/* * This file was automatically generated. * DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND. * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update */ import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { AsyncSeriesBailHook, AsyncSeriesHook, SyncHook } from "tapable"; import { URL as URL_Import } from "url"; declare interface Abortable { /** * When provided the corresponding `AbortController` can be used to cancel an asynchronous action. */ signal?: AbortSignal; } type Alias = string | false | string[]; declare interface AliasOption { alias: Alias; name: string; onlyModule?: boolean; } type AliasOptionNewRequest = string | false | string[]; declare interface AliasOptions { [index: string]: AliasOptionNewRequest; } type BaseFileSystem = FileSystem & SyncFileSystem; declare interface BaseResolveRequest { path: string | false; context?: object; descriptionFilePath?: string; descriptionFileRoot?: string; descriptionFileData?: JsonObject; relativePath?: string; ignoreSymlinks?: boolean; fullySpecified?: boolean; __innerRequest?: string; __innerRequest_request?: string; __innerRequest_relativePath?: string; } type BufferEncoding = | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex"; type BufferEncodingOption = "buffer" | { encoding: "buffer" }; declare class CachedInputFileSystem { constructor(fileSystem: BaseFileSystem, duration: number); fileSystem: BaseFileSystem; lstat?: LStat; lstatSync?: LStatSync; stat: Stat; statSync: StatSync; readdir: Readdir; readdirSync: ReaddirSync; readFile: ReadFile; readFileSync: ReadFileSync; readJson?: ( arg0: PathOrFileDescriptor, arg1: ( arg0: null | Error | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: JsonObject ) => void ) => void; readJsonSync?: (arg0: PathOrFileDescriptor) => JsonObject; readlink: Readlink; readlinkSync: ReadlinkSync; realpath?: RealPath; realpathSync?: RealPathSync; purge( what?: | string | number | Buffer | URL_url | (string | number | Buffer | URL_url)[] | Set ): void; } declare class CloneBasenamePlugin { constructor( source: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >, target: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest > ); source: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >; target: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >; apply(resolver: Resolver): void; } declare interface Dirent { isFile: () => boolean; isDirectory: () => boolean; isBlockDevice: () => boolean; isCharacterDevice: () => boolean; isSymbolicLink: () => boolean; isFIFO: () => boolean; isSocket: () => boolean; name: string; path: string; } type EncodingOption = | undefined | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | ObjectEncodingOptions; type ErrorWithDetail = Error & { details?: string }; declare interface ExtensionAliasOption { alias: string | string[]; extension: string; } declare interface ExtensionAliasOptions { [index: string]: string | string[]; } declare interface FileSystem { readFile: ReadFile; readdir: Readdir; readJson?: ( arg0: PathOrFileDescriptor, arg1: ( arg0: null | Error | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: JsonObject ) => void ) => void; readlink: Readlink; lstat?: LStat; stat: Stat; realpath?: RealPath; } type IBigIntStats = IStatsBase & { atimeNs: bigint; mtimeNs: bigint; ctimeNs: bigint; birthtimeNs: bigint; }; declare interface IStats { isFile: () => boolean; isDirectory: () => boolean; isBlockDevice: () => boolean; isCharacterDevice: () => boolean; isSymbolicLink: () => boolean; isFIFO: () => boolean; isSocket: () => boolean; dev: number; ino: number; mode: number; nlink: number; uid: number; gid: number; rdev: number; size: number; blksize: number; blocks: number; atimeMs: number; mtimeMs: number; ctimeMs: number; birthtimeMs: number; atime: Date; mtime: Date; ctime: Date; birthtime: Date; } declare interface IStatsBase { isFile: () => boolean; isDirectory: () => boolean; isBlockDevice: () => boolean; isCharacterDevice: () => boolean; isSymbolicLink: () => boolean; isFIFO: () => boolean; isSocket: () => boolean; dev: T; ino: T; mode: T; nlink: T; uid: T; gid: T; rdev: T; size: T; blksize: T; blocks: T; atimeMs: T; mtimeMs: T; ctimeMs: T; birthtimeMs: T; atime: Date; mtime: Date; ctime: Date; birthtime: Date; } declare interface Iterator { ( item: T, callback: (err?: null | Error, result?: null | Z) => void, i: number ): void; } type JsonObject = { [index: string]: JsonValue } & { [index: string]: | undefined | null | string | number | boolean | JsonObject | JsonValue[]; }; type JsonValue = null | string | number | boolean | JsonObject | JsonValue[]; declare interface KnownHooks { resolveStep: SyncHook< [ AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >, ResolveRequest ] >; noResolve: SyncHook<[ResolveRequest, Error]>; resolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >; result: AsyncSeriesHook<[ResolveRequest, ResolveContext]>; } declare interface LStat { ( path: PathLike, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: undefined | (StatOptions & { bigint?: false }), callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: