import markupAbbreviation, { type Abbreviation } from '@emmetio/abbreviation'; import stylesheetAbbreviation, { type CSSAbbreviation } from '@emmetio/css-abbreviation'; import parseMarkup, { stringify as stringifyMarkup } from './markup/index.js'; import parseStylesheet, { stringify as stringifyStylesheet, convertSnippets as parseStylesheetSnippets, CSSAbbreviationScope } from './stylesheet/index.js'; import { type UserConfig, type Config } from './config.js'; export default function expandAbbreviation(abbr: string, config?: UserConfig): string; /** * Expands given *markup* abbreviation (e.g. regular Emmet abbreviation that * produces structured output like HTML) and outputs it according to options * provided in config */ export declare function markup(abbr: string | Abbreviation, config: Config): string; /** * Expands given *stylesheet* abbreviation (a special Emmet abbreviation designed for * stylesheet languages like CSS, SASS etc.) and outputs it according to options * provided in config */ export declare function stylesheet(abbr: string | CSSAbbreviation, config: Config): string; export { markupAbbreviation, parseMarkup, stringifyMarkup, stylesheetAbbreviation, parseStylesheet, stringifyStylesheet, parseStylesheetSnippets, CSSAbbreviationScope }; export type { Abbreviation as MarkupAbbreviation, CSSAbbreviation as StylesheetAbbreviation, }; export { default as extract, type ExtractOptions, type ExtractedAbbreviation } from './extract-abbreviation/index.js'; export { default as resolveConfig } from './config.js'; export type { GlobalConfig, SyntaxType, Config, UserConfig, Options, AbbreviationContext } from './config.js';