const DEFAULT_VALUES = { emitDelay: 10, strictMode: false }; /** * @typedef {object} EventEmitterListenerFunc * @property {boolean} once * @property {function} fn */ /** * @class EventEmitter * * @private * @property {Object.} _listeners * @property {string[]} events */ class EventEmitter { /** * @constructor * @param {{}} [opts] * @param {number} [opts.emitDelay = 10] - Number in ms. Specifies whether emit will be sync or async. By default - 10ms. If 0 - fires sync * @param {boolean} [opts.strictMode = false] - is true, Emitter throws error on emit error with no listeners */ constructor(opts = DEFAULT_VALUES) { let emitDelay, strictMode; if (opts.hasOwnProperty('emitDelay')) { emitDelay = opts.emitDelay; } else { emitDelay = DEFAULT_VALUES.emitDelay; } this._emitDelay = emitDelay; if (opts.hasOwnProperty('strictMode')) { strictMode = opts.strictMode; } else { strictMode = DEFAULT_VALUES.strictMode; } this._strictMode = strictMode; this._listeners = {}; = []; } /** * @protected * @param {string} type * @param {function} listener * @param {boolean} [once = false] */ _addListenner(type, listener, once) { if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); } if ( === -1) { this._listeners[type] = [{ once: once, fn: listener }];; } else { this._listeners[type].push({ once: once, fn: listener }); } } /** * Subscribes on event type specified function * @param {string} type * @param {function} listener */ on(type, listener) { this._addListenner(type, listener, false); } /** * Subscribes on event type specified function to fire only once * @param {string} type * @param {function} listener */ once(type, listener) { this._addListenner(type, listener, true); } /** * Removes event with specified type. If specified listenerFunc - deletes only one listener of specified type * @param {string} eventType * @param {function} [listenerFunc] */ off(eventType, listenerFunc) { let typeIndex =; let hasType = eventType && typeIndex !== -1; if (hasType) { if (!listenerFunc) { delete this._listeners[eventType];, 1); } else { let removedEvents = []; let typeListeners = this._listeners[eventType]; typeListeners.forEach( /** * @param {EventEmitterListenerFunc} fn * @param {number} idx */ function (fn, idx) { if (fn.fn === listenerFunc) { removedEvents.unshift(idx); } } ); removedEvents.forEach(function (idx) { typeListeners.splice(idx,1); }); if (!typeListeners.length) {, 1); delete this._listeners[eventType]; } } } } /** * Applies arguments to specified event type * @param {string} eventType * @param {*[]} eventArguments * @protected */ _applyEvents(eventType, eventArguments) { let typeListeners = this._listeners[eventType]; if (!typeListeners || !typeListeners.length) { if (this._strictMode) { throw 'No listeners specified for event: ' + eventType; } else { return; } } let removableListeners = []; typeListeners.forEach(function (eeListener, idx) { eeListener.fn.apply(null, eventArguments); if (eeListener.once) { removableListeners.unshift(idx); } }); removableListeners.forEach(function (idx) { typeListeners.splice(idx, 1); }); } /** * Emits event with specified type and params. * @param {string} type * @param eventArgs */ emit(type, ...eventArgs) { if (this._emitDelay) { setTimeout(() => { ::this._applyEvents(type, eventArgs) }, this._emitDelay ); } else { this._applyEvents(type, eventArgs); } } /** * Emits event with specified type and params synchronously. * @param {string} type * @param eventArgs */ emitSync(type, ...eventArgs) { this._applyEvents(type, eventArgs); } } module.exports = EventEmitter;