import { spawnPromise } from 'spawn-rx'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as debug from 'debug'; import * as detectLibc from 'detect-libc'; import * as EventEmitter from 'events'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as nodeAbi from 'node-abi'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { readPackageJson } from './read-package-json'; import { lookupModuleState, cacheModuleState } from './cache'; export type ModuleType = 'prod' | 'dev' | 'optional'; export type RebuildMode = 'sequential' | 'parallel'; export interface RebuildOptions { buildPath: string; electronVersion: string; arch?: string; extraModules?: string[]; onlyModules?: string[] | null; force?: boolean; headerURL?: string; types?: ModuleType[]; mode?: RebuildMode; debug?: boolean; useCache?: boolean; cachePath?: string; prebuildTagPrefix?: string; } export type HashTree = { [path: string]: string | HashTree }; export interface RebuilderOptions extends RebuildOptions { lifecycle: EventEmitter; } const d = debug('electron-rebuild'); const defaultMode: RebuildMode = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'sequential' : 'parallel'; const defaultTypes: ModuleType[] = ['prod', 'optional']; // Update this number if you change the caching logic to ensure no bad cache hits const ELECTRON_REBUILD_CACHE_ID = 1; const locateBinary = async (basePath: string, suffix: string): Promise => { let testPath = basePath; for (let upDir = 0; upDir <= 20; upDir ++) { const checkPath = path.resolve(testPath, suffix); if (await fs.pathExists(checkPath)) { return checkPath; } testPath = path.resolve(testPath, '..'); } return null; }; const locateNodeGyp = async (): Promise => { return await locateBinary(__dirname, `node_modules/.bin/node-gyp${process.platform === 'win32' ? '.cmd' : ''}`); }; const locatePrebuild = async (modulePath: string): Promise => { return await locateBinary(modulePath, 'node_modules/prebuild-install/bin.js'); }; class Rebuilder { ABI: string; nodeGypPath: string; prodDeps: Set; rebuilds: (() => Promise)[]; realModulePaths: Set; realNodeModulesPaths: Set; public lifecycle: EventEmitter; public buildPath: string; public electronVersion: string; public arch: string; public extraModules: string[]; public onlyModules: string[] | null; public force: boolean; public headerURL: string; public types: ModuleType[]; public mode: RebuildMode; public debug: boolean; public useCache: boolean; public cachePath: string; public prebuildTagPrefix: string; constructor(options: RebuilderOptions) { this.lifecycle = options.lifecycle; this.buildPath = options.buildPath; this.electronVersion = options.electronVersion; this.arch = options.arch || process.arch; this.extraModules = options.extraModules || []; this.onlyModules = options.onlyModules || null; this.force = options.force || false; this.headerURL = options.headerURL || ''; this.types = options.types || defaultTypes; this.mode = options.mode || defaultMode; this.debug = options.debug || false; this.useCache = options.useCache || false; this.cachePath = options.cachePath || path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.electron-rebuild-cache'); this.prebuildTagPrefix = options.prebuildTagPrefix || 'v'; if (this.useCache && this.force) { console.warn('[WARNING]: Electron Rebuild has force enabled and cache enabled, force take precedence and the cache will not be used.'); this.useCache = false; } if (typeof this.electronVersion === 'number') { if (`${this.electronVersion}`.split('.').length === 1) { this.electronVersion = `${this.electronVersion}.0.0`; } else { this.electronVersion = `${this.electronVersion}.0`; } } if (typeof this.electronVersion !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Expected a string version for electron version, got a "${typeof this.electronVersion}"`); } this.ABI = nodeAbi.getAbi(this.electronVersion, 'electron'); this.prodDeps = this.extraModules.reduce((acc, x) => acc.add(x), new Set()); this.rebuilds = []; this.realModulePaths = new Set(); this.realNodeModulesPaths = new Set(); } async rebuild(): Promise { if (!path.isAbsolute(this.buildPath)) { throw new Error('Expected buildPath to be an absolute path'); } d( 'rebuilding with args:', this.buildPath, this.electronVersion, this.arch, this.extraModules, this.force, this.headerURL, this.types, this.debug ); this.lifecycle.emit('start'); const rootPackageJson = await readPackageJson(this.buildPath); const markWaiters: Promise[] = []; const depKeys = []; if (this.types.indexOf('prod') !