/// import Wallet from './index'; export default class EthereumHDKey { private readonly _hdkey?; /** * Creates an instance based on a seed. * * For the seed we suggest to use [bip39](https://npmjs.org/package/bip39) to * create one from a BIP39 mnemonic. */ static fromMasterSeed(seedBuffer: Buffer): EthereumHDKey; /** * Create an instance based on a BIP32 extended private or public key. */ static fromExtendedKey(base58Key: string): EthereumHDKey; constructor(_hdkey?: any); /** * Returns a BIP32 extended private key (xprv) */ privateExtendedKey(): Buffer; /** * Return a BIP32 extended public key (xpub) */ publicExtendedKey(): Buffer; /** * Derives a node based on a path (e.g. m/44'/0'/0/1) */ derivePath(path: string): EthereumHDKey; /** * Derive a node based on a child index */ deriveChild(index: number): EthereumHDKey; /** * Return a `Wallet` instance as seen above */ getWallet(): Wallet; }