StatOptions & { bigint: true }, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IBigIntStats) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: undefined | StatOptions, callback: ( arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats | IBigIntStats ) => void ): void; } declare interface LStatSync { (path: PathLike, options?: undefined): IStats; ( path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false; throwIfNoEntry: false } ): undefined | IStats; ( path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true; throwIfNoEntry: false } ): undefined | IBigIntStats; (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false }): IStats; (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true }): IBigIntStats; ( path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: boolean; throwIfNoEntry?: false } ): IStats | IBigIntStats; (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions): | undefined | IStats | IBigIntStats; } declare class LogInfoPlugin { constructor( source: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest > ); source: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >; apply(resolver: Resolver): void; } declare interface ObjectEncodingOptions { encoding?: | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex"; } declare interface ParsedIdentifier { request: string; query: string; fragment: string; directory: boolean; module: boolean; file: boolean; internal: boolean; } type PathLike = string | Buffer | URL_url; type PathOrFileDescriptor = string | number | Buffer | URL_url; type Plugin = | undefined | null | false | "" | 0 | { apply: (arg0: Resolver) => void } | ((this: Resolver, arg1: Resolver) => void); declare interface PnpApi { resolveToUnqualified: ( arg0: string, arg1: string, arg2: object ) => null | string; } declare interface ReadFile { ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: | undefined | null | ({ encoding?: null; flag?: string } & Abortable), callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: Buffer) => void ): void; ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: | ({ encoding: BufferEncoding; flag?: string } & Abortable) | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex", callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string) => void ): void; ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: | undefined | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | (ObjectEncodingOptions & { flag?: string } & Abortable), callback: ( arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer ) => void ): void; ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: Buffer) => void ): void; } declare interface ReadFileSync { ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options?: null | { encoding?: null; flag?: string } ): Buffer; ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | { encoding: BufferEncoding; flag?: string } ): string; ( path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options?: | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | (ObjectEncodingOptions & { flag?: string }) ): string | Buffer; } declare interface Readdir { ( path: PathLike, options: | undefined | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | { encoding: | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex"; withFileTypes?: false; recursive?: boolean; }, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string[]) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: | { encoding: "buffer"; withFileTypes?: false; recursive?: boolean } | "buffer", callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: Buffer[]) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string[]) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: | undefined | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | (ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes?: false; recursive?: boolean; }), callback: ( arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string[] | Buffer[] ) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes: true; recursive?: boolean; }, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: Dirent[]) => void ): void; } declare interface ReaddirSync { ( path: PathLike, options?: | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | { encoding: | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex"; withFileTypes?: false; recursive?: boolean; } ): string[]; ( path: PathLike, options: | "buffer" | { encoding: "buffer"; withFileTypes?: false; recursive?: boolean } ): Buffer[]; ( path: PathLike, options?: | null | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex" | (ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes?: false; recursive?: boolean }) ): string[] | Buffer[]; ( path: PathLike, options: ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes: true; recursive?: boolean; } ): Dirent[]; } declare interface Readlink { ( path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: Buffer) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: ( arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer ) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string) => void ): void; } declare interface ReadlinkSync { (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string; (path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Buffer; (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string | Buffer; } declare interface RealPath { ( path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: Buffer) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: ( arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer ) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string) => void ): void; } declare interface RealPathSync { (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string; (path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Buffer; (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string | Buffer; } declare interface ResolveContext { contextDependencies?: WriteOnlySet; /** * files that was found on file system */ fileDependencies?: WriteOnlySet; /** * dependencies that was not found on file system */ missingDependencies?: WriteOnlySet; /** * set of hooks' calls. For instance, `resolve → parsedResolve → describedResolve`, */ stack?: Set; /** * log function */ log?: (arg0: string) => void; /** * yield result, if provided plugins can return several results */ yield?: (arg0: ResolveRequest) => void; } declare interface ResolveFunction { (context: object, path: string, request: string): string | false; (path: string, request: string): string | false; } declare interface ResolveFunctionAsync { ( context: object, path: string, request: string, resolveContext: ResolveContext, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; ( context: object, path: string, request: string, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; ( path: string, request: string, resolveContext: ResolveContext, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; ( path: string, request: string, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; } type ResolveOptionsOptionalFS = Omit< ResolveOptionsResolverFactoryObject_2, "fileSystem" > & Partial>; declare interface ResolveOptionsResolverFactoryObject_1 { alias: AliasOption[]; fallback: AliasOption[]; aliasFields: Set; extensionAlias: ExtensionAliasOption[]; cachePredicate: (arg0: ResolveRequest) => boolean; cacheWithContext: boolean; /** * A list of exports field condition names. */ conditionNames: Set; descriptionFiles: string[]; enforceExtension: boolean; exportsFields: Set; importsFields: Set; extensions: Set; fileSystem: FileSystem; unsafeCache: false | object; symlinks: boolean; resolver?: Resolver; modules: (string | string[])[]; mainFields: { name: string[]; forceRelative: boolean }[]; mainFiles: Set; plugins: Plugin[]; pnpApi: null | PnpApi; roots: Set; fullySpecified: boolean; resolveToContext: boolean; restrictions: Set; preferRelative: boolean; preferAbsolute: boolean; } declare interface ResolveOptionsResolverFactoryObject_2 { /** * A list of module alias configurations or an object which maps key to value */ alias?: AliasOptions | AliasOption[]; /** * A list of module alias configurations or an object which maps key to value, applied only after modules option */ fallback?: AliasOptions | AliasOption[]; /** * An object which maps extension to extension aliases */ extensionAlias?: ExtensionAliasOptions; /** * A list of alias fields in description files */ aliasFields?: (string | string[])[]; /** * A function which decides whether a request should be cached or not. An object is passed with at least `path` and `request` properties. */ cachePredicate?: (arg0: ResolveRequest) => boolean; /** * Whether or not the unsafeCache should include request context as part of the cache key. */ cacheWithContext?: boolean; /** * A list of description files to read from */ descriptionFiles?: string[]; /** * A list of exports field condition names. */ conditionNames?: string[]; /** * Enforce that a extension from extensions must be used */ enforceExtension?: boolean; /** * A list of exports fields in description files */ exportsFields?: (string | string[])[]; /** * A list of imports fields in description files */ importsFields?: (string | string[])[]; /** * A list of extensions which should be tried for files */ extensions?: string[]; /** * The file system which should be used */ fileSystem: FileSystem; /** * Use this cache object to unsafely cache the successful requests */ unsafeCache?: boolean | object; /** * Resolve symlinks to their symlinked location */ symlinks?: boolean; /** * A prepared Resolver to which the plugins are attached */ resolver?: Resolver; /** * A list of directories to resolve modules from, can be absolute path or folder name */ modules?: string | string[]; /** * A list of main fields in description files */ mainFields?: ( | string | string[] | { name: string | string[]; forceRelative: boolean } )[]; /** * A list of main files in directories */ mainFiles?: string[]; /** * A list of additional resolve plugins which should be applied */ plugins?: Plugin[]; /** * A PnP API that should be used - null is "never", undefined is "auto" */ pnpApi?: null | PnpApi; /** * A list of root paths */ roots?: