// Shut off automatically-export-everything-mode. We only want to export the
// things we explicitly *say* to export.
export {};
// Allows us to create a branded/opaque type which can *only* be constructed
// without an unsafe cast by calling `hbs()`.
declare const Data: unique symbol;
The result of calling `hbs()`: an internal type for Ember to use with other
framework-level APIs (public and private) like `setComponentTemplate()`.
This type is *not* user-constructible; it is only legal to get it from `hbs`.
declare class TemplateFactory {
private [Data]: 'template-factory';
// Only export the type side of the class, so that callers are not misled into
// thinking that they can instantiate, subclass, etc.
export type { TemplateFactory };
export interface PrecompileOptions {
moduleName?: string;
parseOptions?: {
srcName?: string;
* A helper for rendering components.
* @param tagged The template to render.
* ## Usage
* ### With tagged template
* ```ts
* import { module, test } from 'qunit';
* import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
* import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
* import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
* module('demonstrate hbs usage', function(hooks) {
* setupRenderingTest(hooks);
* test('you can render things', function(assert) {
* await render(hbs`
', { moduleName: 'hello.hbs' }), * MyComponent * ); * ``` */ export function hbs(template: string, options?: PrecompileOptions): TemplateFactory; export function hbs(tagged: TemplateStringsArray): TemplateFactory;