declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/api" { /// import { VersionInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" import { EventEmitter } from "events" import { ProgressInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/ProgressCallbackTransform" export interface FileInfo { name: string url: string sha2?: string } export interface Provider { getLatestVersion(): Promise getUpdateFile(versionInfo: T): Promise } export function getDefaultChannelName(): string export function getCurrentPlatform(): any export function getChannelFilename(channel: string): string export interface UpdateCheckResult { readonly versionInfo: VersionInfo readonly fileInfo?: FileInfo readonly downloadPromise?: Promise | null } export const DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS = "download-progress" export class UpdaterSignal { private emitter constructor(emitter: EventEmitter) progress(handler: (info: ProgressInfo) => void): void updateDownloaded(handler: (info: VersionInfo) => void): void } } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/BintrayProvider" { import { Provider, FileInfo } from "electron-auto-updater/out/api" import { BintrayOptions, VersionInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" export class BintrayProvider implements Provider { private client constructor(configuration: BintrayOptions) getLatestVersion(): Promise getUpdateFile(versionInfo: VersionInfo): Promise } } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/GenericProvider" { import { Provider, FileInfo } from "electron-auto-updater/out/api" import { GenericServerOptions, UpdateInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" export class GenericProvider implements Provider { private readonly configuration private readonly baseUrl private readonly channel constructor(configuration: GenericServerOptions) getLatestVersion(): Promise getUpdateFile(versionInfo: UpdateInfo): Promise } export function validateUpdateInfo(info: UpdateInfo): void } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/GitHubProvider" { import { Provider, FileInfo } from "electron-auto-updater/out/api" import { VersionInfo, GithubOptions, UpdateInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" export class GitHubProvider implements Provider { private readonly options constructor(options: GithubOptions) getLatestVersion(): Promise private getBasePath() getUpdateFile(versionInfo: UpdateInfo): Promise } } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/electronHttpExecutor" { /// import { HttpExecutor, DownloadOptions } from "electron-builder-http" export class ElectronHttpExecutor extends HttpExecutor { download(url: string, destination: string, options?: DownloadOptions | null): Promise private addTimeOutHandler(request, callback) private doDownload(url, destination, redirectCount, options, callback) doApiRequest(options: Electron.RequestOptions, token: string | null, requestProcessor: (request: Electron.ClientRequest, reject: (error: Error) => void) => void, redirectCount?: number): Promise } } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/AppUpdater" { /// import { EventEmitter } from "events" import { UpdateCheckResult, FileInfo, UpdaterSignal } from "electron-auto-updater/out/api" import { BintrayOptions, PublishConfiguration, GithubOptions, GenericServerOptions, VersionInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" export interface Logger { info(message?: any): void warn(message?: any): void error(message?: any): void } export abstract class AppUpdater extends EventEmitter { /** * Automatically download an update when it is found. */ autoDownload: boolean protected updateAvailable: boolean private clientPromise private readonly untilAppReady private checkForUpdatesPromise protected readonly app: any protected versionInfo: VersionInfo | null private fileInfo readonly signals: UpdaterSignal /** * The logger. You can pass [electron-log](, [winston]( or another logger with the following interface: `{ info(), warn(), error() }`. * Set it to `null` if you would like to disable a logging feature. */ logger: Logger | null constructor(options: PublishConfiguration | BintrayOptions | GithubOptions | null | undefined) getFeedURL(): string | null | undefined setFeedURL(value: PublishConfiguration | BintrayOptions | GithubOptions | GenericServerOptions): void checkForUpdates(): Promise private _checkForUpdates() private doCheckForUpdates() protected onUpdateAvailable(versionInfo: VersionInfo, fileInfo: FileInfo): void /** * Start downloading update manually. You can use this method if `autoDownload` option is set to `false`. * @returns {Promise} Path to downloaded file. */ downloadUpdate(): Promise protected abstract doDownloadUpdate(versionInfo: VersionInfo, fileInfo: FileInfo): Promise abstract quitAndInstall(): void } } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/MacUpdater" { import { AppUpdater } from "electron-auto-updater/out/AppUpdater" import { BintrayOptions, PublishConfiguration, GithubOptions, VersionInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" import BluebirdPromise from "bluebird-lst-c" import { FileInfo } from "electron-auto-updater/out/api" export class MacUpdater extends AppUpdater { private readonly nativeUpdater constructor(options?: PublishConfiguration | BintrayOptions | GithubOptions) protected onUpdateAvailable(versionInfo: VersionInfo, fileInfo: FileInfo): void protected doDownloadUpdate(versionInfo: VersionInfo, fileInfo: FileInfo): BluebirdPromise quitAndInstall(): void } } declare module "electron-auto-updater" { import { AppUpdater } from "electron-auto-updater/out/AppUpdater" export const autoUpdater: AppUpdater } declare module "electron-auto-updater/out/NsisUpdater" { import { FileInfo } from "electron-auto-updater/out/api" import { BintrayOptions, PublishConfiguration, GithubOptions, VersionInfo } from "electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions" import { AppUpdater } from "electron-auto-updater/out/AppUpdater" export class NsisUpdater extends AppUpdater { private setupPath private quitAndInstallCalled private quitHandlerAdded constructor(options?: PublishConfiguration | BintrayOptions | GithubOptions) /** * Start downloading update manually. You can use this method if `autoDownload` option is set to `false`. * @returns {Promise} Path to downloaded file. */ protected doDownloadUpdate(versionInfo: VersionInfo, fileInfo: FileInfo): Promise private addQuitHandler() quitAndInstall(): void private install(isSilent) } }