import { CancellationToken, UpdateFileInfo, UpdateInfo } from "builder-util-runtime"; import { OutgoingHttpHeaders, RequestOptions } from "http"; import { URL } from "url"; import { ElectronHttpExecutor } from "../electronHttpExecutor"; import { ResolvedUpdateFileInfo } from "../main"; export type ProviderPlatform = "darwin" | "linux" | "win32"; export interface ProviderRuntimeOptions { isUseMultipleRangeRequest: boolean; platform: ProviderPlatform; executor: ElectronHttpExecutor; } export declare abstract class Provider { private readonly runtimeOptions; private requestHeaders; protected readonly executor: ElectronHttpExecutor; protected constructor(runtimeOptions: ProviderRuntimeOptions); get isUseMultipleRangeRequest(): boolean; private getChannelFilePrefix; protected getDefaultChannelName(): string; protected getCustomChannelName(channel: string): string; get fileExtraDownloadHeaders(): OutgoingHttpHeaders | null; setRequestHeaders(value: OutgoingHttpHeaders | null): void; abstract getLatestVersion(): Promise; abstract resolveFiles(updateInfo: T): Array; /** * Method to perform API request only to resolve update info, but not to download update. */ protected httpRequest(url: URL, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders | null, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Promise; protected createRequestOptions(url: URL, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders | null): RequestOptions; } export declare function findFile(files: Array, extension: string, not?: Array): ResolvedUpdateFileInfo | null | undefined; export declare function parseUpdateInfo(rawData: string | null, channelFile: string, channelFileUrl: URL): UpdateInfo; export declare function getFileList(updateInfo: UpdateInfo): Array; export declare function resolveFiles(updateInfo: UpdateInfo, baseUrl: URL, pathTransformer?: (p: string) => string): Array;