import * as nodefs from 'fs' import isogit from 'isomorphic-git' import http from 'isomorphic-git/http/node' interface Input { cwd?: string } export type GitSyncStatus = 'synced' | 'not_synced' | 'remote_needs_branch' class Git2 { private dir: string private fs: typeof nodefs private http: typeof http constructor(input?: Input) { this.dir = input?.cwd ?? process.cwd() this.fs = nodefs this.http = http } /** * Get the name of the currently checked out branch. */ getCurrentBranchName() { return isogit.currentBranch({ fs: this.fs, dir: this.dir }) } /** * Check how the local branch is not in sync or is with the remote. * Ref: */ async checkSyncStatus(input: { branchName: string }): Promise { let remoteUrl: string = await isogit.getConfig({ fs: this.fs, dir: this.dir, path: 'remote.origin.url', }) if (remoteUrl.startsWith('')) { remoteUrl = remoteUrl.replace('', '') } if (!remoteUrl.endsWith('.git')) { remoteUrl = remoteUrl + '.git' } let remoteInfo try { remoteInfo = await isogit.getRemoteInfo({ http: this.http, url: remoteUrl, }) } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch remote info from ${remoteUrl} due to error:\n\n${e}`) } if (!remoteInfo.refs) { throw new Error('Could not fetch refs') } if (!remoteInfo.refs.heads) { throw new Error('Could not fetch ref heads') } if ( !Object.keys(remoteInfo.refs.heads).find((remoteBranchName) => remoteBranchName === input.branchName) ) { return 'remote_needs_branch' } const localBranchHeadSha = await isogit.resolveRef({ fs: this.fs, dir: this.dir, ref: 'HEAD' }) const remoteBranchHeadSha = remoteInfo.refs.heads[input.branchName] if (localBranchHeadSha === remoteBranchHeadSha) { return 'synced' } return 'not_synced' // todo } } export function createGit(input?: Input) { return new Git2(input) }