/// import Common from 'ethereumjs-common'; /** * Any object that can be transformed into a `Buffer` */ export interface TransformableToBuffer { toBuffer(): Buffer; } /** * A hex string prefixed with `0x`. */ export declare type PrefixedHexString = string; /** * A Buffer, hex string prefixed with `0x`, Number, or an object with a toBuffer method such as BN. */ export declare type BufferLike = Buffer | TransformableToBuffer | PrefixedHexString | number; /** * A transaction's data. */ export interface TxData { /** * The transaction's gas limit. */ gasLimit?: BufferLike; /** * The transaction's gas price. */ gasPrice?: BufferLike; /** * The transaction's the address is sent to. */ to?: BufferLike; /** * The transaction's nonce. */ nonce?: BufferLike; /** * This will contain the data of the message or the init of a contract */ data?: BufferLike; /** * EC recovery ID. */ v?: BufferLike; /** * EC signature parameter. */ r?: BufferLike; /** * EC signature parameter. */ s?: BufferLike; /** * The amount of Ether sent. */ value?: BufferLike; } /** * The data of a fake (self-signing) transaction. */ export interface FakeTxData extends TxData { /** * The sender of the Tx. */ from?: BufferLike; } /** * The transaction's options. This could be specified using a Common object, or `chain` and `hardfork`. Defaults to * mainnet. */ export interface TransactionOptions { /** * A Common object defining the chain and the hardfork a transaction belongs to. */ common?: Common; /** * The chain of the transaction, default: 'mainnet' */ chain?: number | string; /** * The hardfork of the transaction, default: 'petersburg' */ hardfork?: string; }