import { Application, Context, EggLogger } from 'egg'; import { MockMate } from 'mm'; import { Test } from 'supertest'; import { MockAgent } from 'urllib'; import { Suite } from 'mocha'; export { MockAgent }; interface EggTest extends Test { unexpectHeader(name: string, b?: Function): EggTest; expectHeader(name: string, b?: Function): EggTest; } type Methods = 'get' | 'post' | 'delete' | 'del' | 'put' | 'head' | 'options' | 'patch' | 'trace' | 'connect'; export interface BaseMockApplication extends Application { // tslint:disble-line ready(): Promise; close(): Promise; callback(): any; /** * mock Context */ mockContext(data?: any): C; /** * mock Context */ mockContextScope(fn: (ctx: C) => Promise, data?: any): Promise; /** * mock cookie session */ mockSession(data: any): T; mockCookies(cookies: any): T; mockHeaders(headers: any): T; /** * Mock service */ mockService(service: string, methodName: string, fn: any): T; /** * mock service that return error */ mockServiceError(service: string, methodName: string, err?: Error): T; mockHttpclient(mockUrl: string | RegExp, mockMethod: string | string[], mockResult: MockHttpClientResult): Application; mockHttpclient(mockUrl: string | RegExp, mockResult: MockHttpClientResult): Application; mockAgent(): MockAgent; mockAgentRestore(): Promise; mockRestore(): Promise; /** * mock csrf */ mockCsrf(): T; /** * http request helper */ httpRequest(): { [key in Methods]: (url: string) => EggTest; } & { [key: string]: (url: string) => EggTest; }; /** * mock logger */ mockLog(logger?: EggLogger | string): void; expectLog(expected: string | RegExp, logger?: EggLogger | string): void; notExpectLog(expected: string | RegExp, logger?: EggLogger | string): void; } interface ResultObject { data?: string | object; status?: number; headers?: any; delay?: number; persist?: boolean; repeats?: number; } type ResultFunction = (url?: string, opts?: any) => ResultObject | string | void; type MockHttpClientResult = ResultObject | ResultFunction | string; export interface MockOption { /** * The directory of the application */ baseDir?: string; /** * Custom you plugins */ plugins?: any; /** * The directory of the egg framework */ framework?: string; /** * Cache application based on baseDir */ cache?: boolean; /** * Swtich on process coverage, but it'll be slower */ coverage?: boolean; /** * Remove $baseDir/logs */ clean?: boolean; } type EnvType = 'default' | 'test' | 'prod' | 'local' | 'unittest' | string & {}; type LogLevel = 'DEBUG' | 'INFO' | 'WARN' | 'ERROR' | 'NONE'; export interface MockApplication extends BaseMockApplication { } export interface EggMock extends MockMate { /** * Create a egg mocked application */ app: (option?: MockOption) => MockApplication; /** * Create a mock cluster server, but you can't use API in application, you should test using supertest */ cluster: (option?: MockOption) => MockApplication; /** * mock the serverEnv of Egg */ env: (env: EnvType) => void; /** * mock console level */ consoleLevel: (level: LogLevel) => void; /** * set EGG_HOME path */ home: (homePath: string) => void; /** * restore mock */ restore: () => any; /** * If you use instead of egg-mock/bootstrap to bootstrap app. * Should manually call setGetAppCallback, * then egg-mock will inject ctx for each test case * @param cb */ setGetAppCallback: (cb: (suite: Suite) => Promise ) => void; } declare const mm: EggMock; export default mm;