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An Ember component addon for Tab component with various style options and theme customization.

Heavily inspired by this Codrops article






Example markup:

Bar style (x-tab)

```hbs {{#x-tab tab-style="tabs-style-bar" as |tab| }}

  {{!-- tab navigation --}}
    {{#x-tab/nav-wrap paneId="home" tab=tab}}
      <i class="icon icon-home"></i>
    {{#x-tab/nav-wrap paneId="archive" tab=tab}}
      <i class="icon icon-box"></i>
    {{#x-tab/nav-wrap paneId="analytics" tab=tab}}
      <i class="icon icon-display"></i>
    {{#x-tab/nav-wrap paneId="settings" tab=tab}}
      <i class="icon icon-tools"></i>
    {{#x-tab/nav-wrap paneId="upload" tab=tab}}
      <i class="icon icon-upload"></i>

  {{!-- tab content --}}
  <div class="content-wrap">
    {{#tab.pane elementId="home"}}
      <p>This is home content</p>

    {{#tab.pane elementId="archive"}}
      <p>This is archive content</p>
    {{#tab.pane elementId="analytics"}}
      <p>This is analytics content</p>
    {{#tab.pane elementId="settings"}}
      <p>This is settings content</p>
    {{#tab.pane elementId="upload"}}
      <p>This is upload content</p>



Bar style (x-tabs)

A fully contextual version of the tab component is provided under the name x-tabs

```hbs {{#x-tabs tab-style=tabStyle as | xt | }}

{{!-- tab content --}}
  {{#xt.tabs as | tabs |}}

    {{#tabs.tab name="home"}}
      <i class="icon icon-home"></i>

    {{#tabs.tab name="archive"}}
      <i class="icon icon-box"></i>

    {{#tabs.tab name="analytics"}}
      <i class="icon icon-display"></i>

    {{#tabs.tab name="settings"}}
      <i class="icon icon-tools"></i>

    {{#tabs.tab name="upload"}}
      <i class="icon icon-upload"></i>


  {{!-- tab content --}}
  {{#xt.panes as | panes |}}

    {{#panes.pane name="home"}}
      <p>This is home content</p>

    {{#panes.pane name="archive"}}
      <p>This is archive content</p>

    {{#panes.pane name="analytics"}}
      <p>This is analytics content</p>

    {{#panes.pane name="settings"}}
      <p>This is settings content</p>

    {{#panes.pane name="upload"}}
      <p>This is upload content</p>




x-tabs can also be used as a page-control, that is a control that has several tabs each with an associated data object. There is only one dataPane and as the tabs are selected, the tabs data is yielded to the dataPane

``` {{#x-tabs activeName="archive" tab-style="tabs-style-topline" as | xt | }}

  {{#xt.tabs as | tabs |}}
    {{#tabs.tab name="home" data=(hash name="Home data")}}
      <i class="icon icon-home"></i>
    {{#tabs.tab name="archive" data=(hash name="Archive Data")}}
      <i class="icon icon-box"></i>
    {{#tabs.tab name="analytics" data=(hash name="Analytics Data")}}
      <i class="icon icon-display"></i>
    {{#tabs.tab name="settings" data=(hash name="Settings Data")}}
      <i class="icon icon-tools"></i>
    {{#tabs.tab name="upload" data=(hash name="Upload Data")}}
      <i class="icon icon-upload"></i>


  {{#xt.dataPane as | pane |}}
    <h1>Page Control</h1>
    <p>Data: {{pane.data.name}}</p>



Tab styles

You can replace the tab-style property of the component to any of the following styles to get a different style variation of your tab component.

Customization - Theming

This tab component can be themed using CSS variables to suit the color of your choice.

Kindly override these variables in your css file.

For example:

``` css :root { --x-tab-active: #2CC185;

--x-tab-color1: #334455; --x-tab-color2: #74777b; --x-tab-color3: #4a4a4b; --x-tab-color4: #000;

/* Background colors */ --x-tab-bg1: #f7f7f7; --x-tab-bg2: #f0f0f0; --x-tab-bg3: #fff; --x-tab-bg4: #bdc2c9; } ```

Custom class name

Use the customClass option to add your own custom classnames. hbs {{#x-tab customClass="myTabClass" as |tab|}}

Write your own definition for the classnames ```css .myTabClass nav { background: lightblue; } .myTabClass nav ul a { color: lightblue; } .myTabClass nav ul a:hover { color: steelblue; } .myTabClass nav ul li.tab-current { background: steelblue; } .myTabClass nav ul li { background: white; margin: 4px 2px; }

.myTabClass nav ul li.tab-current a { color: white; } ```


Add a configuration for ember-x-tabs to include only the themes that you will use.

ENV['ember-x-tabs'] = { includedThemes: ['bar', 'circle', 'flip'], excludedThemes: ['iconbox'], excludeBaseStyles: false, // defaults to false defaultTheme: 'bar', // defaults to 'bar' };

To exclude or not include a theme, means that it's css styles will not be bundled with your application, thus not polluting your app.

Note: including a blank array e.g. includeThemes: [] will not include any themes, leaving you to define your own theme styles. See the vendor/ember-x-tabs/themes directory for reference.

Note: you may also want to set excludeBaseStyles: true so that this addon doesn't include the styles used by all the themes.

A big Thanks to Ilya Radchenko for making this configuration possible to have a small memory footprint of css in your app when you are using the addon.


Running Tests


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