/// /// import { BN } from './externals'; export declare class Address { readonly buf: Buffer; constructor(buf: Buffer); /** * Returns the zero address. */ static zero(): Address; /** * Returns an Address object from a hex-encoded string. * @param str - Hex-encoded address */ static fromString(str: string): Address; /** * Returns an address for a given public key. * @param pubKey The two points of an uncompressed key */ static fromPublicKey(pubKey: Buffer): Address; /** * Returns an address for a given private key. * @param privateKey A private key must be 256 bits wide */ static fromPrivateKey(privateKey: Buffer): Address; /** * Generates an address for a newly created contract. * @param from The address which is creating this new address * @param nonce The nonce of the from account */ static generate(from: Address, nonce: BN): Address; /** * Generates an address for a contract created using CREATE2. * @param from The address which is creating this new address * @param salt A salt * @param initCode The init code of the contract being created */ static generate2(from: Address, salt: Buffer, initCode: Buffer): Address; /** * Is address equal to another. */ equals(address: Address): boolean; /** * Is address zero. */ isZero(): boolean; /** * True if address is in the address range defined * by EIP-1352 */ isPrecompileOrSystemAddress(): boolean; /** * Returns hex encoding of address. */ toString(): string; /** * Returns Buffer representation of address. */ toBuffer(): Buffer; }