/** We don't normalize anything, so it is just strings and strings. */ export type Data = Record /** We typecast the value as a string so that it is compatible with envfiles. */ export type Input = Record // perhaps in the future we can use @bevry/json's toJSON and parseJSON and JSON.stringify to support more advanced types /** Parse an envfile string. */ export function parse(src: string): Data { const result: Data = {} const lines = src.toString().split('\n') for (const line of lines) { const match = line.match(/^([^=:#]+?)[=:](.*)/) if (match) { const key = match[1].trim() const value = match[2].trim().replace(/['"]+/g, '') result[key] = value } } return result } /** Turn an object into an envfile string. */ export function stringify(obj: Input): string { let result = '' for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (key) { const line = `${key}=${String(value)}` result += line + '\n' } } return result }