all files / addon/components/ step.js

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import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Component from '@ember/component';
export default Component.extend({
  // Optionally define the number (priority) of step
  step: 0,
  // The tooltip text of step
  intro: null,
  // Optionally define a CSS class for tooltip
  tooltipClass: null,
  // Optionally append a CSS class to the helperLayer
  highlightClass: null,
  // Optionally define the position of tooltip, top, left, right,
  // bottom, bottom-left-aligned (same as bottom), bottom-middle-aligned,
  // bottom-right-aligned or auto (to detect the position of element
  // and assign the correct position automatically). Default is bottom
  position: 'bottom',
  // The tooltip text of hint
  hint: null,
  // Optionally define the position of hint. Options: top-middle, top-left,
  // top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom-middle,
  // middle-left, middle-right, middle-middle. Default: top-middle
  hintPosition: 'top-middle',
  // PRIVATE interface - INTRO JS implementation
  attributeBindings: [
  'data-step': readOnly('step'),
  'data-hint': readOnly('hint'),
  'data-intro': readOnly('intro'),
  'data-tooltipClass': readOnly('tooltipClass'),
  'data-highlightClass': readOnly('highlightClass'),
  'data-position': readOnly('position'),
  'data-hintPosition': readOnly('hintPosition'),