VimUnDoG@I-IB~1====W _W"!5_W#- `5_W #- `EntityPool.get` and `5_W $$5_W % %5_ W & &5_W'0- `EntityPool.get` was renamed to `getComponent`5_ #W'0- `EntityPool.add` was renamed to `getComponent`5_ W '0- `EntityPool.get` was renamed to `getComponent`5_ #W '0- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `getComponent`5_ W ('5_ W25_  W; )0- `EntityPool.get` was renamed to `getComponent`5_  &W? )3- `EntityPool.remove` was renamed to `getComponent`5_ W ))5_W *!- `EntityPool.registerComponent` 5_ W 0- `EntityPool.add` was renamed to `addComponent`5_W * )5_ W + +5_ W , ,5_ 0W -0- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`5_ W . primitives5_ W . primitives. This makes5_ WU /Prequiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without allocating new ones.5_ >WZ /R requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without allocating new ones.5_ HWc /I- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and now only works withH primitives. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior,5_  IWd .- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and now only works with primitives. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior,_ requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentally allocating new ones.5_!  VW0- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`5_ "!  VW 5_!#" VW + +5_"$#  VW , ,5_#%$  VW -- `EntityPool.addComponent` 5_$&%  VW - `EntityPool.addComponent` 5_%'&  VW , ,5_&('  VW -- `EntityPool.removeComponent` 5_')(  VW 0- `EntityPool.get` was renamed to `getComponent`5_(*) 6 VW ,- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and now only works with primitives. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior, requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentally allocating new ones.5_)+* F VW ,- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and should now only works with primitives. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior, requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentally allocating new ones.5_*,+ ^ VW ,- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and should now only be called with primitives. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior, requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentally allocating new ones.5_+-,  VW - `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and should now only be called with primitive values. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior, requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentally allocating new ones.5_,.- VW++5_-/.  VW  ### Changed5_.0/! VW+!- `EntityPool.registerComponent` 5_/10  VW - `EntityPool.getComponent` - `EntityPool.removeComponent` 5_021  VW )### Deprecated5_132  VW ) - `EntityPool.registerComponent`5_243  VW *- `EntityPool.addComponent` 5_354  VW + Replaces `set`5_465W+5_576W,,5_687W-## [3.0.0] - 2016-06-045_798W-## [4.0.0] - 2016-06-045_8:9W-## [4.0.0] - 2016-08-045_9;:W--5_:<;W ..5_;=<W/## [4.0.0] - 2016-08-145_<=W  0 /5_  Wj -I- `EntityPool.set` was renamed to `setComponent`, and now only works withH primitives. This makes it harder to break the object pooling behavior,Hrequiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentallyallocating new ones.5_  VWl 0J requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentally allocating new ones.5_ JW_ /J requiring you to use `get` to manipulate components without accidentallyallocating new ones.5_  &W= )(- `EntityPool.remove` was renamed to `r`5