SHELL := /bin/bash COFFEE = node_modules/.bin/coffee COFFEELINT = node_modules/.bin/coffeelint MOCHA = node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --require "coffee-script/register" REPORTER = nyan lint: @[ ! -f coffeelint.json ] && $(COFFEELINT) --makeconfig > coffeelint.json || true $(COFFEELINT) --file ./coffeelint.json src build: lint $(COFFEE) $(CSOPTS) -c -o lib src/ test: build $(MOCHA) --reporter $(REPORTER) test/ compile: @echo "Compiling files" time make build watch: watch -n 2 make -s compile release-major: build test npm version major -m "Upgrade to %s" git push npm publish release-minor: build test npm version minor -m "Upgrade to %s" git push npm publish release-patch: build test npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s" git push npm publish .PHONY: test lint build release compile watch