import * as path from 'path'; import * as out from 'out'; import { ContentGenerator } from './content'; import { BUILDERS, BadgeBuilder, isBadgeUrl } from './badges'; import { Package, PackageData } from './package'; import { readFileContent, isFilePresent } from './file-tools'; import { insertLicense } from './license-generator'; const debug = require('debug')('embellish'); const { parse } = require('marked-ast'); const { toMarkdown } = require('marked-ast-markdown'); interface BaseOptions { type: T; } interface FileOptions extends BaseOptions<'file'> { filename: string; } interface ContentOptions extends BaseOptions<'content'> { content: string; basePath: string; packageData: PackageData; } type AstSegmenter = number | (() => boolean); async function embellish(options: FileOptions | ContentOptions): Promise { if (options.type === 'file') { const packageFile = path.resolve(path.dirname(options.filename), 'package.json'); return embellish({ type: 'content', content: await readFileContent(options.filename), basePath: path.dirname(packageFile), packageData: await Package.readFromFile(packageFile), }); } const { content, basePath, packageData } = options; const ast = parse(content); await insertLicense(ast, packageData, basePath); await insertBadges(ast, packageData, basePath); return Promise.resolve(toMarkdown(ast)); } async function insertBadges(ast: any, data: PackageData, basePath: string) { const firstNonPrimaryHeadingIndex = ast.findIndex((item: any) => { return item.type === 'heading' && item.level > 1; }); const badges = await generateBadges(data, basePath); if (firstNonPrimaryHeadingIndex === -1) { badges.forEach(badge => ast.push(badge)); } else { badges.forEach(badge => ast.splice(firstNonPrimaryHeadingIndex, 0, badge)); // remove any of the previously generated (or manually created badges) removeNodeIfBadges(ast, firstNonPrimaryHeadingIndex - 1); } } function removeNodeIfBadges(ast: any, index: number) { const node = ast[index]; if (node.type !== 'paragraph') { return; } const nonEmptyNodes = node.text.filter((content: any) => content !== ' '); const badgeUrls = nonEmptyNodes .map((node: any) => node.type === 'link' && node.href) .filter((href: string) => isBadgeUrl(href)); // if we only have badge urls in the paragraph then remove the line and recurse to the // ast node above (same index after we remove this one) if (badgeUrls.length === nonEmptyNodes.length) { ast.splice(index, 1); removeNodeIfBadges(ast, index - 1); } } async function generateBadges(data: PackageData, basePath: string) { const badgeLoaders: (BadgeBuilder | string)[] = [ BUILDERS.nodeico, '---', BUILDERS.stability, BUILDERS.travis, BUILDERS.codeClimateMaintainability, ]; out('!{bold}generating badges'); const promises = => { if (typeof loader == 'string') { return loader; } return loader(data, basePath); }); // build the blocks const blocks = await Promise.all(promises).then(badges => badges.filter(Boolean)); // create the paragraphs const paragraphs = blocks.reduce( (memo, block) => { if (block === '---') { memo.push([]); } else if (block) { memo[memo.length - 1].push(block); } return memo; }, [[]], ); return paragraphs .reverse() // TODO: remove this when we are generating paragraphs in the expected order .map(para => para.join(' ')) .map(ContentGenerator.paragraph); } module.exports = { embellish, };