import { rootDebug } from './debug' const debug = rootDebug(__filename) export interface GithubCIEnvironment { runId: number eventName: 'pull_request' ref: null | string headRef: null | string repository: string parsed: { repo: { name: string owner: string } branchName: null | string prNum?: number } } /** * Parse the Github CI Environment. Returns null if parsing fails which should * mean it is not a Github CI Environment. * * @remarks * * Github docs: */ export function parseGithubCIEnvironment(): null | GithubCIEnvironment { if (!isGithubCIEnvironment()) return null let prNum: GithubCIEnvironment['parsed']['prNum'] if (process.env.GITHUB_REF) { const match = process.env.GITHUB_REF.match(/refs\/pull\/(\d+)\/merge/) if (match) { debug('found a pr number from github ci environment %s', match[1]) prNum = parseInt(match[1], 10) } } const repoPath = process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY!.split('/') const repo = { owner: repoPath[0], name: repoPath[1], } let branchName: null | string = null if (process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF) { branchName = process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF } else if (process.env.GITHUB_REF) { branchName = process.env.GITHUB_REF.match(/^refs\/heads\/(.+)$/)?.[1] ?? null } return { runId: parseInt(process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID!, 10), eventName: process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME! as GithubCIEnvironment['eventName'], ref: process.env.GITHUB_REF ?? null, headRef: process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF ?? null, repository: process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY!, parsed: { prNum: prNum, repo: repo, branchName: branchName, }, } } /** * Check if the current process appers to be running in a Github CI environment. */ export function isGithubCIEnvironment() { return process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID !== undefined }