import Blockchain from 'ethereumjs-blockchain'; import Common from 'ethereumjs-common'; import { StateManager } from './state'; import { RunCodeOpts } from './runCode'; import { RunCallOpts } from './runCall'; import { RunTxOpts, RunTxResult } from './runTx'; import { RunBlockOpts, RunBlockResult } from './runBlock'; import { EVMResult, ExecResult } from './evm/evm'; import { OpcodeList } from './evm/opcodes'; import PStateManager from './state/promisified'; declare const AsyncEventEmitter: any; /** * Options for instantiating a [[VM]]. */ export interface VMOpts { /** * The chain the VM operates on */ chain?: string; /** * Hardfork rules to be used */ hardfork?: string; /** * A [[StateManager]] instance to use as the state store (Beta API) */ stateManager?: StateManager; /** * A [merkle-patricia-tree]( instance for the state tree (ignored if stateManager is passed) * @deprecated */ state?: any; /** * A [blockchain]( object for storing/retrieving blocks */ blockchain?: Blockchain; /** * If true, create entries in the state tree for the precompiled contracts, saving some gas the * first time each of them is called. * * If this parameter is false, the first call to each of them has to pay an extra 25000 gas * for creating the account. * * Setting this to true has the effect of precompiled contracts' gas costs matching mainnet's from * the very first call, which is intended for testing networks. */ activatePrecompiles?: boolean; /** * Allows unlimited contract sizes while debugging. By setting this to `true`, the check for contract size limit of 24KB (see [EIP-170]( is bypassed */ allowUnlimitedContractSize?: boolean; common?: Common; } /** * Execution engine which can be used to run a blockchain, individual * blocks, individual transactions, or snippets of EVM bytecode. * * This class is an AsyncEventEmitter, please consult the README to learn how to use it. */ export default class VM extends AsyncEventEmitter { opts: VMOpts; _common: Common; stateManager: StateManager; blockchain: Blockchain; allowUnlimitedContractSize: boolean; _opcodes: OpcodeList; readonly _emit: (topic: string, data: any) => Promise; readonly pStateManager: PStateManager; /** * Instantiates a new [[VM]] Object. * @param opts - Default values for the options are: * - `chain`: 'mainnet' * - `hardfork`: 'petersburg' [supported: 'byzantium', 'constantinople', 'petersburg', 'istanbul' (DRAFT) (will throw on unsupported)] * - `activatePrecompiles`: false * - `allowUnlimitedContractSize`: false [ONLY set to `true` during debugging] */ constructor(opts?: VMOpts); /** * Processes blocks and adds them to the blockchain. * * This method modifies the state. * * @param blockchain - A [blockchain]( object to process */ runBlockchain(blockchain: any): Promise; /** * Processes the `block` running all of the transactions it contains and updating the miner's account * * This method modifies the state. If `generate` is `true`, the state modifications will be * reverted if an exception is raised. If it's `false`, it won't revert if the block's header is * invalid. If an error is thrown from an event handler, the state may or may not be reverted. * * @param opts - Default values for options: * - `generate`: false */ runBlock(opts: RunBlockOpts): Promise; /** * Process a transaction. Run the vm. Transfers eth. Checks balances. * * This method modifies the state. If an error is thrown, the modifications are reverted, except * when the error is thrown from an event handler. In the latter case the state may or may not be * reverted. */ runTx(opts: RunTxOpts): Promise; /** * runs a call (or create) operation. * * This method modifies the state. */ runCall(opts: RunCallOpts): Promise; /** * Runs EVM code. * * This method modifies the state. */ runCode(opts: RunCodeOpts): Promise; /** * Returns a copy of the [[VM]] instance. */ copy(): VM; } export {};