ContentBlockNode({ key: generateRandomKey(), text: '', depth: block.depth, type: block.type, children: Immutable.List([]) }); // add the parent just before the child in the block map let newBlockMap = blockMap.takeUntil(block => block.getKey() === key).concat(Immutable.OrderedMap([[newParent.getKey(), newParent]])).concat(blockMap.skipUntil(block => block.getKey() === key)); // set parent <-> child connection newBlockMap = updateParentChild(newBlockMap, newParent.getKey(), key, 0); // set siblings & parent for the new parent key to child's siblings & parent const prevSibling = block.getPrevSiblingKey(); const nextSibling = block.getNextSiblingKey(); const parent = block.getParentKey(); if (prevSibling != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, prevSibling, newParent.getKey()); } if (nextSibling != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, newParent.getKey(), nextSibling); } if (parent != null) { newBlockMap = replaceParentChild(newBlockMap, parent, key, newParent.getKey()); } verifyTree(newBlockMap); return newBlockMap; }; /** * This is a utility method that abstracts the operation of adding a node as the child * of its previous or next sibling. * * The previous (or next) sibling must be a valid parent node. * * This operation respects the tree data invariants - it expects and returns a * valid tree. */ const updateAsSiblingsChild = (blockMap: BlockMap, key: string, position: SiblingInsertPosition): BlockMap => { verifyTree(blockMap); const block = blockMap.get(key); invariant(block != null, 'block must exist in block map'); const newParentKey = position === 'previous' ? block.getPrevSiblingKey() : block.getNextSiblingKey(); invariant(newParentKey != null, 'sibling is null'); const newParent = blockMap.get(newParentKey); invariant(newParent !== null && newParent.getText() === '', 'parent must be a valid node'); let newBlockMap = blockMap; switch (position) { case 'next': newBlockMap = updateParentChild(newBlockMap, newParentKey, key, 0); const prevSibling = block.getPrevSiblingKey(); if (prevSibling != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, prevSibling, newParentKey); } else { newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(newParentKey, newBlockMap.get(newParentKey).merge({ prevSibling: null })); } // we also need to flip the order of the sibling & block in the ordered map // for this case newBlockMap = newBlockMap.takeUntil(block => block.getKey() === key).concat(Immutable.OrderedMap([[newParentKey, newBlockMap.get(newParentKey)], [key, newBlockMap.get(key)]])).concat(newBlockMap.skipUntil(block => block.getKey() === newParentKey).slice(1)); break; case 'previous': newBlockMap = updateParentChild(newBlockMap, newParentKey, key, newParent.getChildKeys().count()); const nextSibling = block.getNextSiblingKey(); if (nextSibling != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, newParentKey, nextSibling); } else { newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(newParentKey, newBlockMap.get(newParentKey).merge({ nextSibling: null })); } break; } // remove the node as a child of its current parent const parentKey = block.getParentKey(); if (parentKey != null) { const parent = newBlockMap.get(parentKey); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(parentKey, parent.merge({ children: parent.getChildKeys().delete(parent.getChildKeys().indexOf(key)) })); } verifyTree(newBlockMap); return newBlockMap; }; /** * This is a utility method that abstracts the operation of moving a node up to become * a sibling of its parent. If the operation results in a parent with no children, * also delete the parent node. * * Can only operate on the first or last child (this is an invariant) * * This operation respects the tree data invariants - it expects and returns a * valid tree. */ const moveChildUp = (blockMap: BlockMap, key: string): BlockMap => { verifyTree(blockMap); const block = blockMap.get(key); invariant(block != null, 'block must exist in block map'); // if there is no parent, do nothing const parentKey = block.getParentKey(); if (parentKey == null) { return blockMap; } let parent = blockMap.get(parentKey); invariant(parent !== null, 'parent must exist in block map'); let newBlockMap = blockMap; const childIndex = parent.getChildKeys().indexOf(key); invariant(childIndex === 0 || childIndex === parent.getChildKeys().count() - 1, 'block is not first or last child of its parent'); // If it's the first child, move as previous sibling of parent if (childIndex === 0) { const parentPrevSibling = parent.getPrevSiblingKey(); newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, key, parentKey); // link to parent's previous sibling if (parentPrevSibling != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, parentPrevSibling, key); } // remove as parent's child parent = newBlockMap.get(parentKey); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(parentKey, parent.merge({ children: parent.getChildKeys().slice(1) })); parent = newBlockMap.get(parentKey); // remove as previous sibling of parent's children if (parent.getChildKeys().count() > 0) { const firstChildKey = parent.getChildKeys().first(); const firstChild = newBlockMap.get(firstChildKey); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(firstChildKey, firstChild.merge({ prevSibling: null })); } // add the node just before its former parent in the block map newBlockMap = newBlockMap.takeUntil(block => block.getKey() === parentKey).concat(Immutable.OrderedMap([[key, newBlockMap.get(key)], [parentKey, newBlockMap.get(parentKey)]])).concat(newBlockMap.skipUntil(block => block.getKey() === key).slice(1)); // If it's the last child, move as next sibling of parent } else if (childIndex === parent.getChildKeys().count() - 1) { const parentNextSibling = parent.getNextSiblingKey(); newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, parentKey, key); // link to parent's next sibling if (parentNextSibling != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, key, parentNextSibling); } // remove as parent's child parent = newBlockMap.get(parentKey); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(parentKey, parent.merge({ children: parent.getChildKeys().slice(0, -1) })); parent = newBlockMap.get(parentKey); // remove as next sibling of parent's children if (parent.getChildKeys().count() > 0) { const lastChildKey = parent.getChildKeys().last(); const lastChild = newBlockMap.get(lastChildKey); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(lastChildKey, lastChild.merge({ nextSibling: null })); } } // For both cases, also link to parent's parent const grandparentKey = parent.getParentKey(); if (grandparentKey != null) { const grandparentInsertPosition = newBlockMap.get(grandparentKey).getChildKeys().findIndex(n => n === parentKey); newBlockMap = updateParentChild(newBlockMap, grandparentKey, key, childIndex === 0 ? grandparentInsertPosition : grandparentInsertPosition + 1); } else { newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(key, newBlockMap.get(key).merge({ parent: null })); } // Delete parent if it has no children parent = newBlockMap.get(parentKey); if (parent.getChildKeys().count() === 0) { const prevSiblingKey = parent.getPrevSiblingKey(); const nextSiblingKey = parent.getNextSiblingKey(); if (prevSiblingKey != null && nextSiblingKey != null) { newBlockMap = updateSibling(newBlockMap, prevSiblingKey, nextSiblingKey); } if (prevSiblingKey == null && nextSiblingKey != null) { newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(nextSiblingKey, newBlockMap.get(nextSiblingKey).merge({ prevSibling: null })); } if (nextSiblingKey == null && prevSiblingKey != null) { newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(prevSiblingKey, newBlockMap.get(prevSiblingKey).merge({ nextSibling: null })); } if (grandparentKey != null) { const grandparent = newBlockMap.get(grandparentKey); const oldChildren = grandparent.getChildKeys(); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(grandparentKey, grandparent.merge({ children: oldChildren.delete(oldChildren.indexOf(parentKey)) })); } newBlockMap = newBlockMap.delete(parentKey); } verifyTree(newBlockMap); return newBlockMap; }; /** * This is a utility method to merge two non-leaf blocks into one. The next block's * children are added to the provided block & the next block is deleted. * * This operation respects the tree data invariants - it expects and returns a * valid tree. */ const mergeBlocks = (blockMap: BlockMap, key: string): BlockMap => { verifyTree(blockMap); // current block must be a non-leaf const block = blockMap.get(key); invariant(block !== null, 'block must exist in block map'); invariant(block.getChildKeys().count() > 0, 'block must be a non-leaf'); // next block must exist & be a non-leaf const nextBlockKey = block.getNextSiblingKey(); invariant(nextBlockKey != null, 'block must have a next block'); const nextBlock = blockMap.get(nextBlockKey); invariant(nextBlock != null, 'next block must exist in block map'); invariant(nextBlock.getChildKeys().count() > 0, 'next block must be a non-leaf'); const childKeys = block.getChildKeys().concat(nextBlock.getChildKeys()); let newBlockMap = blockMap.set(key, block.merge({ nextSibling: nextBlock.getNextSiblingKey(), children: childKeys })); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.merge(Immutable.OrderedMap(, i) => [k, blockMap.get(k).merge({ parent: key, prevSibling: i - 1 < 0 ? null : childKeys.get(i - 1), nextSibling: i + 1 === childKeys.count() ? null : childKeys.get(i + 1) })]))); newBlockMap = newBlockMap.delete(nextBlockKey); const nextNextBlockKey = nextBlock.getNextSiblingKey(); if (nextNextBlockKey != null) { newBlockMap = newBlockMap.set(nextNextBlockKey, blockMap.get(nextNextBlockKey).merge({ prevSibling: key })); } verifyTree(newBlockMap); return newBlockMap; }; module.exports = { updateParentChild, replaceParentChild, updateSibling, createNewParent, updateAsSiblingsChild, moveChildUp, mergeBlocks };