== -1 || this.onlyModules) { depKeys.push(...Object.keys(rootPackageJson.dependencies || {})); } if (this.types.indexOf('optional') !== -1 || this.onlyModules) { depKeys.push(...Object.keys(rootPackageJson.optionalDependencies || {})); } if (this.types.indexOf('dev') !== -1 || this.onlyModules) { depKeys.push(...Object.keys(rootPackageJson.devDependencies || {})); } depKeys.forEach((key) => { this.prodDeps[key] = true; markWaiters.push(this.markChildrenAsProdDeps(path.resolve(this.buildPath, 'node_modules', key))); }); await Promise.all(markWaiters); d('identified prod deps:', this.prodDeps); await this.rebuildAllModulesIn(path.resolve(this.buildPath, 'node_modules')); this.rebuilds.push(() => this.rebuildModuleAt(this.buildPath)); if (this.mode !== 'sequential') { await Promise.all( => fn())); } else { for (const rebuildFn of this.rebuilds) { await rebuildFn(); } } } private hashDirectory = async (dir: string, relativeTo = dir): Promise => { d('hashing dir', dir); const dirTree: HashTree = {}; await Promise.all((await fs.readdir(dir)).map(async (child) => { d('found child', child, 'in dir', dir); // Ignore output directories if (dir === relativeTo && (child === 'build' || child === 'bin')) return; // Don't hash nested node_modules if (child === 'node_modules') return; const childPath = path.resolve(dir, child); const relative = path.relative(relativeTo, childPath); if ((await fs.stat(childPath)).isDirectory()) { dirTree[relative] = await this.hashDirectory(childPath, relativeTo); } else { dirTree[relative] = crypto.createHash('SHA256').update(await fs.readFile(childPath)).digest('hex'); } })); return dirTree; } private dHashTree = (tree: HashTree, hash: crypto.Hash): void => { for (const key of Object.keys(tree).sort()) { hash.update(key); if (typeof tree[key] === 'string') { hash.update(tree[key] as string); } else { this.dHashTree(tree[key] as HashTree, hash); } } } private generateCacheKey = async (opts: { modulePath: string }): Promise => { const tree = await this.hashDirectory(opts.modulePath); const hasher = crypto.createHash('SHA256') .update(`${ELECTRON_REBUILD_CACHE_ID}`) .update(path.basename(opts.modulePath)) .update(this.ABI) .update(this.arch) .update(this.debug ? 'debug' : 'not debug') .update(this.headerURL) .update(this.electronVersion); this.dHashTree(tree, hasher); const hash = hasher.digest('hex'); d('calculated hash of', opts.modulePath, 'to be', hash); return hash; } async rebuildModuleAt(modulePath: string): Promise { if (!(await fs.pathExists(path.resolve(modulePath, 'binding.gyp')))) { return; } const nodeGypPath = await locateNodeGyp(); if (!nodeGypPath) { throw new Error('Could not locate node-gyp'); } const buildType = this.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release'; const metaPath = path.resolve(modulePath, 'build', buildType, '.forge-meta'); const metaData = `${this.arch}--${this.ABI}`; this.lifecycle.emit('module-found', path.basename(modulePath)); if (!this.force && await fs.pathExists(metaPath)) { const meta = await fs.readFile(metaPath, 'utf8'); if (meta === metaData) { d(`skipping: ${path.basename(modulePath)} as it is already built`); this.lifecycle.emit('module-done'); this.lifecycle.emit('module-skip'); return; } } // prebuild already exists if (await fs.pathExists(path.resolve(modulePath, 'prebuilds', `${process.platform}-${this.arch}`, `electron-${this.ABI}.node`))) { d(`skipping: ${path.basename(modulePath)} as it was prebuilt`); return; } let cacheKey!: string; if (this.useCache) { cacheKey = await this.generateCacheKey({ modulePath, }); const applyDiffFn = await lookupModuleState(this.cachePath, cacheKey); if (typeof applyDiffFn === 'function') { await applyDiffFn(modulePath); this.lifecycle.emit('module-done'); return; } } const modulePackageJson = await readPackageJson(modulePath); if ((modulePackageJson.dependencies || {})['prebuild-install']) { d(`assuming is prebuild powered: ${path.basename(modulePath)}`); const prebuildInstallPath = await locatePrebuild(modulePath); if (prebuildInstallPath) { d(`triggering prebuild download step: ${path.basename(modulePath)}`); let success = false; const shimExt = process.env.ELECTRON_REBUILD_TESTS ? 