string[]; /** * The request is already fully specified and no extensions or directories are resolved for it */ fullySpecified?: boolean; /** * Resolve to a context instead of a file */ resolveToContext?: boolean; /** * A list of resolve restrictions */ restrictions?: (string | RegExp)[]; /** * Use only the sync constraints of the file system calls */ useSyncFileSystemCalls?: boolean; /** * Prefer to resolve module requests as relative requests before falling back to modules */ preferRelative?: boolean; /** * Prefer to resolve server-relative urls as absolute paths before falling back to resolve in roots */ preferAbsolute?: boolean; } type ResolveRequest = BaseResolveRequest & Partial; declare abstract class Resolver { fileSystem: FileSystem; options: ResolveOptionsResolverFactoryObject_1; hooks: KnownHooks; ensureHook( name: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest > ): AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >; getHook( name: | string | AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest > ): AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >; resolveSync(context: object, path: string, request: string): string | false; resolve( context: object, path: string, request: string, resolveContext: ResolveContext, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; doResolve( hook: AsyncSeriesBailHook< [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext], null | ResolveRequest >, request: ResolveRequest, message: null | string, resolveContext: ResolveContext, callback: (err?: null | Error, result?: ResolveRequest) => void ): void; parse(identifier: string): ParsedIdentifier; isModule(path: string): boolean; isPrivate(path: string): boolean; isDirectory(path: string): boolean; join(path: string, request: string): string; normalize(path: string): string; } declare interface Stat { ( path: PathLike, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: undefined | (StatOptions & { bigint?: false }), callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: StatOptions & { bigint: true }, callback: (arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IBigIntStats) => void ): void; ( path: PathLike, options: undefined | StatOptions, callback: ( arg0: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats | IBigIntStats ) => void ): void; } declare interface StatOptions { bigint?: boolean; } declare interface StatSync { (path: PathLike, options?: undefined): IStats; ( path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false; throwIfNoEntry: false } ): undefined | IStats; ( path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true; throwIfNoEntry: false } ): undefined | IBigIntStats; (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false }): IStats; (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true }): IBigIntStats; ( path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: boolean; throwIfNoEntry?: false } ): IStats | IBigIntStats; (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions): | undefined | IStats | IBigIntStats; } declare interface StatSyncOptions { bigint?: boolean; throwIfNoEntry?: boolean; } declare interface SyncFileSystem { readFileSync: ReadFileSync; readdirSync: ReaddirSync; readJsonSync?: (arg0: PathOrFileDescriptor) => JsonObject; readlinkSync: ReadlinkSync; lstatSync?: LStatSync; statSync: StatSync; realpathSync?: RealPathSync; } /** * `URL` class is a global reference for `require('url').URL` * https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#the-whatwg-url-api */ declare interface URL_url extends URL_Import {} declare interface WriteOnlySet { add: (item: T) => void; } declare function exports( context: object, path: string, request: string, resolveContext: ResolveContext, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; declare function exports( context: object, path: string, request: string, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; declare function exports( path: string, request: string, resolveContext: ResolveContext, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; declare function exports( path: string, request: string, callback: ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void ): void; declare namespace exports { export const sync: ResolveFunction; export function create( options: ResolveOptionsOptionalFS ): ResolveFunctionAsync; export namespace create { export const sync: (options: ResolveOptionsOptionalFS) => ResolveFunction; } export namespace ResolverFactory { export let createResolver: ( options: ResolveOptionsResolverFactoryObject_2 ) => Resolver; } export const forEachBail: ( array: T[], iterator: Iterator, callback: (err?: null | Error, result?: null | Z, i?: number) => void ) => void; export type ResolveCallback = ( err: null | ErrorWithDetail, res?: string | false, req?: ResolveRequest ) => void; export { CachedInputFileSystem, CloneBasenamePlugin, LogInfoPlugin, ResolveOptionsOptionalFS, PnpApi, Resolver, FileSystem, ResolveContext, ResolveRequest, Plugin, ResolveOptionsResolverFactoryObject_2 as ResolveOptions, ResolveFunctionAsync, ResolveFunction }; } export = exports;