import * as fs from 'fs-jetpack' import * as PJ from './package-json' import * as proc from './proc' import { casesHandled } from './utils' type PackageManagerType = 'npm' | 'yarn' /** * This module abstracts running package manager commands. It is useful when * your users might be using npm or yarn but your code needs to stay agnostic to * which one. */ /** * Detect if being run within a yarn or npm script. Ref * */ function detectScriptRunner(): null | 'npm' | 'yarn' { if (process.env.npm_execpath?.match(/.+npm-cli.js$/)) return 'npm' if (process.env.npm_execpath?.match(/.+yarn.js$/)) return 'yarn' return null } /** * Publishes the package. * * About version handling and package.json: * * In the case of npm the given version will be written to the package.json * before publishing and then unwritten afterward. * * In the case of yarn, package.json is not touched at all. * * Either way, it should not be noticable to the user of this function. */ async function publish(manType: PackageManagerType, input: { version: string; tag: string }): Promise { if (manType === 'yarn') { const runString = `yarn publish --tag ${input.tag} --no-git-tag-version --new-version ${input.version}` await, { require: true }) } else if (manType === 'npm') { const pj = PJ.create(process.cwd()) const pjd = (await! // assume present and valid package.json has been validated already await pj.write({ ...pjd, version: input.version }) const runString = `npm publish --tag ${input.tag}` await, { require: true }) await pj.write(pjd) } else { casesHandled(manType) } } /** * Set an npm "dist-tag" to point at a particular version in the npm registry. * If the dist-tag does not exist it will be created. If it already exists it * will be moved without error. If it already points to the given version, * nothing will happen, including namely no error. */ async function tag( manType: PackageManagerType, packageName: string, input: { packageVersion: string tagName: string } ) { const runString = manType === 'npm' ? `npm dist-tags add ${packageName}@${input.packageVersion} ${input.tagName}` : manType === 'yarn' ? `yarn tag add ${packageName}@${input.packageVersion} ${input.tagName}` : casesHandled(manType) try { await, { require: true }) } catch (e) { if ( manType === 'yarn' && e.message.match(/error Couldn't add tag./) && e.message.match(/error An unexpected error occurred: ""./) ) { try { fs.remove('yarn-error.log') } catch (e) { // silence error if for some reason we cannot clean up the yarn error // log because it is not important enough to handle/tell user about. } // Silence error here because there is a bug with yarn where tag change command errors out but // actually work, ref: } else { throw e } } } export async function create(input: { defualt: PackageManagerType }) { const packageManagerType = detectScriptRunner() ?? input.defualt const packageJson = PJ.getPackageJsonSync() return { publish: publish.bind(null, packageManagerType), tag: tag.bind(null, packageManagerType,, } }