'ts' : 'js'; const executable = process.env.ELECTRON_REBUILD_TESTS ? path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'ts-node') : process.execPath; try { await spawnPromise( executable, [ path.resolve(__dirname, `prebuild-shim.${shimExt}`), prebuildInstallPath, `--arch=${this.arch}`, `--platform=${process.platform}`, '--runtime=electron', `--target=${this.electronVersion}`, `--tag-prefix=${this.prebuildTagPrefix}` ], { cwd: modulePath, } ); success = true; } catch (err) { d('failed to use prebuild-install:', err); } if (success) { d('built:', path.basename(modulePath)); await fs.mkdirs(path.dirname(metaPath)); await fs.writeFile(metaPath, metaData); if (this.useCache) { await cacheModuleState(modulePath, this.cachePath, cacheKey); } this.lifecycle.emit('module-done'); return; } } else { d(`could not find prebuild-install relative to: ${modulePath}`); } } if (modulePath.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { console.error('Attempting to build a module with a space in the path'); console.error('See for reasons why this may not work'); // FIXME: Re-enable the throw when more research has been done // throw new Error(`node-gyp does not support building modules with spaces in their path, tried to build: ${modulePath}`); } d('rebuilding:', path.basename(modulePath)); const rebuildArgs = [ 'rebuild', `--target=${this.electronVersion}`, `--arch=${this.arch}`, `--dist-url=${this.headerURL}`, '--build-from-source', ]; if (this.debug) { rebuildArgs.push('--debug'); } for (const binaryKey of Object.keys(modulePackageJson.binary || {})) { if (binaryKey === 'napi_versions') { continue; } let value = modulePackageJson.binary[binaryKey]; if (binaryKey === 'module_path') { value = path.resolve(modulePath, value); } value = value.replace('{configuration}', buildType) .replace('{node_abi}', `electron-v${this.electronVersion.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')}`) .replace('{platform}', process.platform) .replace('{arch}', this.arch) .replace('{version}', modulePackageJson.version) .replace('{libc}', || 'unknown'); Object.keys(modulePackageJson.binary).forEach((binaryReplaceKey) => { value = value.replace(`{${binaryReplaceKey}}`, modulePackageJson.binary[binaryReplaceKey]); }); rebuildArgs.push(`--${binaryKey}=${value}`); } if (process.env.GYP_MSVS_VERSION) { rebuildArgs.push(`--msvs_version=${process.env.GYP_MSVS_VERSION}`); } d('rebuilding', path.basename(modulePath), 'with args', rebuildArgs); await spawnPromise(nodeGypPath, rebuildArgs, { cwd: modulePath, /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */ env: Object.assign({}, process.env, { USERPROFILE: path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.electron-gyp'), npm_config_disturl: '', npm_config_runtime: 'electron', npm_config_arch: this.arch, npm_config_target_arch: this.arch, npm_config_build_from_source: 'true', npm_config_debug: this.debug ? 'true' : '', npm_config_devdir: path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.electron-gyp'), }), /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */ }); d('built:', path.basename(modulePath)); await fs.mkdirs(path.dirname(metaPath)); await fs.writeFile(metaPath, metaData); const moduleName = path.basename(modulePath); const buildLocation = 'build/' + buildType; d('searching for .node file', path.resolve(modulePath, buildLocation)); d('testing files', (await fs.readdir(path.resolve(modulePath, buildLocation)))); const nodeFile = (await fs.readdir(path.resolve(modulePath, buildLocation))) .find((file) => file !== '.node' && file.endsWith('.node')); const nodePath = nodeFile ? path.resolve(modulePath, buildLocation, nodeFile) : undefined; const abiPath = path.resolve(modulePath, `bin/${process.platform}-${this.arch}-${this.ABI}`); if (nodePath && await fs.pathExists(nodePath)) { d('found .node file', nodePath); d('copying to prebuilt place:', abiPath); await fs.mkdirs(abiPath); await fs.copy(nodePath, path.resolve(abiPath, `${moduleName}.node`)); } if (this.useCache) { await cacheModuleState(modulePath, this.cachePath, cacheKey); } this.lifecycle.emit('module-done'); } async rebuildAllModulesIn(nodeModulesPath: string, prefix = ''): Promise { // Some package managers use symbolic links when installing node modules // we need to be sure we've never tested the a package before by resolving // all symlinks in the path and testing against a set const realNodeModulesPath = await fs.realpath(nodeModulesPath); if (this.realNodeModulesPaths.has(realNodeModulesPath)) { return; } this.realNodeModulesPaths.add(realNodeModulesPath); d('scanning:', realNodeModulesPath); for (const modulePath of await fs.readdir(realNodeModulesPath)) { // Ignore the magical .bin directory if (modulePath === '.bin') continue; // Ensure that we don't mark modules as needing to be rebuilt more than once // by ignoring / resolving symlinks const realPath = await fs.realpath(path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, modulePath)); if (this.realModulePaths.has(realPath)) { continue; } this.realModulePaths.add(realPath); if (this.prodDeps[`${prefix}${modulePath}`] && (!this.onlyModules || this.onlyModules.includes(modulePath))) { this.rebuilds.push(() => this.rebuildModuleAt(realPath)); } if (modulePath.startsWith('@')) { await this.rebuildAllModulesIn(realPath, `${modulePath}/`); } if (await fs.pathExists(path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, modulePath, 'node_modules'))) { await this.rebuildAllModulesIn(path.resolve(realPath, 'node_modules')); } } } async findModule(moduleName: string, fromDir: string, foundFn: ((p: string) => Promise)): Promise { let targetDir = fromDir; const foundFns = []; while (targetDir !== path.dirname(this.buildPath)) { const testPath = path.resolve(targetDir, 'node_modules', moduleName); if (await fs.pathExists(testPath)) { foundFns.push(foundFn(testPath)); } targetDir = path.dirname(targetDir); } return Promise.all(foundFns); } async markChildrenAsProdDeps(modulePath: string): Promise { if (!await fs.pathExists(modulePath)) { return; } d('exploring', modulePath); let childPackageJson; try { childPackageJson = await readPackageJson(modulePath, true); } catch (err) { return; } const moduleWait: Promise[] = []; const callback = this.markChildrenAsProdDeps.bind(this); Object.keys(childPackageJson.dependencies || {}).concat(Object.keys(childPackageJson.optionalDependencies || {})).forEach((key) => { if (this.prodDeps[key]) { return; } this.prodDeps[key] = true; moduleWait.push(this.findModule(key, modulePath, callback)); }); await Promise.all(moduleWait); } } function rebuildWithOptions(options: RebuildOptions): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params d('rebuilding with args:', arguments); const lifecycle = new EventEmitter(); const rebuilderOptions: RebuilderOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { lifecycle }); const rebuilder = new Rebuilder(rebuilderOptions); const ret = rebuilder.rebuild() as Promise & { lifecycle: EventEmitter }; ret.lifecycle = lifecycle; return ret; } export type RebuilderResult = Promise & { lifecycle: EventEmitter }; export type RebuildFunctionWithOptions = (options: RebuildOptions) => RebuilderResult; export type RebuildFunctionWithArgs = ( buildPath: string, electronVersion: string, arch?: string, extraModules?: string[], force?: boolean, headerURL?: string, types?: ModuleType[], mode?: RebuildMode, onlyModules?: string[] | null, debug?: boolean ) => RebuilderResult; export type RebuildFunction = RebuildFunctionWithArgs & RebuildFunctionWithOptions; export function createOptions( buildPath: string, electronVersion: string, arch: string, extraModules: string[], force: boolean, headerURL: string, types: ModuleType[], mode: RebuildMode, onlyModules: string[] | null, debug: boolean ): RebuildOptions { return { buildPath, electronVersion, arch, extraModules, onlyModules, force, headerURL, types, mode, debug }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function doRebuild(options: any, ...args: any[]): Promise { if (typeof options === 'object') { return rebuildWithOptions(options as RebuildOptions); } console.warn('You are using the deprecated electron-rebuild API, please switch to using the options object instead'); return rebuildWithOptions((createOptions as Function)(options, ...args)); } export const rebuild = (doRebuild as RebuildFunction); export function rebuildNativeModules( electronVersion: string, modulePath: string, whichModule= '', _headersDir: string | null = null, arch= process.arch, _command: string, _ignoreDevDeps= false, _ignoreOptDeps= false, _verbose= false): Promise { if (path.basename(modulePath) === 'node_modules') { modulePath = path.dirname(modulePath); } d('rebuilding in:', modulePath); console.warn('You are using the old API, please read the new docs and update to the new API'); return rebuild(modulePath, electronVersion, arch, whichModule.split(',')); }